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14 décembre 2014

What walks out the door when younger employees leave?

University Business LogoBy Andrew M. Peña. Every day when an employee resigns from their job, either voluntarily (or involuntarily) they’re “walking out the door” with a very valuable asset. No these instances don’t require security or are considered criminal in nature. What they leave with is their institutional knowledge or memory from their last organization. This is what happens to an organization loses its best, brightest, most experienced and knowledgeable employees. More...

14 décembre 2014

You’re in charge of revamping a university’s research…

By Yojana Sharma. Live simulations borrowed from the worlds of management and diplomat education are being used to train multinational, multidisciplinary groups of higher education and research leaders, who are facing – or may have to face – major changes in the way research is organised in their institutions. Read more...

7 décembre 2014

Next Generation Institutional Management: Beyond ERP and Best-of-Breed

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. The market has changed significantly over the last 10 years, driven by the pattern of disruptive innovation that actually makes things better over the long run. The debate, which was so present in our institution six to eight years ago [was] about whether or not our information systems investments were going to be single-vendor integrated investments. That was essentially the nirvana, the goal; could we get everything on the same vendor’s platforms. More...

7 décembre 2014

Faculty and university president call a truce

By . Faculty and union leaders said Friday they have reached a temporary truce with the president of the state’s largest public college system.
Angst among professors at the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities system had grown in recent weeks after President Gregory W. Gray released “roadmaps” for changes he was considering making at the schools.

5 décembre 2014

L’évolution du SI transformera l’Organisation

Logo AmuePlusieurs scenarii/processus peuvent montrer l’impact que peut avoir cette transformation tant en interne qu’en externe pour une organisation. Elle touche essentiellement, en interne, la fonction de la Direction des Systèmes d’Information (DSI), le fonctionnement interne de l’organisation, le bien-être des employés.
A l’extérieur de l’organisation (son écosystème), la transformation touche également sa relation avec ses partenaires, sa relation avec ses fournisseurs, sa relation avec ses clients, sa relation avec ses concurrents.
En savoir + :: Comment la transformation du système d’information impacte l’organisation

5 décembre 2014

Leadership tips for university department chairs - Setting the right tone and putting faculty first are key

By Richard Parker. Anyone who has ever held a department chair’s position knows that the job can be among the most challenging on university campuses. Chairs have to walk a tightrope to balance their professorial responsibilities of teaching, research and service with the administrative requirements of budgeting, scheduling and personnel management. Often they work longer hours than their departmental colleagues and things can unintentionally slip off the radar if they aren’t careful. More...

4 novembre 2014

Four Ways To Manage Change In Preparation for a Major Implementation

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Learning analytics, active learning pedagogies, MOOCs and digital content of all kinds are catalyzing educational transformation. Institutional leaders are finding that managing change is an essential skill for leveraging these transformations. Effective change management efforts depend heavily on leaderships’ abilities to create campus buy-in and consensus, and all of this must be done in the context of the already complex environments in higher education. More...

28 octobre 2014

Back-End Automation Leads to Better Student Service and Institutional Savings

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. 1. What kinds of tasks dominated the time and resources of the student advising staff prior to the implementation of the eAdvisor system?
Advisors had to spend a lot of time on curriculum — what courses should students register for and take each semester to fulfill their requirements. It was particularly complex if a student wasn’t sure what to major in or if a student wanted to change majors. We have more than 290 majors here at ASU, so if a student wanted to change majors, it was a very error-prone [process] and very difficult for an individual to do that. More...

20 octobre 2014

Shared Services: Bringing Efficiency from NASA to Higher Education

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is critical to the success of NASA’s strategic plan, as well as President Obama’s STEM policy. As the NASA strategic plan outlines, “To maintain a globally competitive Nation, our education programs develop and deliver activities that support the growth of NASA and the Nation’s STEM workforce, help develop STEM educators, engage and establish partnerships with institutions, and inspire and educate the public.” More...

20 octobre 2014

Efficiency Central to Innovation and Growth, Despite Upfront Cost

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. 1. Why is operational efficiency so important for CE leaders?
Operational efficiency is no different in higher education than it is for non-profit and proprietary organizations. As the leader of a college or university, you want to produce a high-quality product (education) in the most efficient way possible to protect the bottom line and to provide the best possible services to students. More...

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