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6 septembre 2013

Apprendre aujourd’hui en vue d’un développement durableérence mondiale de l'UNESCO sur l'éducation pour le développement durable 2014 - Apprendre aujourd’hui en vue d’un développement durable
Date :  du 10-11-2014 au 12-11-2014
Lieu :  Aichi - Nagoya
Organisation :  United Nations Educational (UNESCO) - Scientific and Cultural Organization
avec le Gouvernement du Japon
Programme : 
En 2014, à l’occasion de la fin de la Décennie pour l'éducation en vue du développement durable, l’UNESCO et le Gouvernement du Japon organisent la Conférence mondiale de l’UNESCO sur l’éducation en vue du développement durable – Apprendre aujourd’hui en vue d’un développement durable (10-12 novembre).
La Conférence mondiale sur l’éducation en vue du développement durable 2014 établira un bilan de la mise en œuvre de la Décennie des Nations Unies pour l’éducation en vue du développement durable (DEDD), et prendra acte des réalisations de la Décennie. La Conférence présentera des initiatives, des acteurs, des réseaux et des idées qui ont été générés par la DEDD. Des exemples de bonnes pratiques utilisées dans le monde entier joueront un rôle important afin d’identifier des approches de l’EDD viables, mais aussi des domaines-clés pour les actions à venir.
En s’appuyant sur la Déclaration de Bonn de 2009, la Conférence utilisera la pertinence de l’EDD pour prolonger l’ensemble des efforts visant à améliorer la qualité de l’éducation. Elle soulignera le rôle joué par l’EDD en matière de transition vers des économies et des sociétés vertes, et en tant que catalyseur de la planification et de la mise en œuvre intersectorielles de programmes axés sur des domaines tels que le changement climatique, la biodiversité ou la réduction des risques de catastrophes. La Conférence se penchera également sur la façon dont l’EDD peut aider les politiques et les mesures en matière de développement durable à évoluer pour répondre aux différents besoins mondiaux, régionaux, nationaux et locaux.
L’examen de la mise en œuvre de la Décennie pendant la Conférence permettra d’élaborer des stratégies pour les activités d’EDD après 2014. À seulement trois ans de la date cible fixée pour les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement et les objectifs de l’Éducation pour tous (EPT), et deux ans après Rio+20, la Conférence soulignera également la pertinence de l’EDD pour le prochain ensemble d’objectifs mondiaux pour l’éducation et le développement. Elle apportera des contributions concrètes aux ordres du jour post-2014 de l’éducation et du développement durable.

6 septembre 2013

Interuniversity Symposium ‘Families in Science’ Symposium ‘Families in Science’, Brussels, Belgium (13 September 2013)
The Interuniversity Symposium ‘Families in Science’, jointly organised by a number of universities, will take place in Brussels on 13 September.
The aim is to present “good practices in academic institutions and companies, to support staff members to combine a healthy family life and a successful career in science”. Personal testimonies of researchers with successful dual careers will be complemented by results from research projects on families in the scientific world.
To find out more or to register, please visit the event website.

31 août 2013

2013 PASCAL Conference

2013 PASCAL Conference: Local communities in the sustainable and healthy learning city neighborhood and community, partnership and learning
This event is organized by the Pascal International Observatory, in partnership with the host Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT’s) European Union Centre, among other regional bodies.
The Conference will focus on present and future action, exploring how good practices can be adopted and adapted between different regions, cultures and traditions, aiming to give response to how to build futures for all that are economically viable, socially cohesive, culturally inclusive and environmentally constructive.
The meeting is planned to connect with the work of UNESCO and the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning (UIL), which will launch with China the Global Learning Cities Network (GLCN) in Beijing late in 2013.
More information about this event…

