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31 juillet 2018

Colleges fight to preserve legacies

University Business Magazine logoA small liberal arts school with a modest endowment, Colby-Sawyer is heavily dependent on tuition. From a high of around 1,500 students a few years earlier, enrollment had dropped to 1,100 and the college was posting multi-million dollar operating losses. More...

31 juillet 2018

Colleges fight to preserve legacies

University Business Magazine logoA small liberal arts school with a modest endowment, Colby-Sawyer is heavily dependent on tuition. From a high of around 1,500 students a few years earlier, enrollment had dropped to 1,100 and the college was posting multi-million dollar operating losses. More...

31 juillet 2018

Government guarantees EU students' fee and loan rates past Brexit

Screenshot-2018-4-23 The GardianEuropean students applying to universities in England next year – after Britain’s formal exit from the EU – will be eligible for student loans and tuition fees at the same rate as domestic students, the government has announced. More...

25 juillet 2018

University of California Prepares to Cut Tuition for First Time in Almost 20 Years

HomeBy Rick Seltzer. The University of California is on the brink of eliminating an 11-year-old $60 tuition surcharge in what would be the system’s first year-over-year decrease in almost 20 years. More...

24 juillet 2018

Analysis of Colleges on Tuition Assistance for Service Members

HomeBy Ashley A. Smith. The Military Times released a list of the top 50 U.S. colleges and universities that allow the greatest numbers of service members to participate in tuition assistance. More...

22 juillet 2018

Proposed Fee Increases for International Students

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. The fees paid by international students -- and the colleges that host them -- to the U.S. government may increase soon. More...

22 juillet 2018

Eastern Michigan offers resident tuition rate to international undergraduates

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. Eastern Michigan hopes resident tuition rates will attract many more international undergraduates. More...

22 juillet 2018

EdX Partners Support Fees for Online Courses

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. MOOC provider consulted some but not all partner institutions before introducing fees for online courses. Most institutions support the move, but some wonder if it will be effective. By and large, representatives of institutions said they have a rooting interest in keeping edX financially sustainable, and they aren’t surprised that edX needs more money from students to maintain the volume of its output. More...

22 juillet 2018

Baisse des frais d’inscription à l’université dès la rentrée 2018

Screenshot-2018-4-18 Toute l'actualité de l'éducation bac, études, emploi - Page n°4 - Orientation EducationChaque année, pour intégrer l’enseignement supérieur, les étudiants doivent payer des droits universitaires. Cette somme est fixée par le ministère et varie selon le diplôme préparé par l’étudiant. A partir de septembre, les frais passeront de 184 € à 170 € pour les inscrits en licence et de 256 € à 243 € pour les masters. Seuls les étudiants boursiers seront exemptés de ces frais. Plus...

11 juillet 2018

DIY College Metrics

DIY College Metrics
Leslie Madsen-Brooks, The Clutter Museum, January 9, 2014
This really is a terrific post, filled with some really solid analysis (though the football player brain images were over the top). Like this, for example: "for every 100 first-time, degree-seeking undergraduates that begin their college careers at Boise State, 93 won’t graduate from that university in four years–and 71 won’t graduate within six." Makes you think twice about paying tuition. More...

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