Logo of the Bologna ProcessA presentation on the implementation of the Diploma Supplement (DS), based on the 2015 Implementation Report and on the conclusions drawn by the 2012-2015 Working Group on Structural reforms was made by the Bologna Follow-Up Secretariat representative. The conclusions were discussed within the group.

The European Higher Education Area in 2015: Bologna Process Implementation Report
Report by the Structural Reforms Working Group to the BFUG

As main conclusions:

  • Not all countries issue the DS automatically;
  • Learning outcomes/qualifications are not included or not well defined;
  • The intended audience and purpose are not clear;
  • The DS is not connected with the vocational education;
  • The language used is not very easily understood;
  • There is no common understanding on the intended use of the DS;
  • The current format is not flexible enough;
  • The internationalization component is not included in the DS;
  • There is a need for user guides (for HEIs, employers, etc.) and good practice examples. The DS label was appreciated and should continue;
  • There is an increased need for digitization.

The participants agreed that AG4 should discuss about the possible inclusion within the DS of:

  • internationalization in the DS format (mobilities, double degree);
  • non-formal education and recognition of prior learning.
The European Commission insisted on the importance given to the DS as transparency tool to easier access in terms of work opportunities in the framework of the Innovation agenda 2020 and particularly within the Agenda for new skills and jobs. More...