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1 décembre 2018

Oxford v Cambridge rivalry takes on a new spirit: gin

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianEight months after Oxford announced the production of Physic Gin, distilled from plants in the university’s botanic garden, Cambridge has created its own spirit. Costing nearly £40 a bottle, £5 more than its Oxonian counterpart, Curator’s Gin claims to benefit from a variety of floral flavourings, and ingredients including lavender, an unusual “green ginger” rosemary and berries from the dozens of varieties of juniper grown in the garden. The final ingredient, it says, is apples from a tree descended from the one that sent fruit tumbling on to Sir Isaac Newton’s head. More...

1 décembre 2018

From Madonna's Sex to Lady Chatterley: inside the Bodleian's explicit book club

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianCreated at the height of Victorian prudishness, the Bodleian Library’s Phi collection was designed to protect young minds from ‘immoral’ books. More than a century later, they’re going on display for the first time. More...

1 décembre 2018

Dans « Assassin’s Creed Origins », une Antiquité « mondialement correcte »

The ConversationNous n’irons pas visiter l’un des bordels d’Alexandrie, ni une « maison de bière » égyptienne. Normal : notre époque condamne généralement la prostitution et l’abus d’alcool.
Plus étonnant encore : les statues des dieux et des déesses grecques sont en partie censurées dans le Discovery Tour.
Imaginez la Vénus de Milo avec des coquilles saint Jacques en guise de soutien-gorge ou l’Hermès d’Olympie pourvu d’un cache-sexe, également en forme de coquillage. Plus...
1 décembre 2018

Quelles images pour enseigner la Première Guerre mondiale ?

The ConversationÀ la différence de périodes plus lointaines, la Première Guerre mondiale nous offre un nombre important de photographies, tableaux, films, cartes postales et autres… ce qui nous permet d’autant plus de varier l’iconographie des cours. Plus...
1 décembre 2018

How World War I changed British universities forever

The ConversationNovember 2018 marks the centenary of the end of the World War I. It was a turning point in British social history, but one aspect that is less well researched is the impact it had on British universities, the subject of my recent book. Based on my archival research, here are some of the most profound ways in which the conflict reshaped higher education. More...
30 novembre 2018

'These Truths' for History Majors

By Joshua Kim. In college, I majored in history. I thought that I was pretty good at it. I got A’s. By my senior year, I was taking courses with graduate students. My senior honors thesis won the thesis prize. More...

30 novembre 2018

Email Teaching Scheme Under Fire

Email Teaching Scheme Under Fire
Sign of the times. "Teachers' unions today attacked a plan that would see staff answering email queries from their GCSE pupils outside school hours." They are concerned not only about the requirment that teachers work outside school hours but also about potentially abusive emails sent to teachers' homes. More...

30 novembre 2018

From Mechanism to a Science of Qualities

From Mechanism to a Science of Qualities
Stephen Talbott is tapping into many of the same strands of thought informing my own thinking about the internet and online learning. Witness: "I propose that much of the order in organisms may not be the result of selection at all, but of the spontaneous order of self-organized systems.(Kauffman 1995, p. 25)" This link is to his online book-in-progress, 'From Mechanism to a Science of Qualities', and the quote above may be found in his (recommended) essay, The Lure of Complexity. More...

30 novembre 2018

Firefox 1.0 The wait is over.

Firefox 1.0
The wait is over. Firefox 1.0 has officially launched - the Firefox website is staggering a bit under the load but you can still get in to upgrade now. Oh, and in case you have any doubts, I am recommending that you switch from Internet Explorer to Firefox now. Today. Here's a guide that tells you how to switch. Yes, you'll have all your plug-ins - and the installer in Windows is almost seamless. More...

30 novembre 2018

Persistent Identification and Public Policy

Persistent Identification and Public Policy
This article is a response to the discussions held at the Persistent Identifiers Seminar at University College Cork, Ireland, last June (presentations are available on the website). The summary to which I refer is not yet available on the internet. When (and if) it is made available, I will link to it here. More...

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