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31 juillet 2015

A missed opportunity to contrast Canadian and U.S. higher-ed systems

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Melonie Fullick. The two systems are different, just not quite in the way a recent op-ed portrayed them.
If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you may have noticed that periodically I write posts critiquing how the media cover higher education, sometimes dissecting a particular piece in detail (that’s my media studies background coming into play). More...

31 juillet 2015

Canada’s universities commit to enhancing opportunities for indigenous students

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Léo Charbonneau. Canada’s universities have adopted a set of principles outlining their “shared commitment” to enhancing educational opportunities for indigenous students. Universities Canada, the association representing the country’s public and private not-for-profit universities, said closing the education gap between indigenous and non-indigenous students is a long-term core priority. Fewer than 10 per cent of indigenous people in Canada have a university degree, about one third the national rate of 28 per cent. More...

28 juillet 2015

Marco Rubio Calls for Breaking Up U.S. Higher Education 'Cartel'

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By John McCormick. The U.S. risks missing innovation opportunities if it doesn't lower corporate taxes and move to a reinvent higher education, including creating a new university accreditation process, Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said Tuesday. More...

28 juillet 2015

How Ailing Colleges Stay Accredited  Andrea Fuller and . When a Maryland college went to court last week to try to keep its accreditation, it was following a playbook that troubled schools have used for years to stay in business: sue, appeal to prominent politicians and, if all else fails, find another accreditor. More...

28 juillet 2015

Educating good citizens, but bad academics?

By Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela. When talking about students’ experiences it is sensible to distinguish between learning experiences that range from the traditional academic perspective to a more social perspective that involves becoming a citizen of both a local and a global world. Read more...

28 juillet 2015

Universities adopt principles on indigenous education

Canada’s universities have adopted a set of principles outlining their shared commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for indigenous students and fostering reconciliation across Canada. Read more...

12 juillet 2015

L’Amérique latine à Aix en Provence le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Si cette année, il ne vous est pas possible d’aller en Amérique Latine, vous pouvez avoir une approche de ce qui se passe dans ce continent ce week-end à Aix en Provence. Voir l'article...

9 juillet 2015

How Declining Appropriations Creates Demand for Out-of-State Students

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. State divestment from public higher education is the primary reason that public universities are so aggressive about pursuing out-of-state students. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the average state is spending 23 percent less per student on higher education than before the recession. More...

9 juillet 2015

Three Ways to Drive Student Engagement and Success

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. This article starts with an assumption and an admission. The assumption is that there is a positive correlation between student engagement (in courses and through extracurricular and co-curricular activities), student success, and strong retention and graduation rates. More...

8 juillet 2015

Change is Constant So Embrace It: Four Misconceptions Challenging Change in Higher Ed

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Change in higher education is an anomaly. Universities still do the same thing, the same way, as the last three centuries of administrators/educators before. The mere mention of changing existing processes or structure evokes many emotions from staff, including fear, confusion and stress. More...

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