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10 juillet 2018

Ministry ends hundreds of Sino-foreign HE partnerships

By Yojana Sharma. China’s official media is fond of publicising the hundreds of collaboration agreements and memorandums of understanding signed with foreign universities in recent years, but not all come to fruition and many that do turn out to be unsustainable or of low quality. More...
10 juillet 2018

Urgent need to address ethics of artificial intelligence

By Yojana Sharma. Students and researchers must be better prepared to deal with ethical issues in the use of big data, robotics and artificial intelligence so that research and applications are not used for nefarious purposes, including weapons of war, a conference of Pacific Rim university presidents heard recently in Taipei, Taiwan. More...
10 juillet 2018

First digital production laboratory opens in Kinshasa

The Agence Universitairede la Francophonie (AUF) and the Orange Foundation DRC have launched the Democratic Republic of the Congo's first digital production laboratory. More...
10 juillet 2018

Universities' partnership to protect fragile ecosystems

Six universities in five countries have launched REFORM, a five-year partnership for international higher education and research harmonisation and postgraduate student mobility in the field of fragile ecosystems. More...
10 juillet 2018

Bad politics and the paradox of university rankings

By Kudzai Mashininga. Zimbabwe’s higher education sector finds itself caught in a paradox: the country has one of the highest literacy rates in Africa at 92%, but its universities perform dismally in both continental and international rankings. Pressure is mounting on the post-Robert Mugabe government to intervene. More...
10 juillet 2018

Healthcare education in need of a revamp – Study panel

By Munyaradzi Makoni. South Africa spends R12 billion (US$880 million) on health sciences education every year but despite producing excellence “in certain areas”, the general picture is one of fragmentation, weak coordination and governance, leading to inefficient use of resources which affects quantity, quality and relevance of healthcare education and training, according to a recent Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) consensus study report. More...
10 juillet 2018

Confusion prevails over post-matric exam announcement

By Tunde Fatunde. Confusion prevails in the wake of the announcement by the Nigerian Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board of the dates for the 2018 Post-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (Post-UTME) – a rescreening examination conducted by individual universities that was declared invalid by a high court judge on 1 March. More...
10 juillet 2018

In the making – A new institute of higher education

By Wondwosen Tamrat. Ethiopia’s higher education reform initiatives underline the importance of leadership and management in spearheading sectoral and institutional efforts that address the various challenges the sector faces. As would be obvious to many, the significant influences of leadership in the success or failure of reform initiatives and institution building remain critical. More...
10 juillet 2018

Wider access to higher education needs a mindset shift

By Steve Sharra. At Malawi’s first international conference on higher education last month, Professor Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, vice-chancellor of the Nairobi-based United States International University – Africa, suggested there was need for caution in the Malawian government’s decision to “unbundle” the University of Malawi and turn its four constituent colleges into stand-alone universities. More...
10 juillet 2018

Urbanisation conference calls for timely research

By Gilbert Nakweya. African academic research on sustainable urbanisation has not kept pace with the rapid economic, environmental and policy changes that define sustainable development, according to experts at the Sustainable African Cities conference held last week (3-6 July) in Accra, Ghana. More...
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