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26 mai 2013

Chicago Closes 49 Public Schools and edX Expands to 15 New Ones Audrey Watters. The Chicago Public Schools Board of Education — appointees of Mayor Rahm Emanuel — voted to close 49 schools in the city, the biggest single mass closure of schools in the nation’s history. A federal judge has scheduled hearings in July to decide whether to proceed with the closures after the Chicago Teachers Union filed suits alleging racial discrimination and a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Read more...
26 mai 2013

Universities as economic asset Paul David Son. Convocation halls across the country will be full in the coming weeks as new graduates, rightly proud of their achievements, reach out to receive their degrees. While a few steps toward the podium complete a years-long journey for each individual, the scrolled parchment represents a decades-long evolution that has established Canada's position as a global leader in quality postsecondary education.
Among the audience, parents and guests will think back to their own time on campus. Make no mistake: This is not your father's degree. Nor is it your mother's university. In sheer numbers, there is no comparison. In the last dozen years, Canadian universities have made space for a 50% increase in full-time enrolment, bringing the number of students served each year in credit programs to more than 1.2 million. Read more...
26 mai 2013

Provinces would rather pay students than universities

By Alex Usher. What 2013 provincial budgets mean for the higher education sector. There is a pattern emerging in provincial budgeting for higher education over the past couple of years which deserves more attention than it has been receiving. Though some new net money has been reaching universities and colleges, within the sector as a whole governments seem far more interested in funneling money to students than providing support for institutions themselves. There are three important caveats regarding the budget data presented here need to be made. The first is that what provinces budget for higher education often has only a vague relationship with what actually gets spent. Last year in Quebec, for instance, what eventually got allocated to institutions was a good $120 million less than what was budgeted. Read more...
26 mai 2013

LMS 4.0: Will Semantic Remorse Lead to Student Engagement? Kenneth C. Green. The official launch of the summer LMS conference cycle begins on Wednesday, May 15th at the IMS Global Conference in San Diego. Scott Jaschik, co-editor of Inside Higher Ed, will moderate a panel laden with the representatives of six LMS applications: Blackboard, Desire2Learn, eCollege, Instructure, LoudCloud, and Moodle. (For whatever reasons, conspicuously absent from the crowded list of LMS brands on the IMS panel are Jenzabar, which is the one higher education ERP provider that also offers a LMS to its campus clients, and also Sakai.) In the weeks and months that follow, most if not all these LMS groups will host their own gathering of their tribes to share campus success stories, to discuss new features and functions, and to announce new partnerships ahead of the new academic year. Read more...
25 mai 2013

U.S. Releases 'The Condition of Education 2013'

HomeThe U.S. Education Department today published its annual compendium of all the data you'd want to know about American education: "The Condition of Education 2013." The report, published by the National Center for Education Statistics, includes special focus sections on the employment rates of young adults (noting that those with bachelor's degree are far likelier than high school graduates to be employed) and on various aspects of student debt. Read more...
24 mai 2013

Universidad 2014: 9no Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior 2014 - 9no. Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior, Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana, Cuba. Del 10 al 14 de febrero de 2014.
El Ministerio de Educación Superior y las universidades cubanas convocan al 9no. Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior "Universidad 2014", a realizarse entre el 10 y el 14 de febrero de 2014 en La Habana.
Bajo el lema "Por una Universidad Socialmente Responsable", Universidad 2014 renueva el compromiso de los asistentes a estas citas con la universidad y con su tiempo, a la vez que da continuidad a las reflexiones y debates contemporáneos en el campo de la educación superior.
El Congreso Universidad es reconocido como un ámbito académico que apunta al diálogo reflexivo, profundo y abierto entre actores de la educación superior y la sociedad en la que se encuentran insertados, en función de  evaluar las mejores soluciones a los acuciantes problemas presentes en la realidad de nuestros países. Promueve además nuevas ideas acerca de los más diversos asuntos vinculados a la agenda internacional sobre educación superior y contribuye a tejer nuevas redes de sabores y afectos entre directivos, docentes y estudiantes.
Les damos la bienvenida de antemano complacidos de recibirlos nuevamente o por primera vez, en el Congreso Universidad 2014, en busca de un objetivos común: "Por una Universidad Socialmente Responsable".

