The press release mentions that the “Global Energy Prize” has been recognized by IREG Observatory as one of 99 main international scientific awards in the world. It is an acknowledgment of IREG Observatory as a “standard setting organization”. More...
2019 Václav Havel Prize shared by Ilham Tohti and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights
L’éducation aura bientôt son prix Nobel
D’une valeur de 500.000 dollars, le «Prix Minerva» récompensera chaque année un professeur ayant développé une pédagogie «extraordinaire et innovante». Plus...
Remise des prix PEPITE 2019 : 29 lauréats récompensés
YouTube Video Awards
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. YouTube Video Awards
What surprises me is that I have seen five of the seven winners, and even linked to some here. My favorite of the year, Kiwi, won for 'cutest video'. I actually subscribed to Terra Naomi's feed; she won best music video. I had also seen Free Hugs, Ask a Ninja and the OKGo treadmill dance. Which means the awards show functioned perfectly: to validate my selection of videos to watch by showing me that other people watched them too. More...
Quelles études faut-il faire pour décrocher le prix Nobel ?
Cette semaine, vous rêvez devant ces grands chercheurs, écrivains et homme de paix qui décrochent le Graal du prix Nobel .En France, à ce jour, ils sont 56 à avoir reçu ce prix éminent remis pour la première fois en 1901. Des plus connus, comme Pierre et Marie Curie, François Mauriac, Luc Montagnier et Pierre Gilles de Gennes, à ceux que l’on a un peu oubliés, comme Fréderic Passy, premier prix Nobel de la paix ou Victor Grignard, prix Nobel de chimie en 1912. Plus...
UNESCO ICT in Education Prize – Call for nominations 2019
Edublog Award Nominations
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Josie Fraser[Edit][Delete]: Edublog Award Nominations, [Edit][Delete] December 8, 2006
The EduBlog Award nominations hve been posted. Not surprisingly, the Techlearn-K12 crowd dominate the categories with numerous nominations. Canada has been effectively shut out of the nominations this year despite a dominating presence in previous years. The demographics have shifted, I guess. More...
North-South Prize 2018 honours fight to end female genital mutilation and the promotion of social ecology
Edublog Awards - Nominations Open
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Josie Fraser[Edit][Delete]: Edublog Awards - Nominations Open, IncSub [Edit][Delete] November 14, 2006
The 2006 Edublog Awards nominations have opened. Nominations are made confidentially and "only current edubloggers are invited to nominate contenders." The usual set of categories, with some additions, including the inscrutable "Best research paper on social software within learning and teaching" (why not just 'best research paper'? Weird). Librarians, teachers, undergraduates and newcomers each get their own categories (nothing for graduate students, researchers or Zoroastrians). More...