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27 janvier 2018

Restaurant Group, Pearson to Offer Free Education to Employees

HomeBy Doug Lederman. The restaurant group that operates the Chili's and Maggiano's chains announced an arrangement Monday by which it will, through Pearson Education, offer employees cost-free educational programs from language skills through associate degrees. More...

26 janvier 2018

Safeguarding Academic Freedom and a College Community

HomeJoanne Berger-Sweeney cites the lessons learned from a controversy at her institution involving race, politics, campus safety and competing claims of ownership over who has the right to speak and what they can and cannot say. More...

25 janvier 2018

Free higher education offered to low-income families

By Suvendrini Kakuchi. A new ¥800 billion (US$7.2 billion) package announced by the Japanese government last year will enable students from certain low-income households to be eligible for free education at national universities and reduced tuition costs at private universities, two-year colleges and vocational schools from 2020. More...
25 janvier 2018

Government fast-tracks free education project

Less than a month before the end of the legislative period, the Chilean government was preparing to pass a bill in the Senate to establish free higher education as public policy, reports Prensa Latina. More...
25 janvier 2018

Intellectual freedom the target of illiberal regimes

A literature professor on hunger strike has become the symbol of the mass purge of academics in Turkey, where the current president Recep Tayyip Erdogan is undermining the country’s status as an international centre for learning and intellectual exchange through increasing authoritarian control aimed at consolidating power. More...
25 janvier 2018

University leadership changes signal politicisation

By Yojana Sharma. As a number of universities in Hong Kong change their top leadership, the comments of outgoing and incoming university heads are being closely scrutinised for their commitment to Hong Kong’s cherished freedoms, particularly academic freedom, as the city comes under increasing pressure from Beijing. More...
23 janvier 2018

Universities accused of free speech clampdown

British universities have been accused of threatening free speech on issues such as Palestine by insisting on tough yet ill-defined rules that events must be chaired by approved ‘independent’ moderators, writes Areeb Ullah for Middle East Eye. More...
23 janvier 2018

Alt-right battle on free speech is a trap – Chancellor

The ‘alt-right’ is testing United States campuses on free speech as part of a narrative to discredit them, according to Carol Christ, chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley. More...
19 janvier 2018

La liberté d’expression et de pensée est le socle des valeurs de l’université

La Conférence des Présidents des Universités françaises (CPU) s’alarme une nouvelle fois de la situation de nombreux universitaires turcs dont les droits à l’expression lui apparaissent bafoués et des entraves posées à leurs libertés.
La CPU appelle au respect de la convention de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales.
Les présidentes et les présidents des universités françaises expriment leur solidarité à leurs collègues turcs et seront très attentifs à la préservation de leurs droits dans les actions judiciaires en cours. Plus...

16 janvier 2018

Les écoles gratuites en marketing du luxe

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "etudiant.lefigaro"Suivre une formation dans le luxe n’est pas forcément... un luxe. En licence ou en master, il est possible de se former aux métiers du luxe à l’université à moindres frais. Le Figaro Étudiant a fait une sélection.
La plupart des formations en marketing du luxe sont très chères. Heureusement, il en existe aussi d’autres, qui ne vous coûteront rien ou presque. Le Figaro Étudiant a recensé quelques-unes de ces formations. Certaines coûtent entre 184 et 256€ l’année (frais universitaires), d’autres sont gratuites pour les boursiers ou les alternants. Plus...

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