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11 mai 2018

International students left in lurch by US university

By Binod Ghimire and Yojana Sharma. Dozens of students from Nepal have been left in the lurch after an American university revoked full scholarships granted for their undergraduate studies, as they were making final preparations to enrol for this year’s intake. More...
11 mai 2018

International student numbers near half a million

By Yojana Sharma. The number of foreign students studying at universities on the Chinese mainland is closing in on the half a million mark, with 489,200 students in 2017, according to the latest figures from the ministry of education in Beijing released last week. More...
11 mai 2018

Des séminaires de formation exécutive pour investir en Afrique et en Russie

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnelleL’École de Management Normandie (EM) et le Think Tank Institut Choiseul ouvrent conjointement deux séminaires de formation continue certifiants : "Doing Business in Africa" et "Doing Business in Russia". Plus...

10 mai 2018

Étudiants étrangers : France is back ! Vraiment ?

Blog "HEDway" d'Olivier Rollot. « France is back » proclame cette année Campus France dans l’édition 2018 de ses Chiffres clés. En cinq ans, le nombre d’étudiants étrangers en France a augmenté de 12,2 %. Un mouvement qui semble s’accélérer depuis 2015, puisque la France enregistre une croissance de 4,6% sur un an, la plus forte hausse annuelle depuis 5 ans. Plus...

10 mai 2018

American Studies Gets an Arab Twist

Al Fanar

When Eid Mohamed visited the United States for the first time, he had a firm set of beliefs about what America is and who Americans are. The minute he stepped into the superpower nation, his convictions started falling apart. More...

9 mai 2018

Dartmouth, AUK sign MOU extending partnership for another five years

University Business Magazine logoLeaders of Dartmouth College and the American University of Kuwait (AUK) met this week to extend their institutional partnership for another five years with an agreement that deepens and expands the academic experience on both campuses. More...

8 mai 2018

EU data regulation to affect U.S. colleges and universities

University Business Magazine logoU.S. organizations, including colleges and universities, could receive fines totaling up to $25 million each or 4 percent of annual revenue for failing to comply with a new European Union regulation that goes into effect May 25, according to the Information Commissioner’s office in the U.K. More...

7 mai 2018

Study-abroad students want more responsive staff

By Nic Mitchell. Study-abroad students in the Netherlands have many different reasons for deciding to enrol in a foreign university, but they are agreed on one thing – they want a better service from the lecturers teaching them. More...
7 mai 2018

Vietnamese students look at the US and head north

By Mark Ashwill. In the past year, I have heard from quite a few Vietnamese parents and students who either decided to choose Canada over the United States as their primary overseas study destination or were considering transferring from a US to a Canadian institution. More...
7 mai 2018

Communist Party setting up cells in US universities

Chinese Communist Party cells made up of Chinese students and faculty have appeared in California, Ohio, New York, Connecticut, North Dakota and West Virginia. The cells appear to be part of a strategy, now expanded under Chinese President Xi Jinping, to extend direct party control globally and to insulate students and scholars abroad from the influence of ‘harmful ideology’, writes Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian for Foreign Policy. More...
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