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1 octobre 2018

The Scout Portal Toolkit

The Scout Portal Toolkit
This is a very interesting software release with some nifty features. In addition to the usual search request features, it allows user annotation, user rating and user agents. It also adds an intelligent metadata tool to assist submissions. More...

1 octobre 2018
It's still a usability disaster (people need more than just headlines), but it has been getting a lot of press, and rightly so. The service is, as it asserts, "a social bookmarks manager. Using simple bookmarklets, you can add bookmarks to your list and categorize them." The software is "pre-pre-alpha" and changing almost daily. More...

1 octobre 2018

4 Colleges Collaborate on Open-Source Courseware

4 Colleges Collaborate on Open-Source Courseware
You have five days to read this before the Chronicle lowers the silicon boom and charges you for access, so copy it now and send it to your friends(*). More...

1 octobre 2018

You Got Google mail - Report

You Got Google mail - Report
Because of spam, the future of emails and email newsletters is that there is none. Enter Google. Google forbids the use of AdWords in email newsletters (where it would be remarkably effective). Why? Suppose Google created an email service, made it spam free, and allowed it to support advertising. More...

1 octobre 2018

How Dynamic Categories Work

How Dynamic Categories Work
People in the wider community are finally discovering dynamic categories, something I've been plugging for a couple of years now, and which you can view (as always) on my research page and on Edu_RSS Topics. What is a dynamic category? Think of it as a predefined search. More...

1 octobre 2018

Best Practices and Case Studies: Be Very Afraid

Best Practices and Case Studies: Be Very Afraid
I'm not sure I would recommend the fear expressed by the author, but it's easy to forget that reference to best prctices is a form of inductive inference, and therefore, subject to the same constraints as prediction or analogy. More...

1 octobre 2018

The Next big Thing?

The Next big Thing?
Worthy of note is the list of terms used to describe the emerging technology, a list, notes the author, consisting of more hype than description. Well, sure. Ubiquitous computing is not here yet and it will be a long time before the computer fades into the background. More...

1 octobre 2018

Camera Phones Help Buyers Beware

Camera Phones Help Buyers Beware
The CueCat - a bar code scanner magazine readers would use to get more information from advertisements - was an unmitigated disaster. This next device may be a little more successful - it is an attachment to a cell phone that reads bar codes on products in stores and returns information about the product. More...

1 octobre 2018

Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition
"Google is disintermediating the library." This is one of the observations that led the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) to take a new look at the landscape and reassess its vision accordingly. More...

1 octobre 2018

Quelle est la validité des chiffres de la rentrée universitaire ? Educpros de Julien Gossa. Le dossier de presse de la rentrée étudiante vient d’être publié et il est toujours plus conséquent chaque année (il fait 80 pages, contre 19 en 2014). Truffé de chiffres, certains attirent l’attention (voir par exemple « Une balle dans son pied de Ministre » sur Histoires d’universités). Mais nous allons ici nous intéresser aux chiffres clés des effectifs étudiants, qui présentent l’amusante particularité d’être factices (au sens littéral). Plus...

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