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28 novembre 2017

New Data on Equity and Inclusion?

By Alex Usher. So, you may have read something last week (perhaps this piece from the Globe and Mail) about Universities Canada’s members all getting together to sign up for a set of Principles on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and an associated Action Plan on Inclusive Excellence.  There is lots of good stuff in these documents, and the promise made by Universities Canada to make public demographic data on faculty, staff and students. More...

28 novembre 2017

Data analytics: one call for papers, free research papers, and a free paper on libraries

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. BayLAN is currently accepting abstract submissions for the conference. Abstracts should report on research in the broad area of learning analytics.  Presentations may include technical work that applies data science or other quantitative methods to improve education, as well as interventions, methodologies, tools or technology that are intended to improve learning outcomes. More...

28 novembre 2017

A Note on Data Used for LMS Market Analysis

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "e-Literate"The market data are organized in a dataset that captures system usage on a per higher education institution basis. For most schools, a campus is equivalent to an institution. But there are also cases where there multiple campuses per university (e.g. University of Minnesota system with five campuses, or DeVry University with dozens of campuses) and the LMS decision is made at the system level. In these situations, one decision will lead to multiple institutions listed in the data. More...

28 novembre 2017

Batman’s new gig: Data science superhero?

eCampus NewsHigh demand for data scientists makes them real-life superheroes among employers–but which fictional superhero would make a great data scientist? Batman would make a great data scientist, according to 43 percent of people participating in a poll conducted by data science training provider Metis. More...

27 novembre 2017

The threat of Big Brother undermines a push to gather data about college student performance

University Business Magazine logoThe promise of big data versus the menace of Big Brother.
That’s the storyline of an unlikely, behind-the-scenes battle being waged over a plan to help Americans know their odds of graduating on time from a particular college, and how much money they will likely earn when they do. More...

27 novembre 2017

Revised data shows community colleges have been underappreciated

University Business Magazine logoA college degree is the key to unlocking many of the best careers in the modern labor market. But more than 20 million working-age adults in the United States are college dropouts, failed in some way by institutions that collectively receive hundreds of billions of dollars in public funding every year. More...

25 novembre 2017

Ask the Administrator: New Data, New Dissertation Topic? Matt Reed. Compelling research topics.
In light of the new IPEDS data, a longtime reader who is pursuing a doctorate asks:
So, here's the career advice question. Can you think of a compelling research question that can now be explored with the new data and would make a good dissertation topic?  
I like this question, for obvious reasons. More...
25 novembre 2017

Fun With Data Matt Reed. Along with many other community college people, I’m glad to see that the National Center for Education Statistics is finally making some fundamental changes to its IPEDS numbers, which have painted an unduly negative picture of community colleges for decades. More...
25 novembre 2017

Data on Community College Grads Who Earn Graduate Degrees

HomeBy Paul Fain. The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center this week released new data on the numbers of graduate and professional degree earners who first began their postsecondary studies at a community college. More...

25 novembre 2017

New Data on Nondegree Credentials

HomeBy Paul Fain. More than a quarter of Americans hold a nondegree credential, with 21 percent completing a work experience program, according to new federal data. And many of these credential holders have well-paying jobs. More...

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