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10 décembre 2018

Democracy Innovation Award 2018: and the winner is...

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomToday, at the closing session of the World Forum for Democracy, the Council of Europe announced that the winner of its Democracy Innovation Award was the initiative Self-Representation of Women in Kenyan Courts. More...

10 décembre 2018

European Prevention prize: Winning projects from Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomThree projects from Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey were awarded the Pompidou Group’s 2018 European Prevention Prize. More...

9 décembre 2018

L’ANFH lance la douzième édition du prix de l’ANFH

Logo ANFHToutes les nouveautés en actions de formation professionnelles conduites par des établissements sanitaires, sociaux et médico-sociaux publics sous les feux de la rampe. Plus...
4 décembre 2018

Les Prix 2018 de la finance solidaire

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiquesLes lauréats de la 9ème édition 2018 des Grands Prix de la finance solidaire, récompensant chaque année des "projets à forte valeur ajoutée sociale ou environnementale qui s’inscrivent dans la sphère de l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS)" ont été attribués par Finansol et Le Monde. Plus...

3 décembre 2018

The Edublog Awards

The Edublog Awards
Nominations close Friday in eleven categories, including best newcomer, best use of weblogs within teaching and learning, and best research based. More...

1 décembre 2018

Sheffield’s first hip-hop poet laureate: 'gone are the days of tradition'

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianThe poet appointed by lord mayor Magid Magid to champion creative arts wants to change the face of poetry. More...

1 décembre 2018

University Awards 2019: terms and conditions

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianThe Guardian University Awards (the “Awards”) recognise excellence in the UK’s best universities and are open to all recognised higher education institutes (those with degree-awarding powers) in the UK. The Awards are not open to employees or agencies of Guardian News and Media Limited (“GNM”), GNM group companies or their family members, or anyone else connected with the creation or administration of the Awards. More...

1 décembre 2018

University awards 2019: how to write an entry that stands out

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianYou may have a great project, but if you don’t sell it well, it runs the risk of being overlooked. Here’s how to stand out among hundreds. More...

1 décembre 2018

University Awards 2019: supporters

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianFind out about the University Awards’ partners. More...

1 décembre 2018

University Awards 2019: the judges

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianOur expert judges ensure that the Guardian Awards go to the very best entries submitted by UK universities. More...

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