31 août 2013

Guni Conference 2013 - Good Practices Research  

Proceedings Aboriginal women's trajectories and perspectives on homelessness: a collaborative research project
Julie Cunningham
Proceedings Community-university engagement in social economy, the Quebec's experience
Sylvie Boucher De Grosbois, Vincent Van Schendel
Proceedings The Indigenous Intercultural University Network - a place for dialogue on knowledge
Roberto Alulima, Homayra Condarco, Claudia Stengel
Proceedings Health and society, community participation for action
César García Balaguera, Alba Yise Rojas Caballero
Proceedings Rural Women's Action Research Programme
Dee Smythe, Aninka Claassens
Proceedings Strategies for Engagement in Regional Development
Edward Jackson, Katherine Graham, Todd Barr, Andre Spitz
Proceedings Women from indigenous communities researching food shortages: Towards methodological advancement of community research
Neeta Hardikar, Janki Andharia
Proceedings Student Community Engagement in a Changing Economic Context
Dr. Juliet Millican
Proceedings Balancing indigenous and western research paradigms in a community-based participatory research project
Melissa Daniels, Lola Baydala, Natasha Rabbit, Barb Mclean. More...

Engaged Scholarship

Proceedings Siem Smun'eem: The Indigenous Child Welfare Research Network
Leslie Brown, Qwu l'sih'yah'maht (Robina Thomas)
Proceedings Engaged Partnership Transforms Academic Practice: Authentic Engagement with a Metis Settlement in Alberta, Canada
Fay Fletcher, Alicia Hibbert, Fiona Roberston
Proceedings Engaged Partnership Transforms Academic Practice: Authentic Engagement with a Metis Settlement in Alberta, Canada
Alicia Hibbert, Fiona Robertson, Susan Ladouceur, Fay Fletcher
Proceedings Engaging the community: Activate and The BA Community Development at the university of Glasgow
Helen Martin, Margaret Layden
Proceedings OPEN ODYSSEY
Ismael Sene
Proceedings Dare to dream: Creating an international centre for community engagement and scholarship
Heather McRae, Katy Campbell
Proceedings The Interuniversity Framework Programme for Equity and Social Cohesion Policies in Higher Education
María Manuela Guilherme, António Teodoro, José Beltrán, Alejandra Montané
Proceedings The UGA Tunisia Educational Partnership: A Holistic Global engagement Paradigm
Takoi Hamrita
Proceedings Engaging with communities - an empowerment approach to university-community engagement
Pierre Viljoen. More...

Academic Enterprise

Proceedings Culture as a manner of relation: the co-creation of a new city
Richard Alonso Uribe Hincapié
Proceedings Beyond the third mission - the PASCAL PUMR Initiative
James Powell
Proceedings Social enetrepreneurship LAB
Luz Arabany Ramirez, Steffany Fisher, Julian Ramirez Nieto
Proceedings Community – University Engagement for Economic Empowerment: The Nigerian Experience
Chineze Uche, Onyewuchi Akaranta, Joseph Ajienka, Bene Abbey
Proceedings External participation in university governance: the stakeholders in the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (Argentina)
Juan Carlos del Bello, Graciela Giménez
Proceedings Professional Development Diagnostic Tool for Business and Community Engagement
Simon Whittemore, Bob Bell, Anne Craig, Linda Baines, Marc Dobson, Carl Vincent, Anthony Gladdidh
Proceedings Strategic Initiatives to Impact the Institutionalization of Community Engagement at a Public, Research University
Andrew Furco
Proceedings How the University of Chicago forms reciprocal relationships with the community through the arts and humanities
Joanie Friedman, Erika Dudley. More...

Science Shop and CBR

Proceedings Innovation in Science Shop practices: A case study from Queen’s University Belfast
Emma Mckenna
Proceedings The role of the University in the transformation of a territory of poverty
Paulo Speller, Sofia Lerche Vieira
Proceedings Community Based Research and Innovative Practice; Mental Health and Cultural Diversity
Joanna Ochocka
Proceedings Science Shop at University of Groningen
Henk A.J. Mulder
Proceedings Citizen Science
Joy McManigal, Erin Cannan
Proceedings Building a new understanding of ESD through community university engagement in Catalonia
Jesús Granados Sànchez, Josep Bonil, Genina Calafell, Mercè Junyent , Rosa Maria Tarin
Proceedings Arts-based adult education, research and knowledge mobilisation with homeless/street-involved women in Victoria
Darlene Clover
Proceedings Community based research and post secondary vocational training in indigenous and afrocolombian communities in Colombia
Sandra Frieri, Maria Clara Van Der Hammem
Proceedings Setting internationally shared research agendas by CSOs and research institutes through a science shop case
Jozefien De Marrée, Audrey Van Scharen, Nicola Buckley, Rachel Teubner, Halliki Voolma. More...

