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20 juin 2019

South Africa

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: South Africa, Flickr [Edit][Delete] September 22, 2006
So today wraps up another week on the road, with an abbreviated newsletter this week, due to very poor internet access and to being in six hotels in six days. I am frankly chafing against the restrictions at the moment, as I am shuttled from place to place, with no knowledge of where I am going, no sense of where I have been, hustled about with no time to reflect or read or post, and placed in events where the discussion swirls about on issues and trends alien to my own sense of things. As I said to one person, this conference is on one track, I am on another. More on this later, when I get a few seconds to myself (though you can see the themes permeating my posts).
Anyhow, I have managed to squeeze enough internet access through the last week to upload several sets of photos (nowhere near enough time to title them or write descriptions, though). So here, for you to enjo, photos from: Frankfurt, Bloemfontein, Lesotho and Kruger National Park. [Tags: , ] [Comment] [Edit] [Delete] [Spam]. More...

16 juin 2019

Sénégal : des mutuelles mieux adaptées pour les travailleurs du secteur informel

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Fatoumata Hane, socio-anthropologue à  l'Université Assane Seck à Ziguinchor publie dans The Conversation un fort instructif article, issu d'une communication lors d'un colloque sur le travail informel à l'AFD en avril 2019, intitulé " Sénégal : des mutuelles mieux adaptées pour les travailleurs du secteur informel ". Plus...

12 juin 2019

African universities need structures to assess and measure the impact of grants

The ConversationSince Africa’s earliest modern public universities were established on the continent in the 1940s, these institutions have struggled to generate adequate and sustainable funding. For the most part, universities on the continent depend on money from national governments; grants; donations from international donor communities and industries to fund their learning, teaching and research activities. More...
5 juin 2019

Problems and Prospects of Problems and Prospects of Open and Distance Education in Nigeria

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mudasiru Olalere Yusuf[Edit][Delete]: Problems and Prospects of Problems and Prospects of Open and Distance Education in Nigeria, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education [Edit][Delete] January 23, 2006

[link: 1 Hits] Frank look at the implementation of open and distance learning in Nigeria and the problems faced by the service. Most of the problems are what would be expected - poor electricity service, postal service and telecommunications. Also facing Nigerians are inconsistencies in implementation and an inadequate ICT infrastructure. The author correctly argues for the need for stakeholder involvement and of finding ways to communicate with students in order to offer support. More...

30 mai 2019

L’entrepreneuriat des femmes africaines, une priorité pour la Banque mondiale

Bpifrance CréationUn premier sommet sur le financement de l'entrepreneuriat féminin (We-Fi) se tient en Côte d’Ivoire et va permettre aux participants d’échanger sur la manière d’encourager et soutenir les femmes souhaitant créer leur activité. Plus...
19 mai 2019

Belle confusion gabonaise entre entrepreneuriat social et ESS

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Comme au Togo (voir Belle confusion togolaise entre entrepreneuriat social et ESS) on constate au Gabon une grande confusion entre Entrepreneuriat social et Economie sociale. Plus...

19 mai 2019

South African research output has risen, but caution must temper celebration

The ConversationIn 2018, only one African country featured in the top 50: South Africa, coming in at 38. It was at 39 on the 2017 list. More...
19 mai 2019

What Nigerian students told us about transactional sex on campus

The ConversationTransactional sex among female undergraduates in Nigeria is a social reality. The practice has been reported on regularly in the mainstream media and explored in various research papers. More...
18 mai 2019

Why Every University Needs an Africa Strategy

Techno-News BlogJust as many academic institutions now regret their slow start in China, so will they come to regret missing out on early opportunities in this increasingly important and fast-growing region Grant T. Harris warns. American universities are largely unprepared for a key global phenomenon: Africa’s growing importance. More...

11 mai 2019

Répondre aux défis de santé en Afrique

Logo FUN Les pays francophones d’Afrique subsaharienne, bien que divers, sont confrontés à des défis similaires en matière de santé. Des études rigoureuses récentes, réalisées dans différentes régions du monde, ouvrent un certain nombre de pistes pour améliorer la santé des populations les plus vulnérables. Plus...
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