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30 août 2018

Corse Compétences - Accès au DATA DOCK numéro de téléphone de la HOTLINE

Gip Corse CompétencesPour toutes informations ou problèmes techniques contacter la HOTLINE  de DATA DOCK :

09 77 40 55 20. Plus...

26 août 2018

CEET > Base de données Ceerise

CEETL’équipe de la documentation du CEET renseigne quotidiennement une base de données spécialisée en sciences économiques et sociales du travail, de l’emploi et de la protection sociale. Les sujets étudiés au CEET, de même que les comparaisons européennes et internationales, font l’objet d’une attention particulière des documentalistes qui sélectionnent et analysent les documents. Plus...

25 août 2018

As college costs rocket up, unlock the data that will enable smart choices

University Business Magazine logoData increasingly drives the modern world. From picking your seat on an airplane to buying a car to purchasing a product online, consumers are able to read reviews and examine every detail before making a purchase. There's a wealth of consumer information at our fingertips. More...

24 août 2018

New database puts African education research at the heart of policy and practice

The ConversationThere is growing recognition of the quality of research in developing countries and its importance for policy and practice. Plus...

23 août 2018

Sharing Too Much Information?

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. In May, the U.S. Education Department warned testing organizations, colleges and schools that changes in testing practices add to their obligations to protect the privacy of test takers. More...

22 août 2018

The Ultimate College Teaming Up in Houston

HomeBy Ashley A. Smith. Houston area colleges and universities are working across sectors and sharing information and data to improve student outcomes. More...

22 août 2018

Data Analytics and Student Advising: Creating a Culture Shift on Campus

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Student advising has always been considered the linchpin of retention, a critical area for higher education institutions. And our retention gurus have held for years that it’s important that a student’s advisor is one of the key people they build a relationship with. More...

22 août 2018

Google adding data to college information searches

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Google will enter the college exploration process by offering information about institutions when their names are entered into its search function. According to MarketWatch, the tech giant reported that the data about four-year colleges and universities will include specific information about costs, financial aid, admissions and graduation rates and graduates’ income levels. More...

22 août 2018

If data is the answer in higher ed, what is the question?

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. In this era of increased accountability, diminishing resources and fierce competition, institutions have begun to see a culture of data-informed decision-making as a necessity instead of a luxury. Making good decisions depends on quality data and less on intuition or anecdotes. More...

18 août 2018

Pôle emploi - Données essentielles des conventions de subvention

Pôle emploi met à disposition les données essentielles des conventions de subvention d’un montant supérieur à 23 000 € conclues depuis le 1er août 2017 avec des partenaires publics ou privés.

Ces données sont celles prévues par le décret n°2017-779 du 5 mai 2017 relatif à l'accès sous forme électronique aux données essentielles des conventions de subvention. Plus...

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