Knowledge Mobilization

Proceedings Building research capacity for sustainable development
Aurea Christine Tanaka, Christopher Doll, Zinaida Fadeeva
Proceedings Taking the Pulse of the New Saskatchewan: A Case of Community Engaged Scholarship
Harley Dickinson, John Agnew, Rob Mclaughlin
Proceedings Mukondeni Ceramic Water Filter Business
John Mudao, Rachel Schmidt, Jim Smith, Rebecca Dillingham
Proceedings The UK Community Partner Summit
Sophie Duncan, Sharon Court, Kim Aumann
Proceedings Chance 2 Advance programme
Genevieve James, Unisa
Proceedings Collaborative Campaign of Community, Civil Society and Academia to end Female Foeticide and Sex Selective Abortion
Martha Farrell, Namita Kumari
Proceedings The IDEA Portal – Innovative Approaches to Doctoral Education in Africa
Hilligje van’t Land, Nadja Gmelch. More...

Service-Learning I

Proceedings Servers, Not the Served
Mary Pat Zebroski, Cyntia McCauley
Proceedings Macheo Achievement Programme
Roselyne Mwangi, Strathmore University
Proceedings Miquel Marti i Pol garden
Salvador Simo, Maria Kapanadze, Ivan Cano
Proceedings The Tawasol Project - A case study of EU and Arab World Universities through Civic Engagement and Service Learning
Lorraine McIlrath, Michele Lamb, Rhanda Mahasneh, Mounir Mabsout
Proceedings The Environmental Law Clinic at Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Maria Marquès, Aitana de la Varga Pastor
Proceedings Visualizing Community and Justice
Nicholas Longo, Eric Sung
Proceedings Integrating A Youth-based Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Curriculum in Higher Education
Lancelot D'Cruz, S.J., Sebastian Vadakken Antoney
Proceedings Educational change for social justice: A service-learning experience in teacher education
Pilar Aramburu-Zabala. More...

Service-Learning II

Proceedings Service learning in universities. Description of an experience in the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Barcelona
Anna Escofet, Mariona Graell, Josep Puig, Montse Freixa, Xus Martín, Laura Rubio, Maribel de la Cerda, Mireia Páez
Proceedings SFU Public Square
Philip Steenkamp, Andrew Petter, Shauna Sylvester
Proceedings Free Aid: Business students for Not-for-profits
Irena Descubes
Proceedings IKD Gazte: self-managed learning to develop the sense of initiative within the curriculum in Higher Education
Julieta Barrenechea, Idoia Fernández
Proceedings Reviving Community Engagement: Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to Primary School Children- A Special Study Module in Community Based Service Learning
Aoife Jackson, Lorraine McIlrath, Gerard Flaherty, Mauren Kelly
Proceedings Service Learning as a successful methodological strategy in training social responsible professionals
Gracia Navarro, Gladys Jiménez, Margarita Baeza, Manuel Ardiles
Proceedings Community Based Experience and Services: An Innovative Medical Education of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Temidayo Oladiji, Abdul Ganiyu Ambali, Olugbenga Mokuolu
Proceedings Intergenerational Service-Learning: Elder Academy at Lingnan
Carol Ma HokKa
Proceedings A Campus-Community-School Transformational Partnership
Robert Bringle, Starla Officer, James Grim. More...

Service-Learning III

Proceedings CommunITy: Putting IT in the community
Pat Byrne
Proceedings Shere Rom: A learning service programme for minority empowerment
José Luis Lalueza, Marta Padrós
Proceedings Acquiring and evaluating transversal competencies through solidarity activities: The practical case of the UdG
M. Rosa Terradellas, Sílvia Lloveras, Martí Casadesus
Proceedings Service-Learning as a Bridge from Local to Global communities
Sook-Young Ryu, Sulggy Park
Proceedings Teaching –Learning the Practice of Empowerment: Reflections on ANANDI as a ‘field placement’ for students
Jahnvvi Andaharia
Proceedings Universities and their environments: Engagement, partnerships, and conditions of mutual relationships
Margo Fryer, Hans G. Schuetze
Proceedings Community Engagement with Service Learning: a community development approach
Julia Preece, Desiree Manicom
Proceedings Catalyst! Citizens Transforming Society: tools for change
Jon Whittle Pi, Debbie Stubbs. More...
26 août 2013

