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25 septembre 2015

Visualizing Well-being Data Visualization Contest: Meet the Winners

Wikiprogress ProgBlogWe would like to thank everyone who entered the Wikiprogress “Visualizing Well-being” Data Viz Contest over the summer. We received so many entries of high quality and we are delighted to be announcing the winners, who will be joining us at the 5th OECD World Forum in Guadalajara next month. The contest was held as part of the Web-COSI  project, which aims to improve people’s engagement with statistics beyond GDP. We particularly wanted to encourage young people to participate and offered a special prize for under 26-year olds. In the end, two of the winners were under 26 at the time of the competition and one had just turned 26. More...
18 août 2015

Youth Unemployment and Psychological Wellbeing

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The project’s main activity is "summer camp" which is a youth exchange. The youth exchange focuses on youth unemployment and its psychological effects, impact and the preventive measure. More...

11 août 2015

Comment faire du management un levier de bien être au travail ?

A l’invitation de Jean NIEL, directeur régional de Pôle emploi Alsace. Une conférence animée par Rachida BAIDANE en présence de Didier RAFFIN, Professeur associé de psychologie du travail à l'Université de Strasbourg (UdS).
Comment faire du management un levier de bien-être au travail ?
A l’heure ou les entreprises évoluent face à la crise dans un contexte économique difficile en ayant des contraintes de performances élevées, on observe une répercussion sur la santé des salariés.
Ainsi la question du « bien-être » en entreprise revient comme étant un sujet nécessaire à l’organisation de ces dernières. Voir l'article...

5 août 2015

It’s true: happier students get higher grades

The ConversationBy  and . What leads to success in school?
Recent research suggests success is partly driven by character skills. “Grit,” for example, or perseverance and passion for long-term goals, seems to be a better predictor of success than IQ in school and beyond. More...
3 août 2015

Study Links College Completion and Longer Lives

HomeNew evidence for the "completion agenda": finish college and you are likely to live longer. Researchers at New York University, the University of Colorado at Denver and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill released findings Wednesday that show consistent links between greater levels of education and longer lives. Read more...

31 juillet 2015

Meditation & Data: toward greater well-being

By Brian Mathews. I recently returned to Apple with an iPhone 6. It included the Heath App, which I had not seen before. It’s basically a pedometer although it has other features as well. I was curious about how far (or actually how little) I walked each day. More...

30 juillet 2015

Visualise well-being and win a trip to Mexico!

By Admin. Wikiprogress is running an infographic and data visualisation contest, with the prize of a paid trip to Guadalajara, Mexico to attend the 5th OECD World Forum on the 13-15 October 2015 for the top 3 winning entries. The winners will be awarded with a certificate of recognition during a special session of the Forum. The competition is open to all individuals, both amateurs and professionals. We especially would like to encourage the participation of young people and one of the prizes will be reserved for entries from under 26-year olds. More...

29 juillet 2015

Be Happy, Be Healthy

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Be Happy, Be Healthy" is a project that will bring together 48 youth workers from 14 organizations from 12 European countries and will provide a new training methodology in order to overcome social exclusion, focused on building healthy habits, improve physical culture and increase personal motivation to improve the quality of life for themselves and young people they work with. More...

24 juin 2015

The recipe for a better life

By Anthony Gooch. To make a good dish you need more than one ingredient, and this is the same when looking at the quality of people’s lives. It has become clear since the crisis that the sole ingredient of gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of societal progress is not enough. Governments have to take into account the wide range of factors affecting people’s lives and try to find solutions that spread across many areas of policy. This year’s OECD Forum Investing in the Future People, Planet and Prosperity focusses on essential themes that need to be addressed to create better lives. More...

24 juin 2015

Launch of the Wikiprogress Data Viz Contest "Visualizing Well-being" and Report on the Youth Well-being Consultation

From 17 June - 24 August, Wikiprogress will be running a Data Visualization Contest, "Visualizing Well-being" with the chance to win a trip to Guadalajara, Mexico to attend the 5th OECD World Forum. The Summary Report of the Wikiprogress Youth Well-being Consultation is also now available. More...
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