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22 août 2015

Enhancing the Social Characteristics and Public Responsibility of Israeli Teaching

ESU - European Students' Union ESPRIT project partners from Israel and EU have met in Brighton, UK between 7th and 9th July 2015. The three working days provided space for discussing the progress on related project activities, among which is the finalizing and piloting a Social-Benchmarking Tool (SBT). ESU has been actively contributing to this since the very start of the project in December 2013. The SBT is aimed to be used for institutional self-analysis and tracking as well as to compare universities and colleges according to their social missions. More...

22 août 2015

What do youth think?

educationtodayInterview with Allan Päll by Marilyn Achiron. This is a tough time for young people, especially in Europe. Youth un- and underemployment is still at record highs in some countries; and as the OECD Skills Outlook 2015 reports, more than 35 million 16-29 year-olds in OECD countries are neither employed nor in education or training. More worrying still, around half of those young adults are out of school and not looking for work. Read more...

22 août 2015

Going down? Probably not

By Brian Keeley. One of the more memorable characters from British television in the 1990s was Tim Nice-But-Dim – a “thoroughly nice bloke” with good manners, money in his pocket and a job in the City. Tim was also as thick as a plank, but he sailed through life thanks to one thing – his family were rich. More...

21 août 2015

Rejoignez le cercle "Apprendre ensemble"

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "epale"La doctrine 'j'enseigne donc tu apprends" est dépassée, il s'agit de rénover les pratiques pédagogiques et de faire une place plus large aux apprenants et aux nouveaux savoir qui s'inventent maintenant. Voir l'article...

19 août 2015

What is the Future of Learning in a Digital Age?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour This is undeniably a hot topic of discussion and many educators assert that traditional approaches to learning and teaching are changing. More...

18 août 2015

Impliqué(e) et concerné(e) le blog de . Ce sont des aphorismes métaphoriques au raz des pâquerettes, mais ils me plaisent et je voudrais les réunir ici pour vous faire toucher du doigt  le déséquilibre des positions entre candidats et recruteurs.
Premier aphorisme : Dans l'omelette au jambon, la poule est concernée, le porc est impliqué. Voir l'article...

17 août 2015

10 moments à la fac où tu te sens comme... : Dans Harry Potter !

Par Cyrielle B. Et si votre vie étudiante ressemblait plus qu’il n’y paraît à celle des élèves de Poudlard ? meltyCampus vous le prouve aujourd’hui. Suite...

17 août 2015

« Il faut diffuser la culture du compromis et enseigner l’art des concessions » Entretien avec Christian Thuderoz

Par L'Atelier de l'Emploi. « Ha ! Les Compromis, les Préjugés, les Lâchetés ! Que je pactise ? Jamais ! », lance le Cyrano de Bergerac d’Edmond Rostand avant de rendre l’âme dans les bras de Roxane. Décidément, la culture française n’est pas tendre avec les compromis. Perçu comme une défaite, un renoncement, le compromis est, pour beaucoup, synonyme de « compromission ». Un tort. Suite...
17 août 2015

Controlling the Social Construct

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Controlling the Social Construct
Leigh Blackall, 2015/08/17

I agree with Leigh Blackall that constructivism should be criticized, but I don't agree with his argument. "I'm wondering if individuals and their societies really do freely construct their knowledge and understanding, or is it more likely constructed for them," he writes. More...

17 août 2015

Learning Styles, Mindsets, and Adaptive Strategies

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning Styles, Mindsets, and Adaptive Strategies
Matt Bury,, 2015/08/14

This is a really nice contribution in support of the concept of learning styles that reinterpretings it away from the 'fixed mindset' model, where styles are more like innate properties of a person, and toward a 'growth perspective', where learning styles can change and develop as a person matures. More...

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