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24 décembre 2014

Open Education Europa' Institutions - INRIA

Public science and technology institution established in 1967, Inria is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, Inria’s 3,449 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future. More...

24 décembre 2014

Open Education Europa' Institutions - Normandie Université

Fortes d’une décennie de coopérations actives, les universités de Caen Basse-Normandie, du Havre, de Rouen et les deux écoles d'ingénieurs l'ENSICAEN et l'INSA de Rouen se sont officiellement regroupées au sein du Pôle de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur (PRES) interrégional Normandie Université en octobre 2011. Voir l'article...

24 décembre 2014

Open Education Europa' Institutions - Sorbonne Paris Cité

Sorbonne Paris Cité is one of France's major university consortiums bringing together four Parisian universities and four higher education and research institutes:

These renowned institutions have decided to join forces in order to meet the challenges facing cutting edge research and academia in a changing world. More...

24 décembre 2014

Open Education Europa' Institutions - Near East University

Today, with approximately 22 thousand students from 90 different countries, Near East University established in Nicosia, the capital of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, has earned a well-deserved international identity, offering high-standard educational opportunities with its qualified academic staff and its well-established infrastructure. More...

24 décembre 2014

Last Stop: Brussels

On 11-12 December, the OEC teams came together one last time in 2014 for two exciting events. Firstly, we attended the conference Education in the Digital Era, where the teams had the honour of being named the "European EdTech Startups of the Year." Some fantastic photos of the event are available on our Facebook page. Secondly, we held our Investors Day, where the teams pitched their projects to the Open Education Investment Club. More...

24 décembre 2014

E-learning Trends For 2015 [Infographic]

According to Alan Kay, one of the greatest pioneers in computing, "the best way to predict the future is to invent it". And when it comes to e-learning's future, at TalentLMS they try to do their own inventing as much as they can. More...

24 décembre 2014

Finding the Magic Formula: 5 Pillars of Digital Education Equality

The third panel debate of the conference asked how equality in education in the digital era could be increased through opening up access and lowering costs. More...

24 décembre 2014

The impact of teachers on education - do teachers have the 'carte blanche' to impact education?

I have been thinking about this theme for a bit now. Do teachers have the 'carte blanche' to impact education? I don't think so. I think that teachers have for quite a number of years now been inhibited or been told how to teach and what to teach. Paradoxically they are being told, they are not being asked. They are told how to best cover content, not encouraged to ask questions. More...

24 décembre 2014

An Original Outline for Reinvention of Education for National and Global Governance and Social and Economic Development

The purpose of the Outline for Reinvention of education is to:
Redefine education
Describe how it applies to governance and its core delivery targets
What needs to be done for aligning education system with the delivery targets and how to reinvent education system
Please click the following link for detailed presentation: More...

24 décembre 2014

Portal educativo: El Bosque de las Fantasias

El Bosque de las Fantasías nació con la intención de ofrecer a cualquier persona interesada por la literatura infantil, contenidos originales y gratuitos, muy difíciles de encontrar sin ningún coste en ningún espacio similar, ya sea físico o interactivo. Pero el Bosque de Fantasías es mucho más. Es un espacio de ocio educativo, en el cual podréis encontrar, además de cuentos para niños, poemas cortos o microcuentos originales, biografías de autores, actividades para realizar en familia los fines de semana, o contenidos clásicos adaptados de todos los tiempos. La Cenicienta, Blancanieves, Dumbo…o fábulas cortas como La Cigarra y la Hormiga, no podían faltar en nuestro bosque, por ser la base de la literatura infantil tradicional, y el germen de las fantasías de los niños de tan diversas generaciones. Mes...

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