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1 mai 2016

Quarterly summary: Postdocs in Canada, your voice is needed!

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By David Kent. Before I get into recapping the last few months of activity on the blog, I want to make a plea to all Canadian postdocs to fill out the 2016 survey of Canadian Postdoctoral Fellows. Last time (in 2013), the survey made big waves capturing the views of nearly 2,000 Canadian postdoctoral fellows. More...

4 avril 2016

Government to fund science scholars’ post-doc research

The government has embarked upon a scheme to fund ‘pure science’ scholars who have completed their PhDs to enable them to continue their post-doctoral research in India, reports Press Trust of India. Read more...

4 avril 2016

Finding jobs as a post-PhD: strategies & opportunities #PhD #research #job

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Today Koula  Charitonos and I are sharing some pointers on how to guide your career to where you want to go (as an academic or TELearning professional). The session is part of the valuable CALRG seminars, which are held at the Open University (UK) and are part of academic professional development and reflection. Read more...

14 mars 2016

Postdoctoral system reform is mapped out

The State Council issued a guideline on Dec 3, mapping out reforms in the postdoctoral system to give a bigger role to postdoctoral talent in mass entrepreneurship and innovation.
The guideline called for more academic exchanges and international exchanges to cultivate more high-level innovative talent, as well as more supportive policies to encourage postdoctoral researchers to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship in enterprises.
Through reforms, China hopes to become significantly more attractive to post-doc candidates by 2020, with a much higher ratio of postdoctoral researchers in major national scientific and technological projects and more foreigners and Chinese returnees in post-doc programs.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the postdoctoral system in China. More...

12 mars 2016

Who gets the research loot? The challenges of being a postdoctoral fellow in a neoliberal university

By Ian Dobson. My thoughts are anthropological, environmental, and geographical in that my family and I find ourselves in new cultural, geographical, and academic surrounds. I have recently moved with partner and 26-month-old daughter to rural New South Wales to take up a three-year postdoctoral research fellowship at a regional university. More...

3 janvier 2016

Could computer modelling help to build a better career structure for postdocs?

By Eric Silverman. Clearly describing the inefficient and damaging situation might point the way to better alternatives, says Eric Silverman. More...

3 janvier 2016

The postdoc’s dilemma: when to give up on romance and file for divorce?

By Sibylle Anderl. For most young researchers, academic research is the love of their life. But how much can and should be sacrificed for this love?, asks Sibylle Anderl. More...

1 janvier 2016

Le CEE recrute un(e) post-doctorant(e)

Centre d'études de l'emploi

Dans le cadre d'une recherche financée par le projet européen InGRID (Inclusive Growth Research Infrastructure Diffusion), l'unité de recherche DOT (Dynamiques des Organisations et du Travail) recrute un(e) post-doctorant(e) en contrat CDD de 12 mois, à compter du 1er février 2016.

Pour en savoir plus. Voir l'article...

10 décembre 2015

21st-Century Postdocs: (Still) Underpaid and Overworked

By . Postdoctoral researchers in the United States are often overworked, poorly paid, and stuck in jobs that don’t advance their careers. And efforts to improve the system have progressed slowly, in part because academics who supervise postdocs have little incentive to push for change. More...

7 décembre 2015

Transition Q & A: Alison Norman

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Jennifer Polk. I worked as a grievance officer for CUPE 3902 (the union representing TAs and adjuncts) at the University of Toronto for two years when I was finishing my PhD, and also taught at the university as a sessional instructor. More...

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