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22 décembre 2013

University boards justify high pay for presidents Jack Stripling, The Chronicle of Higher Education. Robert J Zimmer is a man of few peers. The University of Chicago president, who heads one of America’s wealthiest institutions and gets free housing in a major metropolis, earned almost US$3.4-million in 2011, making him the highest paid private university leader in the United States that year, a Chronicle analysis has found. Read more...
22 décembre 2013

Shame on us (as in U.S.)! Liz Reisberg. Unlike our usual blogs, today’s missive is not exactly international in its focus.  Rather it addresses a uniquely US phenomenon—salaries for university presidents that are out of control.  Outside of the US, salaries for faculty and administrators at public universities are often defined by a civil service salary scale.  It is difficult to know what presidents of universities in the private sector outside of the US earn, particularly when they are “owners” of their university, common in the case of developing economies.  But I will venture to guess that even where presidents own their institution, that their annual income does not begin to approach the top US salaries revealed this week.  FORTY-TWO college presidents in the US earn total compensation above $1 million (four of these receive BASE PAY more than $1 million); six of the 42 are earning more than $2 million.  This is truly shocking to the rest of the world and not nearly shocking enough to us in the United States. Read more...
31 octobre 2013

Baromètre Randstad des salaires non-cadres l’occasion de la sortie du 5e baromètre Randstad des salaires non-cadres on apprend qu’en 2013, le salaire moyen d’un salarié non-cadre est de 1521 € brut, soit en moyenne 6,3 % de plus que le Smic.
Le panorama des rémunérations brutes réelles des populations non-cadres,révèle les disparités existantes au sein de cette population en termes de rémunération.
Basée sur l'évaluation d’1,4 millions de fiches de paie, cette étude menée sur l'ensemble du territoire national, permet une analyse de tous les bassins d'emploi, des métiers issus de tous les secteurs économiques et de tous les types d'entreprises. Consulter le baromètre. Article entier...


15 septembre 2013

Education pays new university year has not even begun for millions of students worldwide and already many are worrying about how they will pay their tuition fees. But for those asking themselves if it is all worth it, the answer is reassuring.
People with university-level degrees earn one and a half times as much as those without in OECD countries, as Education at a Glance 2013 tells us. These graduates are also more likely to have a job, with 75% of them in full-time employment, compared with 64% of those who did not complete secondary education (high-school).
But going to university is not an automatic guarantee of employment, and at a time of economic uncertainty and rising tuition fees, the prospect of starting one’s adult life already in debt through student loans may deter some. So how to acquire the skills to make you a hot property on the 21st century labour market? One option is apprenticeships, which can involve learning on the job or a combination of classes and work experience.
Countries with well-established vocational and apprenticeship programmes have been more effective in holding the line on youth unemployment, and oftentimes apprenticeships come with a guaranteed job at the end. At the same time, however, some consider vocational education a less attractive option than more academic education; and some research suggests that participation in vocational education increases the risk of unemployment at later ages.
Whatever choice you make, it is unlikely that once you graduate from school, college, or apprenticeship that you will be saying goodbye to education for the rest of your adult life. New technologies mean new jobs, and new skills to perform them in every walk of life. So whatever else you bring away from your education, make sure you do not forget how to learn.
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  • How much does education cost, who pays, and what kind of education do you need to succeed? Find out all this and more. – Education at a Glance 2013
  • People who have completed university can generally expect to earn more than those who don’t. But governments and societies benefit from these people’s investments as well. – Public returns on higher education
  • Young people from poorer families are badly underrepresented in higher education. What can be done? – Education for all
  • More policymakers are looking to apprenticeships as a possible way of strengthening the labour market and improving job prospects for the young. But not any apprenticeship will do. – Quality apprenticeships : The new degree?
  • Is increased youth entrepreneurship another possible way of reducing youth unemployment? What, if anything, can policymakers do to give young people a start in business? – Can youth entrepreneurship work?
  • Skills have become the global currency of the 21st century. What are the hot issues facing countries, companies and individuals today? – OECD Skills Platform
7 septembre 2013

More universities use zero-hours contracts than research shows . Lack of job security and extra non-contracted workload traps early career academics in a vicious cycle, says Carrie Dunn. I was interested to see the research by the Universities and Colleges Union that found that universities are twice as likely to use zero-hours contracts as other industries. Well, I say interested – I was more surprised: surprised that it was only twice as likely. The casualisation of teaching staff in higher education has been a problem for years. When I first began teaching, shortly after I'd begun my PhD, I was asked to take on the entire teaching load of one of the department's senior members of staff, who was off on a research sabbatical. Of course, being young and wanting the money, I agreed. More...

