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12 avril 2014

IMTA - International Management Teachers Academy 8-20 Jun 2014 Bled, Slovenia 15th edition

Ceeman LogoCEEMAN International Management Teachers Academy (IMTA) provides a unique opportunity for young faculty to develop their curricula, course design, teaching materials and particularly teaching skills and methods. The program is heavily based on the case method, including teaching with cases, case writing, and performance evaluation and feedback to students. It is also designed to improve competences and skills integral to specific managerial disciplines, and provides input essential in other areas of a faculty member's professional life, such as consulting, institution development and administration, and social responsibility.
The exchange of ideas and experience with colleagues from other countries is also an invaluable source of learning, and an effective instrument in establishing professional contacts and networks.
According to post-program feedback received by IMTA participants and their institutions, the effects of the program go far beyond individual professional career development. Its benefits also include an impact on the participants’ institutions and their respective stakeholders. More...

12 avril 2014

ACA Annual Conference 2014, Bordeaux, France (15-17 June 2014)

LogoThe Academic Cooperation Association’s (ACA) Annual Conference “Europe in the world. Higher education developments across the globe" will take place in Bordeaux, France, from 15 to 17 June 2014.
Co-organised with the Agence Europe-Education-Formation France, the conference will focus on issues such as the “relative attractiveness of European higher education on a global scale”; “present and future key issues of European and global higher education”; and “recent trends in major non-European countries and regions around the world”.
EUA Secretary General, Lesley Wilson, is due to speak at the conference.
For more information, please visit the conference website. More...

5 avril 2014

Call for papers for SEAMEO Congress: Re-Thinking Education

International Council for Open and Distance EducationFrom 21-22 October 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, SEAMEO in collaboration with the British Council and Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) Thailand, is launching the SEAMEO Congress on Education, Science and Culture with the theme Southeast Asia in Transition: Re-Thinking Education, Science and Culture for Regional Integration.
The SEAMEO Congress will bring together a diverse set of actors from government organizations, education institutions, industry and business sector, international and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations to discuss perspectives on how to best shape education and human resource development policies and practices for regional integration in Southeast Asia. Congress website. More...

5 avril 2014

Intellectual Capital & Education

Vistula University will host an international conference on Intellectual Capital and Education in December 2014. The conference will cover topics such as intellectual property rights, education for creativity, and ICT as an enabler for quality in education.
Education is our future. Investments in education are increasing worldwide but the results of those investments will be seen in 10, 20 or 50 years from now. Governments and decision-makers worldwide have to be very careful about how they make investment decisions. "Educational reforms" have been going on for several decades in most industrialised countries but their outcomes are mediocre. Website: Intellectual Capital and Education. More...

30 mars 2014

Higher education professionals prepare for second Future Directions conference second Future Directions conference takes place next week at Aberystwyth University, on 2 and 3 April.
The conference is one of the most important events in the HEA Wales calendar; bringing together sector agencies, students and institutions in Wales to help shape future collaborative work to ensure the best possible learning experience for all Wales’ students. The conference will feature a series of paper, poster, nano-teach, discussion and workshop sessions as well as student panels and keynote speeches. There will also be an HEA Wales showcase event, at which the new Future Directions theme – Global Graduates: Enabling Flexible Learning will be launched by Professor Clive Mulholland, Chair of Higher Education Wales Pro-Vice-Chancellor Learning & Teaching Advisory Group, and a conference dinner’. More...

23 mars 2014

Call for papers on universities and network analysis

By Hedda. 1st European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN) will take place in Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barchelona, UAB) during July 1-4, 2014. The conference has a broad focus on Social Networks with various thematic sessions. In addition, 16 workshops will be offered on  the theory, data collection, methods of analysis and visualization of social networks. One of the thematic sessions has also focus on universities in particular, with a title University Networks. See more...

22 mars 2014

EAIE Conference 2015: Where are we heading?

By . Our Facebook fans seem to have worked this one out already! It’s not Paris, it’s not Rome. No, we’re heading a little further north, to a land where English is spoken (with a twist), where men wear skirts (sometimes), where the national motto is: ‘Nemo me impune lacessit – No one provokes me with impunity’. It was also home to the first ever raincoat. Guessed it? We’re heading to Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city!
Preparations have already begun in earnest for the 27th Annual EAIE Conference, taking place from 15–18 September 2015. The theme of the conference is ‘A wealth of nations’. As we tentatively head into a more fruitful economic era, we need to acknowledge and combine our collective strengths in Europe to remain competitive and successful in the global marketplace. Economists among you will recognise the term ‘Wealth of nations’ from the fundamental classical economics work by key Scottish Enlightenment leader, Adam Smith. Educated at Glasgow University, Smith’s thinking influenced economists as well as governments and organisations during the Age of Enlightenment – promoting intellectual interchange, using reason to reform society to ultimately pave the way for the modernisation of the Atlantic World. More...
21 mars 2014

Conférence annuelle de l’ACA

Logo Agence300 universitaires européens seront réunis à l'Université de Bordeaux les 16 et 17 juin prochains pour la conférence annuelle de l'ACA qui se déroule pour la première fois en France.

L'ACA, Association pour la Coopération Académique, réunit tous les grands organismes européens et internationaux spécialisés dans les questions d'internationalisation de l'enseignement supérieur. L'agence 2e2f est membre de l'ACA depuis 2011 et Antoine Godbert en assure la vice-présidence depuis fin 2013.

La conférence 2014 sera centrée sur la question de la place de l'enseignement supérieur européen dans le monde : « Europe in the world. Higher education developments across the globe ». Les deux jours de débats permettront de faire un tour d'horizon des grands défis de l'enseignement supérieur sur tous les continents.

