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14 septembre 2014

China supports new academy for science and technology

By Wagdy Sawahel. In cooperation with China, Algeria plans to set up an academy for science and technology, in an effort to boost the role of research in developing a knowledge-based economy.
The new academy was one of the projects included in a 4 September China-Algeria science, technology and higher education cooperation agreement, according to a report published by China Network. Read more...
29 juin 2014

Help us map Dutch-Indonesian cooperation in higher education

We would like to get a better insight into the cooperation between Indonesian and Dutch higher education institutions and we need your help with this. You are invited to fill out a questionnaire on the subject.
The questionnaire was developed by Nuffic Neso Indonesia and the Dutch Embassy in Indonesia to get an overview of the current state of cooperation between Indonesian and Dutch higher education institutions. The results should assist institutions in making well-informed decisions when establishing or strengthening academic cooperation between the Netherlands and Indonesia. The results will be published in a report and a factsheet.

Expected outcomes
The survey is expected to produce the following outcomes:

  • an outline of the different forms of cooperation at different levels (central, faculty, department, programme) within the higher education institutions;
  • an overview of the duration and contractual basis (if any) of these collaborations (such as MoU, technical agreement, contract);
  • a categorisation of the type of cooperation (for example: double degree, student exchange, staff exchange, research project).
Deadline 7 July
We depend on your support to make this project comprehensive. Please feel free to forward the questionnaire to any colleagues at your institution who are involved in cooperation with Indonesian universities. The deadline for completing the questionnaire is 7 July.
Fill out the questionnaire. More...
21 juin 2014

‘Fostering University Business Cooperation Ecosystems in Europe and Latin America’, Madrid, Spain (24-25 June 2014)

LogoThe European Commission, in partnership with Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Fundación Universidad-Empresa and InNorMadrid, the Innovation Office of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, is organising a thematic forum entitled “Fostering University Business Cooperation Ecosystems in Europe and Latin America”, on 24 and 25 June in Madrid.
The forum aims to gather industry and academia representatives to explore new collaboration opportunities for universities and businesses.
EUA’s Director of Research and Innovation, Dr Lidia Borrell-Damian, is among the speakers due to take part in the event. For more information please visit the forum website. More...

7 juin 2014

4 juin : Signature de l'accord de coopération Etat/Prism'emploi/UNML en faveur de l'emploi des jeunes'accord de coopération Etat/Prism'emploi/UNML en faveur de l'emploi des jeunes, notamment en garantie jeunes a été signé mercredi 4 juin 2014 au cabinet du Ministre de l'Emploi, 101 rue de Grenelle - Paris 7ème. L'accord est mis en ligne.
Lire l'accord de coopération. Voir l'article...

6 juin 2014

La coopération internationale en matière de recherche

Logo AmueLes ministres de la recherche du G8+5 se sont réunis trois jours près d'Oxford pour un séminaire de travail annuel autour des grands enjeux de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur. Plusieurs thèmes ont été abordés en fonction des préoccupations communes prioritaires : un point sur l'avancement de la recherche et des formations associées dans chacun des pays, les grands équipements de recherche internationaux ou bien encore la politique européenne et G8+5 pour une énergie durable, sécurisée et accessible.
En savoir + > Séminaire de travail pour les ministres de la recherche du G8+5 face aux grands enjeux mondiaux

29 mai 2014

Cooperation and Collaboration

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Cooperation and Collaboration
Stephen Downes, May 26, 2014, International Workshop on Mass Collaboration and Education, Tübingen, Germany
In this presentation I revisit some of my work on 'groups and networks' to draw out the distinction between cooperation and collaboration for this mass collaboration workshop. I argue that mass collaboration may be impossible to achieve, and show how we employed a principle of mass cooperation to support massive open online courses (MOOCs). I also introduced new terminology, using the term 'collective' to describe what I have been calling 'groups', and 'connectives' to describe what I have been calling networks. [Link] [Slides] [Audio]. More...

24 mai 2014

The Evolution of Cooperation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Evolution of Cooperation
Robert Axelrod, May 23, 2014
From the perspective of game theory, Robert Axelrod asks, "Under what conditions will cooperation emerge in a world of egoists without central authority?" Cooperation can develop even among people with competing agendas (as in, for example, a war). More...

9 mai 2014

L’ARF et les Régions ivoiriennes signent une convention de coopération

L’Assemblée des Régions et Districts de Côte d’Ivoire (ARDCI) et l’Association des régions de France (ARF) ont signé, le 2 mai 2014, à Abidjan une convention de coopération, sous le regard du ministère de l’Intérieur et de la Sécurité, représenté pour la circonstance par le Directeur de Cabinet Cheick Bamba Daniel. Suite...

