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5 mars 2019

Centralized Collection and Control of Personal Data

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Centralized Collection and Control of Personal Data
Arvind Narayanan, March 18, 2013
Presentation and paper from Air Mozilla on the subject of distributed authentication. "While the Internet was conceived as a decentralized network, the most widely used web applications today tend toward centralization. Control increasingly rests with centralized service providers..." The paper argues that decentralized authentication faces difficult hurdles. More...

3 mars 2019

Data science is a growing field. Here’s how to train people to do it

The ConversationThe world is inundated with data. There’s a virtual tsunami of data moving around the globe, renewing itself daily. Take just the global financial markets. They generate vast amounts of data – share prices, commodity prices, indices, option and futures prices, to name just a few. More...
3 mars 2019

New Data: 60% of Students Graduate Within 8 Years

HomeBy Paul Fain. Among students who started at a community college or four-year institution in 2010, 60.4 percent graduated by 2018, according to new data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, which tracks all but a small percentage of college students. More...

3 mars 2019

New Federal Data on Dual Enrollment

HomeBy Paul Fain. About a third of high school students took courses for college credit, according to a nationally representative study from the U.S. Department of Education. The new dual-enrollment data are based on a 2009 study of more than 23,000 ninth graders, whom the department surveyed again in following years. More...

1 mars 2019

Compilation of Data on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Ed

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. The American Council on Education is today releasing a compilation of statistics on race and ethnicity in higher education. The data are previously published -- generally by federal agencies. But they show numerous racial gaps in education attainment and in employment. The report may be found here. More...

1 mars 2019

Is It Time for a Moratorium on Metadata?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Is It Time for a Moratorium on Metadata?
"Creating metadata for text has gone from tedious to insignificant." If this isn't obvious, it should be. From where I sit, the text is the metadata - it describes itself. So where is metadata useful - photographs? Video? Well it would be, if people filled it out well. What would be better, proposes the author, would be if there were a moratorium on metadata. More...

1 mars 2019

Data on the Decline at Hampshire College

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Hampshire College, facing criticism over its board’s decision not admit a full freshman class for the fall, released on Monday documents reviewed by the board. More...

27 février 2019

What can I do with my educational data? (#lak13)

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. What can I do with my educational data? (#lak13)
Sheila MacNeill, Sheila’s work blog, March 6, 2013
I think this topic will be on the top of a lot of minds in the next little while. No, not simple "what can I do with my educational data?" though that will certainly be the topic of conversation. But the other one: who owns my educational data? The question was prompted for Sheila MacNeill by the recent #etmooc webinar featuring Audrey Watters titled 'who owns your education data?'. More...

27 février 2019

BigData in HR: Why it's Here and What it Means

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. BigData in HR: Why it's Here and What it Means
Josh Bersin, Bersin by Deloitte, March 4, 2013
What's interesting about the diagram above is that it presents analytics (properly so-called) as its own discipline, and represents human resources (HR) and (hence) education as the latest thing in the progression of analytics through the years. More...

27 février 2019

Learning lessons from data controversies

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning lessons from data controversies
Ben Williamson, Code Acts in Education, 2018/12/18
This is the transcript of a talk devoted to showing how people have lost faith in the idea that data will solve the problems of 21st century education and technology. "We’re now learning some hard lessons from the rapid expansion of data analytics, algorithms, and AI across society," writes Ben Williamson. More...

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