European Higher Education in the World Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2013. International Conference „European Higher Education in the World“ 
Date: 5-6 September, 2013 Venue: Pirkliu klubas, Gedimino pr. 25, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The international dimension of higher education has become a central topic of the European higher education policy agenda. Globalisation and technological development are radically changing the landscape of higher education. International student mobility will grow rapidly to an expected 7 million by 2020 in the context of an exponential growth in the demand for higher education: over the next twenty years, the number of higher education students is expected to increase fourfold, from 99 million to 414 million. The thirst for knowledge and social mobility of the expanding middle classes in emerging economies will put higher education within the reach of hundreds of millions of citizens of the world.
European higher education institutions have a positive record of internationalisation notably via their participation in EU and national academic cooperation programmes. They have a rich and diverse experience in developing international curricula, fostering international education, research and innovation projects and exchanging students, researchers, staff and knowledge. Since 1987, the Erasmus programme has played a key role in stimulating mobility: almost 3 million students have participated in the programme, as well as over 300,000 higher education teachers and other staff. Beyond mobility, Erasmus has transformed the way in which higher education institutions relate to and cooperate with one another. The Programme has proven to be an important catalyst in the reform and internationalisation of higher education systems. It put to the fore the need for the convergence introduced through the Bologna Process and its tools. From 2004, the Erasmus Mundus programme, building on the successes of Erasmus, has contributed to enhance internationalisation by funding the development of excellent joint Masters and doctoral programmes between higher education institutions in Europe and further afield, stimulating the process of accreditation of international joint degrees.
The chief purpose of internationalisation is to improve the quality of higher education, to better prepare learners in Europe to live in a global world and work in a global economy. There is no single approach to internationalisation. It involves all levels of university life and has to be adapted to each institution's specific profile. Higher education institutions are encouraged to develop comprehensive internationalisation strategies encompassing all their competitive and cooperative activities. While mobility is one key component, internationalisation strategies need to reach well beyond mobility and prioritise the need to internationalise curricula and the teaching process, in order to cater for the needs of the vast majority of learners who are not internationally mobile.
The need for more global cooperation and strategic partnerships involving European and non-European higher education institutions is particularly urgent, in order to tackle global challenges. If Europe is to remain a highly attractive destination for internationally mobile students, and a valued partner for international academic cooperation, against the rising backdrop of new regional higher education hubs, it must reinforce its efforts to promote the global awareness of the high quality and the rich cultural and linguistic diversity of its universities as well as its competitive advantages. Those include a strong experience in developing joint and double degrees, participation in international research projects, networks, developing doctoral schools, industrial doctorates or in implementing a common qualification framework and quality assessment tools.
Following the European Commission Communication on the internationalisation of higher education, the conference will bring together over 150 higher education stakeholders from the EU and beyond, and offer them an opportunity for dialogue on the different tools available to further internationalisation processes, and on the future place of Europe in the global higher education landscape.
See the Programme.

26 août 2013

Transnational Education: opportunities to engage, share and learn date:  22 Oct 2013 9:30 am 
End date:  22 Oct 2013 4:30 pm 
Venue:  Woburn House Conference Centre, 20 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 1HQ
UCAS, Universities UK and the UK HE International Unit are offering institutions a unique opportunity to share best practice and examine ways in which shared services can help institutions achieve their Transnational Education (TNE) goals, whilst debating the future shape of UK TNE.

TNE has grown significantly over the past few years, becoming an established part of UK institutions’ internationalisation and recruitment strategies. With around 5,000 TNE courses offered by UK institutions and an estimate that TNE will become the largest mode of international education by 2020, there has still been little debate about a shared approach to promoting UK TNE, or the development of shared services for the sector.
Features of the one-day conference include:

  • Establishing best practice modes of TNE using case studies.
  • Debating and discussing the future of UK TNE in a competitive global market.
  • Participating in thought leadership workshops and panel discussions.
  • Identifying shared services to promote UK TNE to UK and international students.
  • Marketing TNE courses – case studies of success.
  • Networking opportunities to share knowledge.

