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29 janvier 2014

Does Canada really have the best record on job creation in the G7?

By Steve Rennie. Government House Leader Peter Van Loan is using the return of Parliament to boast about the Conservatives' economic track record — but OECD figures cast a small doubt over his claim that Canada tops the G7 in job creation.
"We have the strongest job-creation record in the G7, with the creation of over one million net new jobs since the recession," he said Monday.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty also mentioned the million-job figure during the first question period since MPs returned from their winter break.
"Our government is focused on the creation of jobs," he said. "In fact, over one million net new jobs have been created in Canada since July 2009, since the end of the recession."
The million-jobs figure is one the Harper government often mentions when talking up its economic prowess. Same with the claim about leading the G7 in creating jobs. More...

29 janvier 2014

Chinese universities dominate emerging world rivals

Education is the bedrock for a country’s growth. China has been investing big in its leading schools. Although it still lacks institutions that are able to compete at the very top globally, China comfortably dominates its emerging market peer group. Chinese universities were the standout performers of the inaugural ranking of tertiary institutions in developing economies published by Times Higher Education magazine.
Phil Baty, editor of Times Higher Education rankings, explains how Chinese universities have come this far, what it will take for them to break through into the leading pack and how they are struggling to overcome a block in creativity. More...

29 janvier 2014

i-graduate goes Stateside as Tribal Group expands

By Sara Custer. Tribal Group, the UK-based education support services giant, has significantly expanded its North American operations by opening offices in Boston, USA and Vancouver, Canada this month in order to usher in services from two companies within the group’s portfolio:  Benchmark+ and i-graduate. More...

29 janvier 2014

Education: l'Unesco alerte sur le gaspillage de 129 milliards de dollars

Orientations : études, métiers, alternance, emploi, orientations scolaireL'éducation dans le monde est une source de gaspillage de plusieurs milliards, affirme l'Unesco dans un rapport. En cause : la mauvaise qualité de cette éducation, avec des enseignants parfois très précaires et peu formés. Pas moins de 129 milliards de dollars auraient été ainsi gaspillés dans le cadre du plan mondial "Education pour tous".
L'"Education pour tous", le plan mondial de l'Unesco, serait-il un panier percé ? C'est ce que déplore l'Unesco, qui indique que 129 milliards de dollars ont été gaspillés dans le monde à cause d'une mauvaise qualité de l'éducation. Cela représente près d'un dixième des dépenses mondiales en la matière ! A deux ans de l'échéance de ce plan mondial, l'organisme a donc toutes les raisons de s'inquiéter. Suite...

29 janvier 2014

Europe’s role in supporting a rising Africa Hans de Wit. ‘Africa is Rising’, ‘The New Africa’, ‘Africa Works’! These are some of the headlines Professor Ton Dietz, director of the African Studies Centre in Leiden, showed at a seminar in Brussels on 13 December 2013 with the title “For Mutual Gain: Euro-African cooperation in higher education”.
The session was organised by the Academic Cooperation Association, or ACA, in partnership with the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, the European Association for International Education and the European University Association, or EUA. Read more...
29 janvier 2014

Higher education and conflict in Colombia and Kenya Ivan F Pacheco and Ane Turner Johnson. What role have universities played during armed conflict and post-conflict? International organisations such as UNESCO and the World Bank have acknowledged the importance of higher education for economic development. They have also stressed the importance of economic development to achieve peace in conflict-affected nations. However, the connection between higher education and peace building remains largely unexplored. Read more...
28 janvier 2014

International HE associations call for global equity Karen MacGregor. Twenty-four international education organisations from across the world – including the giants in America and Europe and groups from Mexico and Japan, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America – gathered in South Africa last week for a first inclusive Global Dialogue. They forged a declaration that stressed mutual benefit and development and a more equitable and ethical global higher education agenda, and agreed on actions to take the goals forward. Read more...
28 janvier 2014

Multiple benefits of international students – Survey Michael Gardner. International students appear to have significant positive impacts on host institutions and countries as well as on host economies, according to a survey commissioned by the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD. The survey, carried out by the Prognos AG consultancy company and funded by Germany’s Ministry of Education and Research, demonstrated that student mobility has significant impacts on the economy both in terms of consumer spending and with regard to graduates working in host countries later on. Read more...
28 janvier 2014

Les universités québécoises recrutent en Guadeloupe

cariforefPour la 5ème année consécutive, les représentants des universités québécoises viennent en Guadeloupe à la rencontre des lycéens et des étudiants. Organisées à l’initiative du réseau de l’Université du Québec, en étroite collaboration avec le Conseil Régional et la Cité des métiers, ces rencontrent permettront aux candidats de concrétiser leur projet de mobilité et de collecter des informations nécessaires pour poursuivre leurs études au Québec.
Une délégation sera présente du 20 au 22 janvier 2014 et assurera deux rendez-vous avec les jeunes :

•    mardi 21 janvier 2014 de 14 heures à 17 heures, à l’hôtel de Région à Basse-Terre
•    mercredi 22 janvier 2014 de 10 heures à 17 heures, à la Cité des métiers au Raizet, aux Abymes.

Des témoignages vidéo de jeunes Guadeloupéens actuellement étudiants au Québec ainsi que les atouts et opportunités professionnelles des diplômes québécois, seront également présentés.
Source France-Antilles, vendredi 10 janvier 2014, n°13177, 6p.

25 janvier 2014

Constructive Solutions Carl Straumsheim. In December the American Studies Association joined the Association for Asian American Studies in calling for a boycott of academic and intellectual exchanges with Israeli colleges, universities, and individual faculty in protest of that country’s treatment of the Palestinians. Since the ASA’s resolution, scores of college and university presidents and the American Association of University Professors have proclaimed that this action is a violation of academic freedom. Read more...
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