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1 octobre 2018

Science, Technology and Innovation for the 21st Century

Science, Technology and Innovation for the 21st Century
A declaration from ministerial representatives from 34 nations to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) supporting "open access to and wide use of research data" and calling for a study into a principle for access to research data from public funding. More...

1 octobre 2018

Predictions for 2004

Predictions for 2004
elearn Magazine still hasn't learned to give its articles permanent URLs, so this link will be a piece of junk in a few weeks (Earth to eLearn: get with the program). But I wanted to forward this list of predictions for the coming year, a little late, but including a snippet from me. More...

1 octobre 2018


The future of personalization is in approaches like this site, which adapts to your choices and presents you news you are interested in. Brought to you by the same people who brought you Memigo (which I linked to yesterday). More...

1 octobre 2018

Economist Intelligence Unit Releases Global e-Learning Rankings

Economist Intelligence Unit Releases Global e-Learning Rankings
I have no idea why a company would issue a press release describing a new report without providing a link to the report, but that's what IBM does with this item. The IBM elearning site has a number of iteresting papers (no RSS feed for them though), but not this one. More...

1 octobre 2018

E-learning Bodies in Historic Talks

E-learning Bodies in Historic Talks
Looks like the corporate e-learning community in Britain is getting together. This is similar to what happened in Canada with CELEA. I would reserve the word "historic" for meetings between heads of state, though. More...

1 octobre 2018

Digital Tweed

Digital Tweed
Syllabus advertised in today's newsletter a new blog by someone called Casey Green ("Sorry, you must be a registered user to view profiles" and that's all I know). It might have been a good idea to see if the blog was updated before advertising - the last entry in from December 4. More...

1 octobre 2018

The Bloated, Dysfunctional World of Enterprise Solutions

The Bloated, Dysfunctional World of Enterprise Solutions
A little strongly worded, but it taps into my own sentiments on the subject: "And what do we have here? Novell Portal Services - "the industrial grade portal solution for all your enterprise needs"? Sounds solid, all right. More...

1 octobre 2018

What is the Blog Revenue Model and Can Blogs Gather News as Opposed to Pontificate on it?

What is the Blog Revenue Model and Can Blogs Gather News as Opposed to Pontificate on it?
Roland posts this summary and link to a summary of discussions about blogs at the Davos economic forum, where their concern is (as usual) how to turn something into money. "This creates a classic free-rider problem. If the blogs eventually steal the mass media's audience (or at least, key parts of it) and the Internet as a whole continues to steal its revenues, there will come a time when those big, expensive news-gathering operations will become economically insupportable." Here's a clue: they are already economically unsupportable. More...

1 octobre 2018

House Panel Sparks Database Controversy

House Panel Sparks Database Controversy
It's not law yet, but there is cause for concern after a U.S. congressional committee expressed approval for a bill that would, for the first time, allow copyright protection over data. More...

1 octobre 2018

Repositories Listing

Repositories Listing
From the ADL News Report: "The Academic ADL Co-Lab has released its learning repository database. This database, designed for those interested the internal policies of learning repository projects themselves, allows investigators to search for projects that use specific standards or have stated policies concerning material submission and review." The page will demand a login - ignore it; just click 'cancel' and continue on through. More...

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