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29 octobre 2018

Coopération entre la Fédération de la formation professionnelle et l’Apec

Emfor Brougogne-Franche-ComtéCe partenariat a pour objectifs :
- d’accompagner les entreprises adhérentes de la Ffp dans leurs recrutements de jeunes diplômé(e)s et de cadres et d’accompagner ceux-ci dans leurs démarches d'évolution professionnelle,
- de favoriser le développement de bonnes pratiques Rh dans les entreprises et plus particulièrement dans les Pme,
- de développer les synergies entre les deux structures sur l'ensemble du territoire,
- de faire connaître les métiers de la formation professionnelle. Plus...

26 octobre 2018

Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata

Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata
This is a good article defining and describing classification systems created through a non-regulated process of keyword or metadata attribution - folksonomies. The idea, dervived in this case from Flickr, is that people write whatever they think is appropriate to describe an image, and categories emerge as natural clusters based on these descriptions. More...
26 octobre 2018

Cooperation and Collaboration

Cooperation and Collaboration
Stephen Downes, May 26, 2014, International Workshop on Mass Collaboration and Education, Tübingen, Germany

In this presentation I revisit some of my work on 'groups and networks' to draw out the distinction between cooperation and collaboration for this mass collaboration workshop. I argue that mass collaboration may be impossible to achieve, and show how we employed a principle of mass cooperation to support massive open online courses (MOOCs). I also introduced new terminology, using the term 'collective' to describe what I have been calling 'groups', and 'connectives' to describe what I have been calling networks.

[Link] [Slides] [Audio]. More...

26 octobre 2018

Let's Stop Confusing Cooperation and Teamwork with Collaboration

Let's Stop Confusing Cooperation and Teamwork with Collaboration
Jesse Lyn Stoner, Seapoint Center, May 20, 2014

Short article with clear useful definitions and which looks at the impact of distance on cooperation and collaboration. The impact on cooperation is clear, from this study: "virtual distance had significant influences on trust, goal clarity and OCB and indirectly influenced innovation and success." But simply moving people to the same place will not impact collaboration (contra Marissa Mayer). More...

26 octobre 2018

Towards Better Group Work: Seeing the Difference between Cooperation and Collaboration

Towards Better Group Work: Seeing the Difference between Cooperation and Collaboration
Olga Kozar, English Teaching Forum, May 19, 2014

"Cooperation can be achieved if all participants do their assigned parts separately and bring their results to the table; collaboration, in contrast, implies direct interaction among individuals to produce a product and involves negotiations, discussions, and accommodating others’ perspectives." Olga Kozar, English Teaching Forum (2010). More...

26 octobre 2018

The Evolution of Cooperation

The Evolution of Cooperation
Robert Axelrod, May 19, 2014

From the perspective of game theory, Robert Axelrod asks, "Under what conditions will cooperation emerge in a world of egoists without central authority?" Cooperation can develop even among people with competing agendas (as in, for example, a war). "Cooperation can get started, evolve, and prove stable in situations which otherwise appear extraordinarily unpromising." Axelrod suggests (and I disagree) that cooperation requires conditions of reciprocity among people likely to meet again. More...

21 octobre 2018

From aid to Global Public Investment: an evolution in international co-operation

That is the common view of almost everyone. Whether you are a member of the general public in a “donor” country, still feeling the effects of an economic downturn, or a citizen of a “recipient” country whose economy feels like it is taking off for the first time in living memory. More...

21 octobre 2018

Upgrading International Development Cooperation

These are hard times for international cooperation. With rising protectionism, burgeoning trade disputes, and a troubling lack of concern for shared interests like climate change, the world seems to be turning its back on multilateralism. More...

21 octobre 2018

La coopération européenne en éducation et en formation : valeur ajoutée et effets

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Menée entre octobre 2016 et février 2017 par Pluricité (cabinet spécialiste de l’évaluation des politiques publiques) et Synoptic.Pro (entreprise spécialisée en enquêtes pour le secteur public), l’étude s’est concentrée sur la valeur ajoutée de la coopération transnationale ainsi que sur les formes d’innovations développées, créées ou transférées dans le cadre de ces projets. Plus...

18 octobre 2018

Une coopération renforcée entre Pôle emploi et les Cap emploi pour mieux accompagner les personnes en situation de handicap

Cheops, le Conseil national Handicap & Emploi des Organismes de Placement Spécialisés, représente les Cap emploi auprès des pouvoirs publics, des décideurs économiques et des partenaires sociaux. Cheops s’appuie sur un socle de valeurs associatives et entrepreneuriales de type réseau. Plus...

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