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5 juillet 2015

Do colleges and universities really teach higher-order thinking?

eCampus NewsBy Mike Sweet. In today’s fast-paced economy, employers need new hires who can fail fast, solve problems quickly, and learn continuously. At the core of these abilities are critical thinking and information literacy skills. More...

5 juillet 2015

Is collaborative learning violating professors’ rights?

eCampus NewsBy Lester A. Lefton. Is note sharing is an infringement on professors’ intellectual property rights? And can this way of thinking be justified in the age of collaborative, peer-to-peer learning. More...

5 juillet 2015

Where dreams come true

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Orlando doesn’t seem like ground zero for the debate over higher education and social inequality. This Florida city, after all, is still best known for Disney World, the iconic Cinderella Castle and endless days of butter-yellow sunshine.
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5 juillet 2015

Elites are waging war on public education

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. It’s no secret that former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich has some misgivings about the direction of the American economy. But the prolific writer, radio commentator and longtime University of California, Berkeley professor isn’t thrilled about how we are educating our kids, either.
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5 juillet 2015

How debates in higher ed terrorize our most ambitious students

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Today, if we pay attention to the loudest voices, we seem intent on terrorizing college students, especially the most ambitious and talented among them. The language of this assault is couched in terms of the rights of students to lucrative outcomes to their education immediately following graduation, accomplished in part by the shaping of higher education curricula to current vocational demands.
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5 juillet 2015

Les sciences citoyennes

Les relations de la science avec la société se sont profondément modifiées au cours de l’histoire. A partir des années 70, la notion de progrès est réinterrogée face aux nouveaux défis environnementaux et sanitaires. Ceci met aujourd’hui au premier plan les questions posées par les citoyens aux chercheurs et aux institutions de recherche, ainsi que le besoin des chercheurs de faire comprendre la nature et l’importance de leur démarche à l’ensemble de la société. Le COMETS affirme ici qu’il y a urgence à construire une relation de confiance entre les citoyens et les scientifiques. Deux voies sont abordées : celle des sciences participatives et celle d’un dialogue science-citoyens renouvelé.
La voie des sciences participatives, en grand développement aujourd’hui grâce à internet, associe les citoyens amateurs aux activités scientifiques pour la collecte des données et parfois la co-création ou l’interprétation des résultats. Il en résulte un apport mutuel considérable, d’une part pour l’enrichissement de la production des connaissances, d’autre part pour la formation des citoyens aux méthodes et à l’esprit scientifique. Cette voie encourage les vocations pour les sciences chez les jeunes. Le COMETS formule des recommandations portant sur l’encadrement des pratiques des réseaux amateurs, sur l’importance de la validation des résultats, sur le respect de l’anonymat lorsqu’il s’agit de données privées, enfin sur le statut et la reconnaissance dus aux contributeurs.
Vous trouverez ici le document dans sa totalité : pdf/comets-avis-sciences_citoyennes-25_juin_2015.pdf. Voir l'article...

5 juillet 2015

In Which I Discuss Political Economy With a Ten Year Old Matt Reed. The Girl is ten -- almost eleven, she would prefer I say -- and curious. The book she was reading last night contained a reference to the Great Depression. I was in the room at the time. Conversation ensued. In my defense, this was entirely impromptu. Read more...

5 juillet 2015

Gainful Employment for Graduate Schools? Matt Reed. Sometimes to really understand a story, you have to read it against another one.
This week, a couple of stories came out that didn’t seem all that surprising individually, but that clanged together in an unexpected way. Read more...

5 juillet 2015

When Public Speaking Works Best Matt Reed. I’ve never done improv comedy, but the recent piece in IHE about the benefits of improv training rang true. I’ve seen it in my own public speaking. Read more...

5 juillet 2015

Kids, Conscience, and Consciousness Matt Reed. Anyone who doubts the tight connection between test scores and socioeconomic standing is invited to go househunting.
In preparation for the new gig at Brookdale, we’ve put our house on the market, and we’re looking for a place to live in New Jersey. Read more...

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