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1 février 2020

La formation, un investissement dont on attend un ROI

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnellePar Patrick Leconte. C’est la nouveauté de ce début d’année : les dépenses de formation engagées par les entreprises sont dorénavant considérées comme un investissement. Ce qui ouvre la voie à leur amortissement et pose la question du retour sur investissement. Plus...
1 février 2020

Les business schools peuvent-elles avoir un impact positif pour la planète? Un indicateur pour le mesurer

HeadwayBlog Headway - Olivier Rollot. Les organisations internationales d’étudiants oikos, AIESEC et Net Impact ont uni leurs efforts à WWF Switzerland, OXFAM International et UN Global Compact Switzerland pour créer le Positive Impact Rating (PIR) qui a été présenté le 22 janvier lors du sommet de Davos. 51 écoles de 22 pays ont été auscultées. Plus...

31 janvier 2020

Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Blackboard Is Losing Customers, but What Does It Mean?
Blackboard's stock, despite the lawsuit and the bad publicity, has continued to climb historically, probably spurred on by recommendations from industry analysts. Probably they like not only Blackboard's hold on the market - "the high cost of switching to a new system is likely to encourage customers to stay with Blackboard" - but also the company's continuing emphasis on commercial transaction systems, such as today's announcement of support for contactless card technology. Nonetheless, Michael Feldstein notes, the company is continuing to lose customers, the result of major universities moving to Moodle, as Louisiana State did. What's going on. More...

31 janvier 2020

OpenSocial Opens New Can of Worms

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. OpenSocial Opens New Can of Worms
I can't even begin to describe the chaos on the discussion lists following the release of OpenSocial. To put it in a nutshell: it's a way for people to write applications that will play inside social networks like Orkut. But it is not a mechanism for a single-signon or any of the distributed social network features people have been looking for. Anyhow, there's a lot of coverage, highlights of which follow. This item looks at Google SocialStream. More...

31 janvier 2020

Details Revealed: Google OpenSocial To Launch Thursday

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Details Revealed: Google OpenSocial To Launch Thursday
Here's the Slashdot discussion. Due to launch tomorrow, Google's OpenSocial will be "a set of common APIs that application developers can use to create applications that work on any social networks (called 'hosts') that choose to participate." This will allow users to manage user information, their social graph, and activity information, which will be available on multiple sites. One of the nice things is that "developers use normal javascript and html (and can embed Flash elements)." This is being depicted in some quarters as an alliance against Facebook and Microsoft. But Mark Andreesen (Ning, one of the partners) depicts it as the next step in a process initiated by Facebook. More...

31 janvier 2020

When Wikipedia Is the Assignment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. When Wikipedia Is the Assignment
This article covers an EDUCAUSE presentation describing the use of Wikipedia for student assignments. Neat project, and what's also interesting is that an EDUCAUSE conference presenation is getting coverage in a newsmagazine website. Oh I know, it's far from the first - but given that these conferences run almost every day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, there is it seems to be, a gold mine for the press to follow and report on - and a much better way to report the news than the more traditional focus on politics, conflict, innuendo and unnamed sources we see in newspapers and on television. More...

31 janvier 2020

Blackboard's Dirty Laundry Comes Out in Patent Trial

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Blackboard's Dirty Laundry Comes Out in Patent Trial
Kudos to Michael Feldstein, who has been on top of the Blackboard patent case since the beginning, for offering continual and insightful reportage. Today we get news of some of the seamier side of the LMS wars: "Blackboard apparently sponsored a spy to go to the D2L user conference and report back on the events and even had an employee pose as a university employee (with a fake email address) to gain competitive information" and "while the public story around the patent is that they are protecting their intellectual property, the 'real' purpose was to 'contain and control' D2L. So the goal is to distract the #2 vendor in the LMS space with a costly lawsuit." Sad. More...

31 janvier 2020

MySpace Opens Up to Developers in Move On Facebook

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MySpace Opens Up to Developers in Move On Facebook
TRhe last time I went to my MySpace page I was deluged with noisy intrusive ads. So I didn't really care about their announcement that they will, like Facebook, allow external developers. Of course, facebook isn't innocent - more than once I've wanted to wish away its blinking advertisements. When will someone create a personal space service that allows owners to choose the advertisers they are willing to support. More...

31 janvier 2020

Facebook As a Learning Platform

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Facebook As a Learning Platform
To be clear, I do not think that Facebook itself is really a learning environment. It's a large, centralized piece of software that is getting creaky with use (we've seen more outages and the PHP code is once again dumping itself into users' browsers). Its privacy policies are questionable and it is giving out user information to applications willy-nilly. But it is still important, because it reveals many of the features future learning environments (and personal environments in general) will need to have. Something like the social network operating system, maybe. More...

31 janvier 2020

OpenLearn Units in Facebook, App

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. OpenLearn Units in Facebook, App
I wrote a dull Facebook app last week, and now Tony Hirst has com back with something more interesting, "an OpenLearn Course Units facebook app. Add it to your Facebook profile and you can read the content of every OpenLearn unit via the unit RSS feeds, which are bundled using my own OpenLearn OPML bundles" using Grazr. Sweet. Now, imagine if these were different every day, as though your could reach in and sample a day's activity at a university. More...

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