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2 avril 2016

Using the Correct Tools

The EvoLLLutionBy Mark Sarver - EvoLLLution. Competing and serving students in the non-traditional, non-credit market requires institutions to look at systems and solutions specifically designed to serve this space. More...

2 avril 2016

A User-Centered Approach to Drive Business Intelligence Solution in Higher Education

The EvoLLLutionBy Sasanka Prabhala - EvoLLLution. Business intelligence tools provide institutional leaders with the capacity to make informed decisions more quickly than ever before. More...

2 avril 2016

Smart Educational Tool

eCampus NewsIn today’s interactive classrooms, smartphones and tablet devices have become integral tools for education, but sharing content and material with/and amongst students usually requires working with complex classroom AV systems…

2 avril 2016

ReadSpeaker announces text-to-speech partnership with Blackboard

eCampus NewsReadSpeaker has announced a new Signature Partnership with Blackboard, which will provide both educators and learners with new tools to excel in the classroom. More...

31 mars 2016

Using a city as an innovative teaching tool

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. One of the standout features of a Guttman education is its first-year curriculum, where students learn in close-knit cohorts. In the first-year City Seminar, they’re studying the gentrification of New York City neighborhoods. More...
23 mars 2016

Online social media applications for constructivism and observational learning

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningWeb 2.0 technologies have a range of possibilities for fostering constructivist learning and observational learning. This is due to the available applications which allow for synchronous and asynchronous interaction and the sharing of knowledge between users. Web 2.0 tools include online social media applications which have potential pedagogical benefits. More...

17 mars 2016

Footprints of emergence

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningIt is ironic that the management of education has become more closed while learning has become more open, particularly over the past 10-20 years. The curriculum has become more instrumental, predictive, standardized, and micro-managed in the belief that this supports employability as well as the management of educational processes, resources, and value. More...

17 mars 2016

Dialogue social. Un kit d'outils pour l'entreprise et les relations humaines

Les organisations patronales interprofessionnelles et les syndicats de salariés du Morbihan ont élaboré un "kit outils pour le dialogue social en entreprise et les relations humaines" dans le cadre d’une opération à laquelle l’Unité départementale de la Direccte a participé. Voir l'article...

5 mars 2016

Un outil ambitieux, des effets incertains

Logo Liaisons Sociales MagazinePar Nicolas Lagrange. Après moult hésitations, le compte pénibilité prend forme. Avancée sociale pour les uns, mesure anticompétitivité pour les autres, le dispositif ne favorisera pas forcément la prévention. Et son avenir reste encore flou. Voir l'article...

19 février 2016

Une région, deux outils pour s'informer sur l'emploi et la formation

Carif Oref Midi-PyrénéesDepuis le 1er janvier 2016, le Languedoc-Roussillon et Midi-Pyrénées ne forment qu’un seul territoire. En complément des « Titres de l’actualité », lettre d'information du CarifOref Midi-Pyrénées, nous vous invitons à vous abonner également gratuitement à « la Veille Atout Métiers » à partir du lien suivant.

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