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10 mars 2019

Allowing IDPs to vote in local elections in Ukraine

Conseil de l'EuropeThe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (the Congress) will discuss the voting rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) at local level in Ukraine and the measures needed to ensure their electoral participation, at a conference on 27 February in Kyiv. The conference will be followed, on 28 February, by a workshop for local authorities on better inclusion and protection of IDPs, organised jointly with the Association of Ukrainian Cities. More...

10 mars 2019

La formation professionnelle continue en France

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Une réforme majeure est intervenue en 2018 modifiant fortement les bases du système français en matière de gouvernance, de financement et de dispositif avec notamment la monétisation du CPF. La formation professionnelle continue et l’apprentissage constituent un secteur économique important qui représentait 1,2 % du produit intérieur brut français en 2016. Plus...
10 mars 2019

Langages universels

logoIl est facile de croire «universel» ce que nous connaissons quand plusieurs d’entre nous en partageons l'usage. Par exemple, l’argent est un concept qui pourrait prétendre à l’universalité. Mais pourtant personne ne demanderait à être payé avant qu’on ne lui ait demandé de l’argent et qu’il en ait vu l’utilité. L’humain est sans doute le seul animal qui doive maintenant payer pour vivre sur terre. Plus...

10 mars 2019

ReferNet France: reforming continuing vocational training (the 2018 Bill)

HomeThe compulsory contributions of companies for continuing training (the rate remains unchanged) will now be paid to a single body, URSSAF, a network of organisations collecting and redistributing social security contributions on behalf of the state since 1960. The current OPCAs [1], joint bodies run by the social partners, lose this responsibility, while the 20 existing OPCAs should be replaced by 11 skills operators (OPCOs - Opérateurs de compétences) organised by the professional sector. More...

10 mars 2019

France, inequality and the social elevator . More than 15% of 15-year-olds have poor numeracy and comprehension skills, which are likely to lead to difficulties in finding work later. Of all the OECD countries, only Hungary shows more social determinism than France. More...

10 mars 2019

Comprendre l’initiative P20 : Une nouvelle approche de la définition de la pauvreté et des moyens de la combattre

L’initiative P20 est centrée sur les 20 % les plus pauvres de la population, qui sont souvent également les plus vulnérables. Ces 20 % regroupent tous ceux qui sont exposés, ou se trouvent déjà, en situation d’extrême pauvreté, ainsi que ceux qui, pour des raisons liées à certains aspects de leur identité (âge, handicap, croyance, appartenance ethnique, orientation sexuelle) sont le plus exposés à la pauvreté ou à l’exclusion. More...

10 mars 2019

Are gender norms the new magic bullet in development?

The terms gender and social norms have become increasingly used in development discourse. They focus on the core of discrimination: people’s attitudes and behaviours as held and enacted by individuals, as housed in social institutions, and as codified in formal and informal laws. More...

10 mars 2019

Can digital technologies really be used to reduce inequalities?

The numerous initiatives created over the last 20 years using Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) have transformed the lives of many people living in poorer countries. More...

10 mars 2019

Building Evidence to Change Women’s Lives

A saying that motivates our philanthropic work at Fondation CHANEL is that “you don’t know what you don’t know.” This humble recognition drives us in filling our blind spots through evidence building so that we can succeed in delivering on our social mission to advance women and girls in society. More...

10 mars 2019

Fit for purpose means continuous change

As I arrived in Paris last week to take up office as Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), the 30 DAC Members gathered for a Senior Level Meeting. More...

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