7 septembre 2013

Universities twice as likely as other employers to use zero-hours contracts .Half of universities and two-thirds of further education colleges use zero-hours contracts, freedom of information requests reveal. Universities and colleges are more than twice as likely to employ staff on controversial zero-hours contracts as other workplaces, freedom of information requests have found. More than half of the 145 UK universities and nearly two-thirds of the 275 further education colleges that responded to the requests said they used the contracts, which do not specify working hours and often give limited guarantees on conditions. The FoI requests were made by the University and College Union (UCU). Among businesses in the wider economy, according to recent research from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, just over a quarter (27%) of companies use zero-hours contracts. More...

19 août 2013

Les salaires des jeunes en baisse depuis 2004 "Il y a une vie après le bac" d'Olivier Rollot. Dans sa dernière note, le Céreq compare l’intégration des diplômés 1998 et 2004 après sept ans sur le marché du travail. Première constatation, malgré la crise financière de fin 2008, le chômage des jeunes entrés sur le marché du travail en 2004 arrive, sept ans plus tard, fin 2011, à un niveau voisin de celui de leurs aînés entrés en 1998. «Une mauvaise conjoncture en tout début de vie active aurait plutôt pour conséquence de retarder le processus d'insertion professionnelle que de le mettre à mal durablement, à des degrés divers selon le niveau de diplôme», analysent  Zora Mazari et Isabelle Recotillet, les auteurs de la note intitulée «Génération 2004 : des débuts de trajectoire durablement marqués par la crise?». Suite...

5 juillet 2013

La prime de l’indécence - 11459,48 euros Educpros de Pierre Dubois. La prime de l’indécence. Lettre ouverte de Pascal Maillard, administrateur, aux membres du CA de l’université de Strasbourg, 3 juillet 2013. « C’est sous le coup d’une profonde indignation que j’ai été conduit ce jour à quitter la séance du conseil d’administration… après avoir entendu les arguments du vice-président Ressources humaines et du président visant à obtenir le maintien des primes des vice-présidents à un montant de 11.459,48 euros « … « C’est une considération d’ensemble sur les efforts consentis par tous les personnels de notre université dans un contexte d’économies drastiques qui justifiait pleinement de demander aussi aux VP de participer à cet effort collectif »… Économies drastiques, lire la chronique Strasbourg, le budget 2014. Voir l'article entier... Blog Educpros of Pierre Dubois. After hearing the arguments of the Vice-President, Human Resources and the President to get the maintenance of premiums VPs amount of 11,459.48 euros. More...
9 juin 2013

Salaries fall for those with higher education Ann Yu. TAIPEI, Taiwan - Starting salaries for people with tertiary degrees have dropped in recent years, with pay for holders of master's degrees or above falling the most, according to a survey by the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA). The starting salary for a person with a post-graduate degree has dropped NT$682(S$28) from NT$32,321 in 2011. In the past 14 years those holding a bachelor's degree have experienced the biggest drop in starting salary, with a NT$740 difference compared to NT$27,462 in 1999. The average starting salary for a college graduate is currently NT$26,722, while a post-graduate currently receives NT$31,639. Read more...
2 juin 2013

Diplômes et salaires: les représentations des étudiants étudiants anticipent-ils correctement la valeur de leur diplôme sur le marché du travail? C'est le titre du document de travail de l'Institut de Recherche sur l’Education de l'Université de Bourgogne.
Ce travail analyse la manière dont les étudiants de première année d'université anticipent leurs salaires futurs, puis compare ces salaires à ceux qu'ils peuvent réellement observer sur le marché du travail. Les résultats montrent globalement une surestimation des salaires anticipés d'environ 9%. Les salaires anticipés après dix ans de carrières sont supérieurs de 28% aux salaires observés des diplômés à ancienneté comparable.
Les résultats soulignent également l'importance de l'environnement familial lors du choix des études supérieures. Les salaires anticipés vont être plus élevés lorsque les parents vont s'intéresser à l'orientation de leurs enfants, lorsqu'ils seront d'accord avec leur projet scolaire et lorsque la profession du père est liée avec le projet scolaire des parents.
Consultez l'étude sur le site de l'IREDU
. Students they anticipate correctly the value of their degree in the labor market? This is the title of the paper of the Institute of Educational Research at the University of Burgundy. This work examines how students of first year university anticipate future wages, then compare these salaries to those they can actually observe in the labor market. More...

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