For more information and booking, visit the UCAS website.

26 août 2013

First World Congress on Access to Post-Secondary Education First World Congress: Montreal 2013!
Our inaugural global congress will be held in October 2013 in Montreal, Canada.
Participation is open to all who are concerned about broadening participation and success in post-secondary education, including people from education institutions (leaders, students and staff), community organsations,  business and industry, NGOs and non-profits, international education networks and governments and government agencies.  Find out more here.
The preliminary programme for Montreal 2013 is now available HERE.
(Simultaneous translation in French and Spanish available for plenary sessions)
Some opportunities are still available to contribute to the programme.  Please contact us  if you would like to make a submission. All relevant topics will be considered but in particular we are looking for  submissions on:

  • Education for the social and economic development of cities and regions
  • Working lives: issues and ideas in adult and vocational education
  • Funding educational opportunities.

Publication: Aspirations, Access and Attainment in Widening Participation - International perspectives and an agenda for change.EAN members Neil Murray and Chris Klinger have produced this publication which will be launched during Montreal 2013. Find out more here. To contact the publisher to pre-order a copy use this link.
Displays:  If you would like to arrange a display/exhibition space during Montreal 2013 please contact us.
Student participation:
We urgently need to raise funds to support student participation in Montreal 2013. Your contribution, no matter how small, can help. Find out more here.
Online registration for Montreal 2013
Registration for both Montreal 2013 and the pre-congress programme is open.
Your registration fee will help us to support participants from poorer and developing countries.
Group and special case discounts will be considered. Contact us by filling in the form on the registration page.  You must provide us with information to support your case. Note that we cannot reply to all requests due to the large number. If your application is successful we will contact you and provide you with a discount code to use when registering.  Note also that we cannot provide full fee waivers or financial support for travel through this process.
For on-line registration use this link.
Please use this alternative link if you are from one of the following countries
Balkans, Belarus, Benin, Burma (aka/formerly Myanmar), Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, New Caledonia, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Registration queries please use this link.
Accommodation in Montreal
Special rates have been negotiated at local hotels. Information is available here.
2nd World Congress: 2015!
Call for proposals to host the world congress in 2015: Find out more here. Submissions by September 10th 2013.

26 août 2013

Université Européenne des Régions et des Territoires pour apprendre tout au long de la vie"Adultes en formation: Repenser la dynamique des apprentissages tout au long de la vie"
Dans le contexte de crise économique en Europe, l'écart entre les qualifications et les compétences des individus et celles demandées par le marché du travail rendent plus que jamais essentielles les politiques d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Les configurations pour l'apprentissage des adultes tout au long de la vie doivent être repensées.
Comment innover pour rendre effectif l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie pour les adultes ?
Comment les nécessaires dynamiques d'alliances, de réseaux d'acteurs peuvent-elles se mettre en œuvre sur les territoires ?
Comment les liens d'interdépendance entre les acteurs, les organisations, les territoires peuvent-ils se reconfigurer pour s'adapter, faire face aux changements et faire système ?
Comment la stratégie européenne prend-elle en considération ces nouveaux enjeux ?
L'agence est partenaire de cet événement.
Programme, bulletin d'inscription, appel à contribution, participation à la bourse de projets :

26 août 2013

Final Conference of the LEM project September 2013, Bologna, Italy
The overall objective of the event - which in the first place is meant to be a meeting place to facilitate networking and develop further collaborations at European level - is therefore to disseminate the outcomes of the project and share the knowledge developed throughout the three years of its duration, as well as to give participants an opportunity to compare experiences and exchange ideas with colleagues from all over Europe. On 19 September it will be possible to join the LEM Working Groups in the thematic seminars focused on their research - The outcomes of their work will be presented. The international conference will be held on 20 September and will be livestreamed. There is no conference fee. The conference has been registered on the Comenius Grundtvig Catalogue with the code IT-2013-960-001.
The provisional programme
More detailed information will follow in due time on the Conference website.

22 août 2013

Promoting Higher Education Internationalisation through International Research Collaborations, Partnerships, Innovative Teaching

49 abonnés
Depuis la création 2 785 410
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