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21 décembre 2016

PISA. La France des inégalités

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. D’après l’évaluation PISA 2015, les élèves des milieux les plus défavorisés ont quatre fois moins de chances de réussir que les autres. Ceci ne représente pas seulement une tragédie humaine, mais également un frein au développement économique, qui n’est solide et pérenne que quand il est inclusif. Suite...

18 décembre 2016

Closing the college gap

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. For most of the last century, the United States led the world in educational attainment and the economic and social mobility of its people. As our advantage has been slipping in recent decades, leaders from the President to philanthropists have set goals for boosting the percentage of Americans who complete some form of college, so more Americans are prepared for the rigors of the workplace and being engaged members of society. More...

18 décembre 2016

London and south-east children far more likely to go to top universities

The Guardian homeBy . North of England being left behind, with secondary school performance a huge concern, says children’s commissioner. More...

18 décembre 2016

Governments need to look beyond education rankings and focus on inequities in the system

The ConversationBy . The latest Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) results will be released around the world on December 6. And as usual, there will be a flurry in the news media. More...

17 décembre 2016

Looking for Low-Income Students

HomeBy Rick Seltzer. A new effort to enroll low- and moderate-income undergraduates at colleges and universities with high graduation rates is being announced today in an attempt to have more students from modest backgrounds graduate from prestigious campuses seen as opening doors to top careers. Read more...

13 décembre 2016

Trump's pick for education stirs fears of deepening inequality of access to HE

By Brendan O’Malley – Managing Editor. In Commentary, Aya Waller-Bey says that it is now more important than ever to address the separate and unequal school classrooms in the US – with double segregation based on racial identity and socio-economic status – that limit educational attainment, restrict social capital and narrow access to higher education. Dennis Murray encourages having faith in university leaders to continue deepening international engagement and to find ways through the troubles associated with the re-emergence of nationalist politics, manifested by the vote for Brexit in the UK and the rise of Donald Trump in the US. Ole Petter Ottersen says universities have to be trust-building as well as truth-seeking in an era characterised as “post-truth”, recently selected by Oxford Dictionaries as the international word of the year.
In World Blog, Margaret Andrews says that higher education appears to be next in line for a great unbundling revolution due to advances in technology, such as that experienced in the music and news markets.
In our series on Transformative Leadership in which University World News is partnering with The MasterCard Foundation, Thierry Zomahoun and Barry Green envisage African countries building a pipeline of innovation and boosting development by ensuring universities are provided with the necessary faculty and investment.
In a Special Report on the recent Times Higher Education BRICS and Emerging Economies Universities Summit held in South Africa, Stephen Coan reports that universities were warned to think about local regard and their reason for being, instead of achieving a high position in global rankings. He also reports on Nigerian Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s declaration in a keynote speech that the time had come for “desperate strategies” to battle “revelatory knowledge” on university campuses.
Lastly, in Features, Yojana Sharma reports on a flurry of collaborations this year between institutions, particularly business schools, in China and France, while Wagdy Sawahel writes that North African universities are working on a number of initiatives and approaches to improve graduate employability. Read more...

12 décembre 2016

Education. L'école française est très inégalitaire selon PISA

Pour l'OCDE "le milieu socio-économique explique en France plus de 20 % de la performance obtenue par les élèves de 15 ans, contre seulement 13 % pour la moyenne des pays de l'OCDE". Près de 40 % des élèves issus d'un milieu défavorisé sont en difficulté et seuls 2 % d'entre eux sont dans les têtes de classe. A l'inverse, seuls 5 % des élèves d'un milieu favorisé sont classés parmi les plus faibles scolairement. L'inégalité touche encore plus fortement les jeunes issus de l'immigration dont le score est inférieur de 62 points à celui des autres élèves (43 points pour la moyenne OCDE).
Source :

5 décembre 2016

International higher education must address inequality

By Roger Chao.When properly implemented, internationalisation of higher education brings about enhanced inter-cultural understanding, global competencies, international research collaboration and improvements in the quality of higher education. Read more...

5 décembre 2016

The role of higher education in reducing inequity: Using tuition, drop-out rates, and opportunity hoarding

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The role of higher education in reducing inequity: Using tuition, drop-out rates, and opportunity hoarding
Mark Guzdial, Computing Education Blog, 2016/11/22
Good post explaining why simply providing access to an education isn't enough to address income inequality. First, let's look at the cost of education in the first place and the load it places on people. More...

5 décembre 2016

Georgia State students close education gap

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Stress is as familiar to college students as fast food and sleep deprivation. It’s always perched on their shoulders like a gargoyle. There are times it can become overwhelming. More...

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