Les participants français à la conférence ACA ont droit à un tarif préférentiel; Vous devez pour cela vous inscrire en ligne en cochant « regular fee » et spécifier dans le formulaire d'inscription « French participant ».

Inscription et infos sur le site de l'ACA


Bordeaux, 15-17 June 2014


Pre-conference day: 15 June 2014

14.00 - 16.00   


16.00 - 18.00

Discovering Bordeaux


Welcome dinner at the Château Luchey Halde

1st conference day: 16 June 2014




Welcome addresses
Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux, former Prime Minister of France (Bordeaux, France) (tbc)
Sijbolt Noorda, President, ACA (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Antoine Godbert, Director, Agence 2e2f (Bordeaux, France)
Manuel Tunon de Lara, President, Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France)


Musical welcome


What this conference is about
Bernd Wächter, Director, ACA (Brussels, Belgium)


Opening keynote 1
Cédric Villani, Professor of Mathematics at Université de Lyon, Fields Medal (2010), Administrator of the pro-European Think-Tank EuropaNova (Paris, France)


Coffee break


Plenary Session 1: The global attractiveness of European higher education

The European Union's global higher education strategy
Jordi Curell, Director, European Commission, DG Education and Culture (Brussels, Belgium)

Erasmus+: an instrument for global outreach?
Christian Tauch, Head of Department, Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (Bonn, Germany)

The Bologna Process: a model for higher education worldwide?
Gottfried Bacher, Deputy Head, Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research (Vienna, Austria)
Assessing the attractiveness of European higher education. A view from the outside.
John Yopp, Associate Provost for Educational partnerships and International Affairs (Lexington, USA)




Parallel workshops 1: regional perspectives

La Méditerranée: tendances, défis, projets de coopération (en Français)
Jean Christophe Menet
Diplomatic Adviser, Union pour la Méditerranée (Barcelona, Spain)

China: the new centre of gravity?
Liqiu Meng, member Board of Management, Technische Universität Munchen (München, Germany) (tbc)
Marc Zolver, Deputy Director International Affairs, Ecole Centrale Paris (Paris, France)

Latin America: the sleeping giant?
Francisco Marmolejo, Lead Tertiary Education Specialists and Coordinator Network Higher Education Specialists (Washington, USA)

The US: still reigning supreme?
Rolf Hoffmann, Director, German-American Fulbright Commission (Berlin, Germany)
Patrice Simon, Professor Material Science, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)


Coffee break


Panel discussion: The geopolitics of global higher education

Chair (tbc)

Patricia Pol, Advisor, Ministry of Higher Education and Research (Paris, France)


End of first conference day


Reception by the city of Bordeaux (Town Hall)

2nd conference day: 17 June 2014


Opening keynote 2
20 years from now: French higher education in a global comparison (in French)
Geneviève Fioraso, Ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (Paris, France) (tbc)


Plenary session 2 - The future of higher education

The end of the traditional University? MOOCs and open content
William Lawton, Director, Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (Surrey, UK)

Reaching outTrends in trans-national education
Antoine Grassin, Directeur Général, Campus France (Paris, France)

Strategic Partnerships: rationales, problems, outcomes
Lesley Wilson, Secretary General, EUA (Brussels, Belgium)


Coffee break


Parallel workshops 2 : more regional perspectives

Afrique: les dynamiques de la coopération euro-africaine (en Français)
Emile Tanawa, Vice-Recteur, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Paris, France)
Beer Schröder, Adviser to the Board of Directors, Nuffic (The Hague, The Netherlands)

India: still grappling with quality?
Lynne Heslop, Senior Education Adviser, British Council India (New Delhi, India)
Shaun Curtis, Director International, Exeter University (Exeter, UK)

Russia: internationalisation all over?
Maria Yudkevich, Vice-Rector, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
Richard Burger, Head Science and Technology, EU Delegation to Russia (Moscow, Russia) (tbc)
Caroline Dufy, Maître de conférences, Science Po (Bordeaux, France)

The Gulf: education hubs.
Robert Coelen, Vice-President International, Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Leeuwarden, The Netherlands)
Barthélémy Jobert, President, Paris Sorbonne University (Paris, France)




Five uneasy questions on internationalisation in higher educaton
Sijbolt Noorda, President, ACA (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


Closing keynote

Higher education for all. Access and inclusion as the priority of the 21st century
Georges Haddad, Director, Education Research and Foresight in the Education Sector, UNESCO (Paris, France) (tbc)



Lessons from this conference
Ulrich Grothus, Deputy Secretary General, DAAD (Berlin, Germany)



Inscription auprès de l'ACA :
(tarif préférentiel pour les établissements français)

16 mars 2014

#SAtech Picks for the #NASPA14 Conference Eric Stoller. If you're still building your schedule for this year's NASPA Annual Conference, please take a look at some of the sessions that are definitely going to be packed with technology, social media, digital identity and/or futurist convos:
Monday, March 17:
15 mars 2014

First Annual Conference on Equality and Diversity in Learning and Teaching in Scottish Higher Education First Annual Equality and Diversity in Learning and Teaching in Scottish Higher Education (LTHE) Conference, Attainment for All: Inclusivity, Diversity and Success in LTHE, will take place on the 11 April 2014 in Glasgow.

Held in collaboration with the Equality Challenge Unit the conference will be based on the themes of inclusive learning and teaching, equal and fair attainment and academic standards.

Attendance at this conference is FREE of charge for all delegates excluding travel and accommodation (places are limited) and the conference programme will include keynote presentations, workshops, papers, poster presentations and debates. The opening address will be given by Lucy MacLeod, Depute Director (Students) at the Open University Scotland. Read more...

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