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28 janvier 2020

Buy a Laptop for a Child, Get Another Laptop Free

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Buy a Laptop for a Child, Get Another Laptop Free
The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project has taken the long expected step of making the XO computers available to consumers under a program that allows people to buy one for themselves while funding the purchase of one for a developing nation. More...

21 janvier 2020

Free Thinking : Enseignements tirés des survivants de l'esclavage moderne – Deuxième partie

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "epale europe"Dans la première partie, j'ai expliqué que l'une des choses les plus importantes que j'avais apprises au cours des 18 derniers mois était que l'esclavage reste une industrie florissante. J'ai également tiré d'autres enseignements importants, notamment que les survivants se heurtent à des obstacles qui entravent leur rétablissement et que personne n'est prédestiné à être victime d'esclavage. Plus...
21 janvier 2020

Edu2.0 - Free Hosted LMS (or VLE)

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Edu2.0 - Free Hosted LMS (or VLE)
Zaid Ali Alsagoff reviews the new edu 2.0 web-based education site. "First of all, their system is web-hosted and free; you don't have to download any software or manage your own servers. Second, their Resources section allows you to graphically browse thousands of community-contributed resources by topic; you can even upload your own resources and they will host them for you. Third, their unique personalized learning system allows students to study at their own pace and track their progress against a chosen curriculum". More...

20 janvier 2020

Shrinking space for freedom of peaceful assembly

Conseil de l'EuropeOver the last year, protests have multiplied across the planet, from Chile to Hong-Kong. Europe is not left out of this wave of demonstrations. Protests are taking different forms, from large and repeated demonstrations to the occupation of public places and spontaneous assemblies. The use of social media is also transforming the way assemblies are organised and managed. More...
17 janvier 2020

Harvard’s Computer Science Intro (CS50): Here’s How to Earn a Free Certificate

With over 1.5M enrollments on edX, CS50, Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Science, is one of the world’s most popular MOOCs and an all-time, top-100 online course on Class Central. More...

17 janvier 2020

Toxic Colleagues and Academic Freedom

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"I suspect nearly all professors agree with the need to defend the right to criticize the institution; I also suspect many would draw a line when it comes to persistently attacking the integrity of one’s departmental colleagues.  That’s a conversation that in the TRU case would have been very enlightening indeed. More...

17 janvier 2020

We need to talk about free speech again. Sorry.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Readers of this fabulous website will generally think, as I do, that the free speech ‘crisis’ is overblown. They will sigh and tut, as I do, when universities are described as ‘left-wing madrassas’ by commentators with malign intentions. They will find it a little hypocritical, as I do, when students who protest controversial speakers are criticised for expressing their free speech. But there is a free speech problem. More...
15 janvier 2020

Will the the Future of the Internet Be Free?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Will the the Future of the Internet Be Free?
With the release of the Google Flight Simulater as an 'Easter Egg' inside Google Earth last week, you can be forgiven for thinking, as Bill St. Arnauld suggests, that the future of the internet lies in free, not commercial, applications. In his email newsletter, St. Arnauld points to a couple other items that reinforce this point, Andrew Odlyzko writing Digital rights management: Desirable, inevitable, and almost irrelevant, and Paul Budde on meeting John Ralston Saul. "The inclusion of Intellectual Property into the WTO is severely hampering the flow of new ideas and information; it is attempting to control the dissemination of ideas, thus making the spread and sharing of them increasingly difficult. This is damaging the new economy!" Well, not just that. More...

14 janvier 2020

A violent attack on academic freedom

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "theguardian"A group of academics and campaigners strongly condemn the brutal assaults on students and staff at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi. More...
14 janvier 2020

Scotland to continue free EU student fees

By Viggo Stacey. The Scottish government has guaranteed that that EU students will continue to access university courses free of tuition fees in the 2020/21 academic year – in a bid to provide clarity to students, staff and institutions. More...

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