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13 avril 2019

Conférence sur les risques liés au travail en hauteur

Direccte GuyaneDans le cadre de la Journée Mondiale de la Sécurité 2019, les Entreprises Utilisatrices du MASE Guyane vous invite très cordialement à une conférence sur le thème des « RISQUES LIES AU TRAVAIL EN HAUTEUR ». Plus...

11 avril 2019

Higher Education at Risk

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Higher Education at Risk
Good interview with Richard Hersh, former president of Trinity College (Conn.) and co-editor of the book Declining by Degrees, a critical commentary on the state of higher education in the United States (and probably elsewhere). I don't agree with everything (for example, I'm not sure it's a bad thing to evaluate graduates by SAT scores rather than GPAs (keeping in mind that SAT itself is far from a perfect indicator)). More...

5 avril 2019

Junior doctor suicide makes me worry about how I'll cope in the job

The GuardianAs a medical student, I can get support when I need it. That isn’t the case for junior doctors struggling with mental health. More...

5 avril 2019

Majority of university students report poor quality sleep, putting them at higher risk of mental health problems

The ConversationIf you went to university – or are still there – think about your sleep while there. Would you say you ticked all the boxes for healthy sleep – going to bed at a reasonable hour and waking up at the same time every day, sleeping for around eight hours, and avoiding sleeping in or napping during the day. More...

1 avril 2019

Every Campus Should Address Climate Risk

HomeWe have a distinct opportunity to turn the corner in tackling the challenges before us, writes Laurie Patton. More...

31 mars 2019

A Visit from the Risk Management Office: Identifying the most important risks facing online learning programs

Techno-News BlogIn our field, we have a wide array of risks — technological infrastructure within and outside the university, including bandwidth, physical interruptions due to hurricane, tornado, earthquake or related natural disasters; policy and regulatory at the state and federal levels; accessibility shortcomings; global malware challenges; online, in-class verbal sexist, gender-preference, racist and analogous abuse; academic integrity issues; competitive risks in meeting game-changing new models of degree and certificate offerings; and maintaining our reputation as leaders in the field. More...

14 mars 2019

Chutes de hauteur - Attention aux toitures fragiles

Screenshot-2018-5-4 Direccte BretagneChaque année, en Bretagne, on recense environ 100 cas de chutes de hauteur, graves ou mortelles au travers de “toitures” fragiles.
Ces accidents du travail surviennent car les toitures fragiles sont constituées de matériaux opaques qui ne donnent pas l’impression de fragilité (plaque de fibrociment, amiantée ou non, tôles rouillées, charpente vétuste,…) ou au travers de matériaux translucides (verres, lanterneaux,…) dont la résistance n’est plus garantie avec le temps. Plus...

9 mars 2019

Risques psychosociaux chez le chef d’entreprise : le DRH en support ?

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnelleEn ce début d'année, l’EMD École de Management a organisé un colloque dédié aux risques psychosociaux (RPS) du dirigeant, souvent isolé dans sa fonction. Plus...
2 mars 2019

Settlement in Wrongful-Death Suit for Study Abroad Student

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. The family of a University of Wisconsin Madison student who died on a study abroad program at John Cabot University, in Rome, has settled a wrongful death suit it filed against John Cabot. More...

20 février 2019

Projet régional Prévention des risques professionnels et promotion de la qualité de vie au travail 2019-2020

Logo ANFHSuite à la journée régionale du 4 octobre 2018 qui a réuni 150 participants des établissements adhérents de la région Midi-Pyrénées, les principaux documents d'information concernant le projet régional sont désormais accessibles. Plus...

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