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26 novembre 2017

South Africa must do more to keep teachers from seeking ‘greener pastures’

The ConversationAround the world, many teachers are choosing to leave their home countries once they’ve qualified. It’s a global phenomenon, and one that impacts both developed and developing nations – in some positive ways, but with negative effects particularly for the source country that’s losing skilled teachers to supposedly “greener pastures”. More...

25 novembre 2017

Multi-Factor Placement With a Small Admissions Staff Matt Reed. At a meeting this week, I saw two articles of faith crash into each other.  I’m trying to sort out the pieces.  They were:
1. High school GPA and course selection are better predictors of success in college than a single score on a placement test.  
2. Hiring more staff (“administrative bloat”) is bad. More...
12 novembre 2017

What today’s teachers need to know

Education & Skills TodayThe focus of the forum couldn’t be more timely. According to reports by the World Economic Forum, one-third of the skillsets required to perform today’s jobs will be entirely redundant by 2020. And experts assert that nearly two-thirds of children entering primary school today will end up working in jobs that do not yet exist. More...

12 novembre 2017

Why teaching matters more than ever before

Education & Skills TodayTeaching and learning lie at the heart of what it means to be human. While animals teach and learn from each other through direct demonstration, observation and experience, humans are unique in their ability to convey vast quantities of information and impart skills across time and space. We are also, as far as we know, unique in our ability to engage in and convey our thinking around abstract concepts such as governance, justice and human rights. More...

5 novembre 2017

Enseignement. Pénurie de vocations

Cette situation est la conséquence du recul du nombre de candidats au concours. En cause : l'augmentation du niveau requis pour le passer (master), les conditions d'exercice du métier et la rémunération, sans oublier un recul du nombre de places ouvertes au concours entre 2009 et 2012. L'enseignement secondaire n'est pas épargné : 900 postes non pas été pourvus en anglais, allemand, lettres modernes et classiques... à la rentrée 2017.
Source :

25 octobre 2017

Compliance is Not the End Goal of Education

Compliance is Not the End Goal of Education
George Couros, Connected Principals, 2017/05/18

It shouldn't have to be said, I suppose, but it bears repeating that there are several outcomes above and beyond 'compliance' sought in a quality education. Outcomes like 'engaged' and 'empowered', for example. More...

19 octobre 2017

Il est inutile de vouloir réformer le système éducatif en France, il faut en changer

The ConversationCinquième puissance économique du monde, la France voit son système éducatif classé 27e dans le classement des Bernardins, qui mesure la qualité des systèmes éducatifs des pays de l’OCDE, tandis que selon PISA l’école française est l’une des plus inéquitables. Notre système est à bout de souffle et irréformable. Il faut en changer pour revenir dans les toutes premières places mondiales d’ici 10 ans. Plus...

19 octobre 2017

Éducation sans violence : un si long chemin

The ConversationAvec l’annonce par Laurence Rossignol du premier plan de lutte contre les violences faites aux enfants, le 1er mars, la question de leur prévention focalise enfin l’attention. L’idée de les élever sans violence fait, lentement, son chemin dans notre pays, même si la majorité des citoyens considèrent encore la fessée comme un geste sans grande conséquence. Plus...

18 octobre 2017

First Time Teaching a teaching assistant in the math department, my home before I joined the neuroscience program, I taught classes. All the teaching assistants did, and when students registered for classes, our names showed up in the registration system. More...

11 octobre 2017

Teaching Sociology in 2017

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Sociologists talk about teaching in the political now, with an emphasis on critical media literacy, ground rules for a discussion and an understanding that students see sociology classrooms as somewhere to try to make sense of current events. More...

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