29 avril 2014

University Business Cooperation

European Commission logoWhat is it?
If Europe wants to be a leader in innovation and enterprise it must improve the dialogue between the education sector and the market-place. Cooperation between businesses and higher education institutions encourages the transfer and sharing of knowledge, helps create long-term partnerships and opportunities and drives innovation. Closer cooperation with the employment sector helps universities develop curricula that are relevant and meet the needs of individuals and society, equipping graduates with the right skills and mind-sets for the labour market. There are many examples of successful co-operation between academia and industry throughout Europe. However, the level of co-operation varies considerably between different countries, universities and academic disciplines.
How does the EU support this?
The University-Business Forum

  • An annual forum that brings together higher education institutions, companies, business associations, intermediaries, and public authorities, providing them with a common space at a European level for dialogue, networking, and the exchange of good practice. This event looks not only at the staus quo but also investigates what might be needed in terms of new policy initiatives and programmes.
    The Fifth University-Business Forum pdf(9.29 Mb) Choose translations of the previous link took place in June 2013.
  • Regular Thematic Forums are also held across Europe in cooperation with Member States to address key themes at national and regional level.
    The most recent thematic forum took place in Warsawpdf(8.35 Mb) Choose translations of the previous link in November 2013.

The Knowledge Alliances
The Knowledge Alliances are structured partnerships between higher education institutions and businesses, working on projects that promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship by developing new approaches to teaching and learning. They aim to create new multi-disciplinary curricula to promote transferrable skills and entrepreneurship within education as well as encouraging a more systemic culture of cooperation between the business and academic sector for mutual benefit.
Studies on the various aspects of University-Business Cooperation are regularly commissioned, looking at a variety of sectors, member states and specific topics. The most recent studies have included the first comprehensive review of the state of university-business cooperation in Europepdf(3.07 Mb) Choose translations of the previous link , and a study on innovation in higher educationpdf(5.87 Mb) Choose translations of the previous link . Several individual reports on the state of University-Business Cooperation in specifc member states are also now available. Much of this work is the outcomes of discussions that have taken place during the various Forums organised by the Commission and in partnership with institutions in the member states. See more...

28 avril 2014

Cooperation outside the EU

European Commission logoWhat is it?
European higher education institutions and individuals can work with partner institutions outside the EU through international mobility, joint degrees, and international cooperation partnerships, including capacity building and staff development in emerging and developing parts of the world.
What is it for?
Learning mobility and capacity building projects can improve skills, modernise higher education systems and institutions, and create better partnerships between the EU and education systems across the world. Opportunities given through Erasmus+, such as the high level Erasmus Mundus scholarships, can contribute to make Europe a more attractive study destination.
What are the opportunities for cooperation with partners outside the EU?

Non-EU partner countries can also participate in the following actions mainly targeted at programme country institutions, under the condition of bringing a specific added value to the project:

Who can take part?
Higher education institutions in Programme countries may apply. Master's students and doctoral candidates may apply individually for the relevant programmes.
Capacity Building Projects
Higher education institutions can take part in collaborative capacity-building projects set up and managed by a consortium of higher education institutions from the Erasmus+ programme countries on the one hand and those from a particular region of the world on the other (the EU's neighbouring countries, Russia, EU candidate and potential candidate countries, Latin America, Asia, Africa-Caribbean-Pacific countries). These projects can be:
  • Joint projects: these help higher education institutions from partner countries to develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, as well as to boost quality assurance and governance of higher education institutions.
  • Structural projects: to develop and reform higher education institutions and systems in partner countries; to enhance their quality and relevance, promote regional cooperation and increase convergence.

In certain partner countries neighbouring the EU, capacity-building projects will also be able to include a mobility strand targeted at students and staff from the institutions involved in the project. Institutions from the regions mentioned above can submit a proposal for a capacity-building project under an Erasmus+ Call for Proposals.
Info and contact
Institutions in a Programme country can contact their National Agency for more information on student and staff mobility and Strategic Partnerships and the EACEA for Joint master degrees, Capacity building, and Knowledge alliances Institution in a Partner country can contact their European partner institution for more information on student and staff mobility, Joint Master's degrees, Strategic Partnerships and Knowledge Alliances, and the Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive Agency for capacity building projects. Students can apply for a scholarship to attend a high-level joint master or doctoral programme. Courses can be selected on the EACEA website . The current Erasmus+ call for proposals and programme guide do not yet include two actions targeted at cooperation with partner countries- the international credit mobility and the capacity building action in higher education. These two actions are funded from the EU external cooperation instruments, which will be launched at a later stage in 2014. See more...

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