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30 décembre 2018

Personnels en situation de handicap : connaître vos droits

Screenshot-2018-4-21 Journal de mise en ligne - ESR enseignementsup-recherche gouv frAvec la loi du 11 février 2005 pour l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées, de nouveaux droits ont été introduits pour un plus grand nombre de personnes. Le ministère chargé de l'Enseignement supérieur  mène une politique active en faveur de l'insertion des personnes en situation de handicap. Cette politique a pour objectif d’accompagner les agents à faire valoir leurs droits. Plus...
28 décembre 2018 - Étape 3 - Les études de droit : les clés pour m’orienter

Univ-Droit, le portail universitaire du droit, propose aux lycéens un module de présentation du droit. Découverte des études juridiques, exploration des métiers du droit, explication des attendus et mise au point sur le questionnaire d’auto-évaluation, vous y trouverez toutes les informations utiles sur les filières juridiques. Plus...

23 décembre 2018

Paris Principles at 25: Strong National Human Rights Institutions Needed More Than Ever

Conseil de l'Europe25 years after the international community first formally embraced the idea of creating national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights through the endorsement of the Paris Principles, it is obvious that independent and effective national human rights institutions are every bit as important and relevant today. More...

23 décembre 2018

Preview exhibition “Human rights – still some way to go”

Conseil de l'EuropeOn the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Cartooning for Peace, an international network of newspaper cartoonists, has joined with the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to stage a travelling exhibition called “Human rights – still some way to go”. More...

Preview exhibition “Human rights – still some way to go”

23 décembre 2018

Human Rights Day 10 December 2018

Conseil de l'EuropeThe principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights laid the foundations for the promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights worldwide. The swift action of the Council of Europe has given these principles concrete legal backing, with the European Convention on Human Rights adopted in 1950, and the establishment of the European Court of Human Rights some years later. More...

23 décembre 2018

Human rights is an integral part of responsible business conduct

Human rights, the sometimes forgotten rights that we take for granted as we communicate freely with friends and family on the media of our choice, as we freely decide on our professional career or benefit from the right to equal treatment, did not even exist at the international level 70 years ago. This changed on 10 December 1948 when the UN General Assembly adopted one of its most important Resolutions ever: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). In the aftermath of World War II the Universal Declaration was seen as one of the building blocks for the New World Order that Article 1 of the UN Charter calls for and which includes respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. The UDHR was the first universally agreed document to give all human beings rights against the state based on their human dignity. More...

21 décembre 2018

Conditions D’ACCÈS : scénarios de modification des conditions d'ouverture de droit

Ce document apporte des éléments d'éclairage et d'analyse sur certains paramètres concernant l'ouverture de droit à l'Assurance chômage.
Il traite des conditions d'ouverture de droit, en particulier pour la recherche de l'affiliation minimale :

  •     des repères sur les conditions dans d'autres pays européens
  •     les options d'évolution de la condition minimale d'affiliation, de sa période de recherche, et de la période pour le calcul de la durée du droit
  •     la faisabilité juridique
  •     une estimation de l'impact pour les allocataires et les comptes de l'Assurance chômage, selon l'option présentée

Sur le site de l’UNEDIC

13 décembre 2018

Your Software Rights or the Best Tools: Often a Sad Choice

Your Software Rights or the Best Tools: Often a Sad Choice
One of the major reasons why I like having windows on my laptop (all my desktops are Linux) is, in addition to a wireless application that works, I can run Paint Shop Pro. More...

13 décembre 2018

Education Dept. Paid Commentator to Promote Law

Education Dept. Paid Commentator to Promote Law
The important question to ask, of course, is how much other coverage concerning education policy is bought and paid for, and what other issues have professional journalists been happy to take a few dollars in exchange for supporting. I am often critical of traditional media because I consider it less reliable than, say, blogs. More...
13 décembre 2018

Help us Edit the Learners Bill of Rights

Help us Edit the Learners Bill of Rights
Philipp Schmidt, P2PU, January 23, 2013

P2PU is launching a campaign to create and in some sense ratify a 'Learner Bill of Rights' for online learners. All very well, though I think the idea of a Bill of Rights is a bit of an Americanism - I contrast it with the 'Cyberspace Charter of Rights' I authored back in 1999 and which I think still reads well. Of course, I never had the means (nor inclination) to round up a biunch of famous people to sign it, so it never received a whole lot of traction. More...

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