Secretaría Ejecutiva Universidad 2014. Teléfono: (537) 8351083. Email:
Temas Centrales
1. Las políticas y perspectivas de la educación superior por una universidad socialmente responsable.   
2. Desafíos y perspectivas del acceso, el financiamiento y la gestión económico-financiera de la educación superior para el logro de una universidad socialmente responsable.   
3. La responsabilidad social del posgrado.   
4. Promoción y gestión cultural por una universidad comprometida con el desarrollo social.   
5. Retos pedagógicos y didácticos en la formación de profesionales altamente calificados y comprometidos con la sociedad.   
6. Las políticas de ciencia, tecnología, innovación y formación de alto nivel en las universidades  y sus compromisos con el desarrollo.   
7. El papel de la educación superior en la gestión del conocimiento y la innovación para el desarrollo local y territorial.   
8. La universidad por una gestión socialmente responsable del medio ambiente, la energía y el desarrollo sostenible.   
9. La evaluación y la acreditación: expresión de la responsabilidad social de la universidad.  
10. Educación superior, su responsabilidad social y políticas para el desarrollo de los recursos humanos necesarios en los medios rural y local.  
11. Internacionalización y pertinencia social de la universidad.  
12. La virtualización en apoyo a la misión social de la universidad.  
13. Perfeccionamiento de la formación de los profesionales de la educación y de la salud como expresión de una universidad socialmente responsable.  
14. Seguridad y soberanía alimentaria: Responsabilidad de la universidad con la sociedad y con su tiempo.  
15. La Didáctica en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Básicas, la Ingeniería y la Arquitectura. Retos y perspectivas para alcanzar una universidad socialmente responsable.  
16. Influencia de las organizaciones estudiantiles, gremiales y sindicales universitarias en el logro de una universidad socialmente responsable.  
17. La investigación científica estudiantil y su compromiso social.  
18. El papel de las universidades ante los desastres naturales.  
19. El rol de las editoriales universitarias en la publicación científica.  
20. El rol de las carreras de arte en la universidad y la formación artística universitaria. Estatus académico y responsabilidad social.
20 mai 2013

Mich. works to get some inmates higher education Michigan Department of Corrections has several efforts to teach community college courses and vocational training in-house to a small number of inmates near parole. The Detroit News reports ( ) Monday the effort comes after years without funding for prisoners to access higher education. Michigan is joining a pilot project that could provide evidence to back the idea of postsecondary education in prisons nationwide. There are about 42,000 inmates in Michigan's state prisons. Of those, nearly half come in with a high school diploma or GED certificate. Read more...
20 mai 2013

Graduation Rates: Flawed as a Measure of Colleges, but Still Useful Jeff Selingo. It’s commencement season on college campuses, the time when graduating students see their years of effort culminate a victory: getting the degree. That road to commencement was longer for some students than for others, though, and eventually those varying journeys will be reflected in the institution’s graduation rate. The value of that number has been debated almost from the day it was first calculated in the mid-1990s. The flaws of the official government rate are well known: It counts only full-time, first-time students who enroll in the fall, excluding those who transfer out of the institution or transfer in and eventually graduate. Read more...
20 mai 2013

How Counselors Can Shape the College Plans of First-Generation Students Beckie Supiano. High-school counselors can influence whether ninth-graders whose parents do not have bachelor’s degrees plan to attend college, suggests a report released on Thursday by the National Association for College Admission Counseling. The report, “Preparing Students for College: What High Schools Are Doing and How Their Actions Influence Ninth Graders’ College Attitudes, Aspirations, and Plans,” is based on an analysis of new, nationally representative data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009. Read more...

20 mai 2013

Millionaires on the rise among college presidents Jack Stripling and Jonah Newman, The Chronicle of Higher Education. American public higher education's million-dollar club just got bigger. Four public college presidents earned more than $1million in 2011-12, up from three presidents a year earlier, a Chronicle analysis has found. The median total compensation for public college leaders rose to $441,392, an increase of 4.7% on 2010-11. Read more...
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