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11 janvier 2020

The Ghost of Higher Education Past

HomeIn Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, the question becomes whether or not Scrooge will see previous events as lessons that lead to transformation. Higher education finds itself in a similar position today, writes Arthur Levine. More...

11 janvier 2020

Ethical College Admissions: Sharknado

HomeA new lawsuit against the College Board -- over whether it sells student data -- raises important issues, writes Jim Jump. More...

11 janvier 2020

The Misguided Repeal of Gainful Employment

HomeThis past summer, the Trump administration’s Department of Education repealed the controversial gainful-employment regulation, which required all programs at for-profit universities as well as career-oriented programs at nonprofit schools to meet a quantitative threshold to remain eligible for federal financial aid. More...

11 janvier 2020

In Appreciation of a Public Servant

HomeMany Americans have a visceral distrust of the federal government and anyone associated with it. Long-term federal employees are routinely portrayed as fools, knaves, dupes, loafers or worse. More...

11 janvier 2020

Ethical College Admissions: De-Fense!, or Defense Mechanisms

HomeNearly 40 years ago, a college basketball coach told me that his Christmas card list each December included, or perhaps consisted of, every player still in college that he had recruited but who had elected to go elsewhere to play. More...

11 janvier 2020

When Actions Speak Louder Than Lobbying

HomeRather than advocating to remove an endowment tax, colleges should demonstrate a stronger commitment to serving the public good, Catharine Bond Hill argues. More...

11 janvier 2020

Good and Bad News About Employer Funding of Online Degrees

HomeIn the Third Age of online learning, companies are paying for their workers' online degrees. Does that bode well -- or ill -- for nonselective universities and their value proposition, Ryan Craig asks. More...

11 janvier 2020

Is a President's Job Harder Than It Used to Be?

HomeThe really difficult part lies precisely in those areas where college and university leaders cannot borrow from corporate values and practices, writes Clara M. Lovett. More...

11 janvier 2020

Lutte contre les violences sexistes : une formation obligatoire pour les enseignants

l'emag de l'educationLe Premier ministre a présenté lundi 25 novembre une série de mesures pour lutter contre les violences sexistes. Une formation obligatoire pour les enseignants a été suggérée, sur l’égalité entre les filles et les garçons. Plus...
11 janvier 2020

Qualiopi | Charte d’usage

Le Ministère du Travail a mis en ligne une charte d’usage de la marque.
La marque Qualiopi est une marque déposée à l’INPI le 2 octobre 2019 par l’État français, qui en est le seul propriétaire.
Signe officiel de qualité, Qualiopi atteste de la qualité du processus mis en œuvre par les prestataires d’actions concourant au développement des compétences (PAC) qui souhaitent accéder à des fonds publics ou mutualisés.

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