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22 avril 2019

Beat-ups aside, Australian history has a future

The ConversationBuried away in the correspondence columns of last week’s Sunday Age, a former history teacher’s letter “Where’s our history?” started an intense and confused debate about a “threat” by the national curriculum to Australian history in schools. More...
22 avril 2019

Creating university places is easy, motivating students to take them is hard

The ConversationIn 1973, the Whitlam Labor government abolished university tuition fees. In 1987, the Hawke Government radically created thousands of extra university places by creating a national system, financing it via HECS. More...
22 avril 2019

Teaching students to lie: historical method through hoaxes

The ConversationMore than a decade ago, back in the days of Web 0.5, a student of mine submitted a generally well-written essay on “Ante Pavelić, Great Hero of the Croatian Nation.” Now, if you know your history of World War II, you may remember Pavelić as the leader of the Croatian Ustaše government that was perhaps the most vicious of the puppet regimes aligned with Nazi Germany. More...
22 avril 2019

The university experience — then and now

The ConversationFrom the late 1950s that changed. With a growing movement towards gender equality, a progressively larger number of people attended university. More...
22 avril 2019

Yes, we Khan: pioneering education for anyone, anywhere

The ConversationSalman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, is a quiet revolutionary whose book The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined released last week, offers an inspiring vision for restructuring education. More...
22 avril 2019

Teaching the untold stories of World War I

The ConversationIt’s time to recover some of the harder stories of the First World War and redress an imbalance of remembrance. It is time we expand the ambit of commemoration and adapt the way we tell the history of the Great War to old and new audiences. More...
22 avril 2019

Back to the future: do we need a universities commission?

The ConversationThere’s been a push recently in university circles for a new body to help govern the sector and act as a buffer between the universities and government. More...
22 avril 2019

Grammar lessons not the solution to undergrad writing woes

The ConversationUniversity students across the nation will be handing in their first assignments of the academic year over the next few weeks. More...
22 avril 2019

Universities and the poorest billion

The ConversationIn the UK, and maybe in Australia as well Vice-Chancellors talk about core national issues surrounding education, research, policy, financing and technology transfer to enhance economic growth. More...
22 avril 2019

One student ID to rule them all?

The ConversationIs a universal (and cradle to grave) identity number on the way for all Australian students. More...
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