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6 décembre 2018

Metadata Development in China: Research and Practice

Metadata Development in China: Research and Practice
Absolutely fascinating overview of metadata development in China, including a recent history showing an explosion of interest beginning in 2002 and a number of metadata initiatives. More...

24 novembre 2018

Les liens entre RSE et ODD

66b94efa-f77d-49f2-9030-193b6047b0b1Le développement durable est désormais une dimension structurante et intégrée de chaque politique et décision. De par la nature mondiale des enjeux, l’ONU a fixé 17 objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l’horizon 2030. Comment traduire ces ODD en France ? La Plateforme RSE de France Stratégie a planché sur le sujet et remis son avis le 22 octobre 2018. Plus...

19 novembre 2018

Revitalising activism and democracy via professional development for casual academics (Advocate 25 03)

That prioritising casualisation is one of the key challenges our Union is now facing was brought home by the recent publication of the Times Higher Education University Leaders Survey, a major survey of leaders in global higher education which found that seven out of 10 Australian vice-chancellors expect that a greater proportion of academics will be on short-term or casual contracts in Australian universities by 2030. More...
18 novembre 2018

What does it take for a Development Bank to succeed?

Public finance institutions, or development banks, have “development DNA”. But, can they effectively engage in financing “development in transition” or the call to rethink international co-operation to help countries at all levels of income sustain their development gains. More...

9 novembre 2018

Child Psychology: Vygotsky's Conception of Psychological Development

Child Psychology: Vygotsky's Conception of Psychological Development
Overview of Vytotsky's theory of development, with an explanation of why (and how) Vygotsky believes that higher order cognitive phenomena are of a different type from more instinctual phenomena. More...

24 octobre 2018

Canadian Society for Training and Development

Canadian Society for Training and Development
The CSTD has launched a new news feed (including RSS). "CSTD is Canada's national organization dedicated to the profession of training, workplace learning, and human resources development. More...

21 octobre 2018

Raising capital for intermediary cities

Intermediary cities are the fastest growing cities in the developing world. Often referred to as secondary or second-tier cities, intermediary cities typically have a population of between 50,000 and one million people. They play a fundamental role in connecting both rural and urban areas to basic facilities and services. More...

21 octobre 2018

It is time for a new finance paradigm in development

On 27 November 1095, Pope Urban declared the crusades ostensibly a religious call, but one that reinforced the power of the spiritual over the temporal. To support the crusades, the church built a financial institution by leveraging the Templars under the Papal bull Omnes Datum Optimum, creating a monastic banking system that gave birth to such financial innovations as letters of credit, banking and, by extension, fiduciary products like trusts. More...

21 octobre 2018

New interactive Eurostat publication on the Sustainable Development Goals

This publication aims to help EU citizens understand the meaning of these 17 goals and invites them to explore and evaluate the situation of their country compared to others. It offers easily understandable visualisation tools for a selected subset of the 100 EU SDG indicators. More...

20 octobre 2018

Boostez le développement de votre entreprise

Retour à la page d'accueil de DEFILa Fédération de la Plasturgie et des Composites et Bpifrance ouvrent la pré-sélection pour le programme APC, l’Accélérateur Plasturgie et Composites, le premier programme dédié aux PME du secteur pour accélérer leur croissance et leur compétitivité. Plus...

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