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16 février 2015

What’s wrong with Facebook-sponsored Internet access?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. What’s wrong with Facebook-sponsored Internet access?
Mark Calder, eLearning Africa, 2015/02/11
This column is an argument in favour of a new type of internet access which allows a Facebook and "selected health, employment and local information websites" to run without data charges, but which will see fees levied for any other sort of internet use. More...

15 février 2015

Making Meaning of Twitter at #ELI2015 Joshua Kim. Twitter is a fabulous platform for our #ELI2015 community. Or maybe #ELI2015 is the community. I’m having trouble separating the virtual network of tweeters from the physical network of people here in Anaheim. Or maybe it is not necessary to all be in one place at one time to build our ELI community, as those attending virtually have just as much access to the Twitter conversation as those of us in California. Read more...

14 février 2015

Why your Facebook friends could scupper a student loan

The Guardian homeBy . As private lenders enter the student loans market, eligibility to borrow for a degree could depend on people’s potential earnings – and social media contacts. Read more...
12 février 2015

Rejoignez le Fafsea sur Twitter !

logo fafseaEntreprises adhérentes, prestataires et organismes de formation, partenaires institutionnels et partenaires sociaux, journalistes…. , rejoignez-nous sur FAFSEA@fafseacom

En vous abonnant, vous serez informés par exemple :
. d’actualités réglementaires sur la formation professionnelle continue
. des appels d’offres nationaux et régionaux du Fafsea
. de résultats d’études et statistiques
. de la présence du Fafsea sur les salons professionnels
. de la mise en ligne de publications diverses et outils RH.

11 février 2015

Le réseau des IUT

Par Marine Grave. Un maillage dense, 115 IUT répartis sur l'ensemble du territoire, garantissant une cohérence nationale.
Le réseau: 115 IUT répartis sur l'ensemble du territoire français.
Effectif: 145 000 étudiants
Départements d'enseignements: 692. Suite...
9 février 2015

Facebook at Work : une révolution à venir pour le recrutement en ligne ?

Par L'Atelier de l'Emploi. En ajoutant un onglet « compétences professionnelles » au profil de ses membres, Facebook avait déjà fait un (petit) pas pour devenir un réseau social qui soit aussi un vivier de talents pour les recruteurs. Demain, il ambitionne de venir concurrencer frontalement des sites  bien installés comme Viadéo ou LinkedIn. Le nom de code de cette opération ? Facebook at Work. Suite...

8 février 2015

CIOs give 5 tips for being successful on social media

eCampus NewsBy . Just attend any national higher education conference and you’ll see that being a Chief Information Officer (CIO) at an institution today also means being active on social networking sites
CIOs at universities across the county are being asked to help their institution’s brand outreach and community growth by embracing Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms, like LinkedIn. More...

8 février 2015

Coaches, Please Stop Banning Social Media Eric Stoller. When will college and university coaches stop banning their players from using social media? And, are there really any legitimate reasons for student-athletes to be banned from using social media? It seems to me that higher education is all about learning and that educating student-athletes in all facets would be paramount for schools and their exorbitantly compensated coaches. Read more...
8 février 2015

Connected or Disconnected?

HomeBy Carl Straumsheim. This year’s freshmen traded some of the hours they would normally have spent hanging out with friends or partying during their senior year in high school for time on social media, a survey of those students shows. Read more...

7 février 2015

Scaling Smart: How to Grow Your Impact

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Scaling Smart: How to Grow Your Impact
How can my company or organization create impact at scale? This is a question increasingly asked by forward-thinking leaders in the social sector. By the end of this 2 hour course, you’ll have completed a diagnostic tool for your own enterprise and developed a plan for how to continuously implement your core services as you expand
. More...

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