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20 novembre 2018

Denmark: cut downs on study places for international students

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsIntense discussions are going on in Denmark, after the Ministry for Higher Education and Science decided to mandate universities to cut 1000 study places taught in English, as well as impose an indefinite cap that dictates that no more study places in English can be opened. More...

19 novembre 2018

Practice-oriented German universities reach Africa

By Wagdy Sawahel. Egypt is to host the German University of Applied Sciences (GUAS) as a model for practice-oriented academic training that will be operational by 2020 and will be the first of its kind in the North Africa region. More...
19 novembre 2018

UNESCO launches video tutorials on how to build a learning city

Learning cities around the world are taking action to enhance quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all in their communities. To support their efforts, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning has just launched a series of video tutorials, available in all UN official languages, which provide insights for policy-makers, city leaders, urban planners and education experts on how to successfully build a learning city. More...

18 novembre 2018

How international educators can tackle climate change

As international educators, we should consider how we can ‘walk the talk’ and reduce our own carbon footprints. A good starting point is to consult a free carbon footprint calculator on the web. Once we have determined the major sources of our carbon emissions, we can start acting to reduce them. For example, to reduce the impact of transportation, we can use digital communication tools, low-carbon transportation (eg trains instead of planes) and car-sharing platforms. More...

11 novembre 2018

Retour des sanctions américaines contre l’Iran - quelles conséquences pour l’UE et le marché du pétrole ?

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceLe retrait unilatéral des Etats-Unis de l'Accord de Vienne, annoncé par M. Trump au mois de mai 2018, marque le retour des sanctions américaines contre l'économie iranienne. Celles-ci reposent sur l'extraterritorialité du droit américain, et posent la question de l'indépendance de la politique étrangère et commerciale de l'Union européenne vis-à-vis de Washington. Plus...

11 novembre 2018

Retrait américain du traité nucléaire FNI : quelles conséquences ?

Screenshot-2018-4-15 Egypte – des élections présidentielles jouées d’avanceC’est un nouveau clou planté dans le cercueil du désarmement. Celui-ci est clairement en panne. Partout, les forces nucléaires sont modernisées. En Asie, les arsenaux sont en augmentation, ce qui, pour le moins, laisse mal augurer du succès du récent "traité d’interdiction des armes nucléaires" signé par un grand nombre de pays… non-nucléaires. Plus...

9 novembre 2018

North Korean, Russian universities agree exchanges

One of North Korea’s most prominent universities, the Kim Chaek University of Technology, signed a memorandum of cooperation last Thursday in areas including science and engineering with the Russian Far Eastern Federal University, based in Vladivostok, writes Colin Zwirko for NK News. More...
9 novembre 2018

South Korea announces US$9 million scholarship grant

By Christabel Ligami. The South Korean government has announced a US$9 million grant for scholarships to support PhD students, research and innovation in various universities in Africa under the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) programme. More...
8 novembre 2018

Conférence de comparaison internationale sur l'éducation à l'orientation à Paris les 8 et 9 novembre 2018

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Alors que la France vient de voter une réforme bancale de l'orientation (voir Après le vote de la loi pour liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel, une orientation en apesanteur entre Etat et Régions), il est intéressant de connaitre ce qui se pratique dans d'autres pays. Plus...

7 novembre 2018

Building bridges between UK and African universities

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"HEPI’s decision to theme its upcoming annual lecture on African higher education is welcome. From a UK perspective, there has been far less discussion on research and education in Africa than other continents, including across the Atlantic and in Asia. More...
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