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22 mars 2014

Curbing Debit Card Fees, Marketing

HomeBy Michael Stratford. The U.S. Department of Education is proposing new regulations on campus debit cards that would prohibit certain fees, restrict marketing activities, and require colleges to disclose their relationships with card providers. Department officials this week circulated a first draft of the proposal to members of a rule-making panel that is in the process of negotiating the regulations. Read more...
22 mars 2014

Student loans: fewer will be repaid Telegraph reporter. Ministers now believe that 45% of university graduates will not earn enough to repay their loans. The percentage of unpaid student loans is approaching the point at which the government will start to lose the money gained from having hiked tuition fees. Read more...
20 mars 2014

Student unions rebut plan to introduce tuition fees for foreign students

THE PLAN to introduce tuition fees for foreign students would not yield the projected savings, five student unions argue. Instead, the tuition fees would represent a step in the wrong direction for Finland in light of its internationalisation objectives.
Helsingin Sanomat wrote last week that the Government is poised to mull over the adoption of tuition fees for students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in a bid not only to generate revenue but also to create savings by limiting the inflow of students from non-EEA countries. More...

20 mars 2014

Universities criticise cut in fees for emigrants

Irish Times Politics’s avatarSetting of fees not the responsibility of Government, universities body argues. The representative body for the seven Irish universities has said moves to reduce fees for the children of Irish emigrants living outside the European Union could have a significant financial impact on third-level institutions. However, the proposal was given a warmer welcome by the institutes of technology, even though they also warned of possible “unintended consequences”. More...

18 mars 2014

Third-level fees are cut for children of Irish emigrants

Irish Times Politics’s avatarBy Harry McGee. Measure will benefit both Irish families living outside EU and returning emigrants. The Government has made a significant St Patrick’s Day gesture to Irish emigrant families living outside the European Union by dramatically lowering the fees their children will pay for third-level colleges here. The concession was announced yesterday by Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn and will benefit migrants who moved their families to the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and other regions outside the EU. More...

16 mars 2014

Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda strike HE harmonisation fee deal Gilbert Nganga. Students from Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda will in future pay local fees in any of the three East African Community, or EAC, states. A new deal has moved the countries closer to harmonised higher education, which has been elusive for the past five years due to difficulties in agreeing key parameters like fees and credit transfer. Read more...
16 mars 2014

Group Shines Light on State Disinvestment

HomeBy Doug Lederman. Public university students frustrated about burgeoning debt and steadily rising tuition prices often direct their anger at campus leaders, agitating about bloated administrative spending or salaries or misguided cuts in services. A new campaign by the organization known as Young Invincibles suggests that they're "complaining about the wrong people," says Tom Allison, the group's policy and research manager. With the release Thursday of report cards gauging each state's investment in higher education, Young Invincibles' Student Impact Project essentially asserts that for public institutions, at least, blame for rising tuitions falls overwhelmingly on legislators and governors, not presidents and trustees. Read more...

14 mars 2014

Students, parents waking up to PQ’s hidden tuition fee increase

By Karen Seidman. A reduction in the tax credit for students means they will pay $266 more this year. It was almost two years ago that hundreds of thousands of students marched through the streets of Montreal during the Printemps Érable to protest against a planned tuition hike that was eventually set at $254 a year for seven years. But two years after that uprising, students will effectively be paying $266 more for their tuition this year — and there has been no fuss, no uproar and not a red square in sight. More...

14 mars 2014

Dutch universities open their cheaper degrees to UK students

AdvertisementDutch universities are scrambling to attract British students by offering low-cost degrees taught in English. British teenagers are also being lured with low admission thresholds and the chance to graduate with international experience. The Australian (registration required)...

14 mars 2014

L’université Paris Dauphine augmente ses frais de scolarité Marie-Christine Corbier. Après les Ecoles des mines, l’université Paris Dauphine augmente ses frais de scolarité. Polytechnique laisse aussi la porte ouverte à une hausse. C’est un mouvement qui semble inexorable. Après les Ecoles des mines et celles regroupées derrière l’Institut Mines-Télécom , l’université Paris Dauphine vient de décider d’augmenter les frais de scolarité. Et Polytechnique pourrait être la prochaine sur la liste.
Le conseil d’administration de Dauphine a voté, lundi soir, les nouveaux tarifs applicables à la rentrée prochaine. La hausse porte surtout sur les masters maisons, dits de « Grand Etablissement ». Le prix de ces formations, qui varie selon les revenus des familles, augmentera de 2 % pour celles gagnant entre 35.000 et 100.000 euros par an, selon l’université. Mais pour les revenus compris entre 100.000 et 120.000 euros annuels, ces frais de scolarité passeront de 4.200 à 4.860 euros (+ 15 %). Avec un bond à 5.940 pour les revenus supérieurs à 120.000 euros (+ 41 %). Suite...

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