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21 octobre 2018

Internationalising career services through cooperation

Screenshot-2018-5-3 EAIE

Over the last five to ten years, career services have been increasingly more integrated into the university internationalisation process, fuelling a profession-wide sense of imposter syndrome. A young field made up of often self-taught professionals trying to develop international standards whilst the global environment is rapidly changing – how to keep up. More...

21 octobre 2018

Tunisian Foreign Minister thanks Council of Europe for its support

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomThe Foreign Minister said his country had shown a “pioneering spirit in the Arab world” in beginning the alignment of its legal and institutional framework with that of the Council of Europe. The organisation’s help was “highly appreciated”, he said, whether it involved the creation of new governance bodies, reform of the justice system, the fight against corruption, the consolidation of press freedom, combating violence against women or protecting children against sexual abuse. More...

21 octobre 2018

Got a grievance? Getting to know the National Contact Points

To date, over 400 cases have been handled by NCPs covering 35 OECD countries and 13 non-OECD countries. If it sounds technical, it’s not. NCPs are addressing and resolving issues in the areas of human rights, business responsibility, anti-corruption and much more. More...

21 octobre 2018

How Finnish-inspired teaching methods improved learning in a US classroom

Education & Skills TodayWhen people said Finnish teaching methods couldn’t work in American classes, I wanted to see if I could prove them wrong. So I moved to Finland on a Fulbright grant to learn how teachers there teach problem-solving skills. Then, I returned to the US to adapt these methods to my high school biology classes in southern California. The learning results were so positive and unexpected that I (literally) ran with the final exams to show the principal how well the students had succeeded. More...

21 octobre 2018

Call for papers: "ASEM Education in a digital world: bridging the continents - connecting the people?", 20-21 November, Cologne

The ASEM Education Process constitutes one pillar under the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM); an informal intergovernmental forum for dialogue and exchange. During their last conference in 2017, ASEM Ministers of Education adopted the Seoul Declaration which has declared people-to-people connectivity as a key element of cooperation for the next decade. More...

18 octobre 2018

Signature d'un plan d'action scientifique et universitaire entre la France et la Corée du Sud

Screenshot-2018-4-21 Journal de mise en ligne - ESR enseignementsup-recherche gouv frLors de la visite d’Etat du Président Sud-Coréen, Frédérique Vidal, ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur de la Recherche et de l'Innovation a reçu le 15 octobre 2018 son homologue M. YOU Young-min, ministre des Sciences, des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et de la Planification du Futur. Les deux ministres avaient affirmé, en mars 2018 à Paris, leur volonté commune de renforcer la coopération entre les deux pays. L’occasion aujourd’hui de faire un point d’avancement sur ce qui a été engagé et de signer un plan d’action et des accords de coopération scientifique et universitaire. Plus...
15 octobre 2018

Calendar for Australian Schools

Calendar for Australian Schools
This item offers an example that shows that more than just cantent can be syndicated, as the Australian calendar, listing more than "300 significant Australian and international days, weeks, years and decades," is available not only on the web and on paper, but also as an RSS feed. More...

15 octobre 2018

Foreign student numbers grow a record 19% in a year

By Aimee Chung. South Korea has seen record numbers of foreign students enrolling in its universities despite recent tensions on the Korean peninsula, but this has been accompanied by a doubling in the number staying on illegally after their student visas expire. More...
12 octobre 2018

Conférence internationale des Territoires de Commerce équitable à Madrid du 19 au 21 octobre 2018

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Les Territoires de Commerce Équitable font partie d’un mouvement international les « Fair Trade Towns ».
Chaque année des collectivités et acteurs du commerce équitable de toute la planète se rencontrent pour partager leurs expériences.
En 2018, c'est du 19 au 21 octobre à Madrid. Plus...
12 octobre 2018

Social Coopérative International School à Naples du 25 au 28 octobre 2018

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. La #SCIS2018 prévoit trois sessions thématiques et un séminaire. Chaque séance de formation comprendra une introduction théorique sur le sujet, la présentation des meilleures pratiques et un atelier pour approfondir les différents aspects des activités des coopératives sociales. Plus...

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