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2 février 2014

In service of PhDs (and a post-academic CFP) Jennifer Polk - From PhD to Life. Over the past few months I’ve been in conversation with other post-academic business owners and freelancers, many of whom work with graduate students and PhDs. I had no idea such people existed during my doctorate, and it was only thanks to Versatile PhD that I got connected to Hillary Hutchinson, who was my coach for six months in 2012-13. Working with Hillary lead to me take coach training and start my own business. More...

15 décembre 2013

Graduate education in the UK – The postgraduate puzzle Elizabeth Bell. Graduate education in the UK has long been seen as a peripheral issue. Over the past 25 years, successive governments have focused their efforts on reforms to undergraduate education. Postgraduate education has often been an afterthought, or not even a thought at all. Many commentators have levelled criticisms at the recent Browne review, which devoted just a single page to the issue in its 60-page report, and concluded that: “Postgraduate Education is a successful part of the higher education system and there is no evidence that changes to funding or student finance are needed to support student demand or access.” Read more...
30 octobre 2013

Appel à candidatures pour un contrat post-doctoral LabexMed/MuCEM à destination des Individus

-    Public cible :
Type : Scolaires, jeunes, demandeurs d'emploi, étudiants (niveau)… :        

Post Doctorant(e)s

-    Formation                            
  -  Langue, pédagogie, pro, volontariat, stage, découverte culturelle… :      

Contrat post-doctoral dans le cadre du partenariat LabexMed/ MuCEM. Le LabexMed est porté par la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aix Marseille Université.
Dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre le Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée à Marseille  et le laboratoire d'excellence sur les études méditerranéennes, coordonné par la Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme, il est proposé le recrutement à compter du 1er décembre 2013 d'un chercheur post-doctorant pour un contrat d'une durée de 12 mois, renouvelable une fois.
Le post-doctorant sera sous contrat à durée déterminée avec l'Université d'Aix-Marseille et sera rattaché à une unité de recherche partenaire de LabexMed.

En outre, il bénéficiera d'un statut de chercheur associé au MuCEM et y disposera d'un espace de travail.
  - durée : 12 mois renouvelable une fois
  - Domaine : Sciences Humaines et Sociales
  - pays : France

-    Date dépôt de candidature :
               Date limite de dépôt des candidatures le 31 Octobre 2013.


-    Lien internet vers la page associée :


-   Contacts :

13 octobre 2013

The needs of postdocs continue to be ignored . The Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars released this morning the results of a new national survey of postdocs. The survey captured not only demographic information – who are postdocs in Canada? – but also their primary concerns. (The full report is here and we also have a news story on the survey on our website here). More...

13 octobre 2013

Quarterly summary: Postdoc survey released! . Last week was the culmination of an incredible amount of volunteer labour through the CAPS-ACSP group who produced their 2013 Survey of Canadian Postdoctoral Scholars. Done in collaboration with Mitacs, a not-for-profit group aimed at facilitating the transition from academia to industry, the survey emphasizes the need for urgent action at universities and research institutes in order for Canada to remain competitive on the world stage.
Many articles have been written already about the survey, including great pieces from University Affairs’ Leo Charbonneau and Beryl Lieff Benderly at Science, highlighting administrative ambiguity, poor remuneration and benefits, and low access to career development training. More...

13 octobre 2013

Low pay and ambiguous job status frustrates Canadian postdocs Léo Charbonneau. New survey finds postdocs see themselves as employees, not students or ‘trainees’.
A new survey of postdoctoral scholars in Canada paints a portrait of early career researchers who are generally satisfied with their research environment but frustrated by their ambiguous employment status, poor compensation and inadequate training. The online survey (PDF), released on Oct. 2, was conducted this past spring by the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars and Mitacs, a not-for-profit organization that supports industry-university research involving graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The survey’s 1,830 respondents represent a wide range of disciplines and work primarily at universities but also at research hospitals, government laboratories and private companies. More...

8 septembre 2013

Feeling Good Jennifer Polk - From PhD to Life. I’ve just finished hosting my first group coaching call and I’m feeling pretty darn good about it. That’s how I feel about my life these days in general: pretty darn good. A year ago—less, even—I was jokingly telling friends and acquaintances that I was a loser with a PhD. I was only half joking.
How did I get here?
When I finished my PhD in history in February 2012, I knew where I was headed. I was already doing occasional freelance jobs as a researcher and administrative assistant, and liked the project-based work and flexibility of being self-employed. My plan was to carry on, adding more clients and taking on more challenging assignments. But things didn’t work out that way, and by the time I graduated in June, I wasn’t feeling so great about where I was at. Come the fall, I’d realized that Things Needed To Change. I quit one uninspiring part-time gig and started getting serious about my career search. More...

22 juin 2013

Stick or twist: the postdoctoral dilemma

The Guardian homeBy Anonymous. One postdoc asks: is the joy of working in a research field you love worth the pressure and uncertainty of an academic career? Stick or twist is the name of this game. Stick with pouring all my energy and attention into publications, grants and job applications in the hope that I can extend my academic career, and eventually find a permanent position. Or give up and make a serious and sustained attempt at redirecting my working life.We all try and hedge our bets of course, but let's be honest – given the scarcity of positions in both academia and the wider job market it is very difficult. To continue conducting and publishing research, especially once cut off from the material and digital resources which come with academic affiliation, is no easy matter and requires a heavy investment of time. Read more...
9 juin 2013

Postdoc Pay: A Women's Issue

HomeBy Jennifer Bussell. The message is loud, clear, and has reached cultural saturation: women are underrepresented at the top of highly competitive professions because they cannot reconcile the amount of time needed for such careers with the time they want to spend raising children. Just acknowledging this point has been a recent watershed moment for feminism, triggered by Anne-Marie Slaughter’s controversial Atlantic article and the release of Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In. Slaughter and Sandberg offer different views on exactly what’s holding women back, but both agree that much of it has to do with raising children. And, of course, each woman and critic has proposed an array of internal and structural changes to help improve work-life balance for women in highly competitive fields. Read more...
19 mai 2013

Postdoctoral mentors and a regular reality check

By . A little while back I wrote a blog post called “Shorter PhDs and more active thesis committees,” which proposed that PhD programs finish in 4 to 5 years and that thesis committees take a more active role in the future career options of their students. The formal degree structure permits such suggestions and their broad application, but what happens when you graduate and enter the black hole of a  postdoctoral fellowship? There is no degree, no formal university structure, no defined endpoint, and a huge amount of variability in the reasons people find themselves there. Read more...
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