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18 décembre 2018

Assistant dean for finance and human resources

University Business Magazine logoThe college of engineering & applied science at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee seeks an assistant dean for finance and human resources to provide the primary administrative leadership to the dean of the college of engineering & applied science at UW-Milwaukee. More...

11 décembre 2018

Transfert du traitement du formulaire "U1" à Pôle emploi

Le document portable U1 est établi par une institution compétente dans chaque Etat. En France, cette institution est la Direccte jusqu’au 30 novembre 2018.
Une fois délivré, ce formulaire est à remettre à l’institution du pays d’origine compétente lors de l’inscription comme demandeur d’emploi. Sont concernés les ressortissants des Etats membres de l’Union européenne, ainsi que d’Islande, du Liechtenstein, de Norvège et de Suisse. Plus...

2 décembre 2018

Ambitious Syrian Students Often Enter a Maze

eCampus NewsSyrian students face many barriers when they seek advanced degrees. Many of the obstacles are not academic but logistical, sometimes with Kafkaesque twists. More...

26 novembre 2018

Student Affairs Is a Diverse Profession

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. The student affairs field is demographically more diverse than other college professions and relatively lacking in pay-equity issues, according to a new report. More...

21 novembre 2018

Travailleurs étrangers : les formulaires U1 ne sont plus instruits par la Direccte à partir du 1er décembre 2018

Screenshot-2018-5-3 Direccte Hauts-de-FranceAttention ! A compter du 1er décembre 2018, la réception et l'instruction des demandes de délivrance des documents portables U1 ainsi que des formulaires E 301 relèvent de la compétence de Pôle emploi. Plus...

5 novembre 2018

8 Tips for Administrators Using Handheld Computers

8 Tips for Administrators Using Handheld Computers
Pretty good article describing how school administrators can use handhelds with internet access to maximize their efficiency during or between meetings or while on duties that take them away from their desks. More...

4 novembre 2018

Vice president, School of Extended Learning

University Business Magazine logoUnder the direction of the superintendent/president, the VP of the School of Extended Learning is responsible for integrating and implementing noncredit student support services and noncredit curriculum programs. More...

4 novembre 2018

Vice president for finance and administration

University Business Magazine logoCurrently serving some 3,000 students, Lander University is one of the fastest growing institutions of higher education in South Carolina. More...

4 novembre 2018

Vice president for finance

University Business Magazine logoShe/he will develop a culture of financial awareness and accountability while ensuring the efficient utilization of resources and appropriate decision making for strategic growth and technological investment to maximize operating margin and return on investments. More...

1 novembre 2018

Income Verification for Federal Aid Hinders Low-Income Students

HomeBy Ashley A. Smith. Colleges worry the federal student aid verification process singles out more low-income students and may be stopping them from receiving grants. More...

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