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3 mars 2018

The Canada Lifelong Learning Fund

By Alex Usher. In all the excitement over Christmas I forgot to write about a policy initiative which may or may not find its way into the coming budget.  It’s something called the “Canada Lifelong Learning Fund” (CLLF), and it is among the weakest ideas to float around Ottawa since the Liberals came to power. More...

3 mars 2018

Roll On, Targeted Free Tuition

By Alex Usher. I’ve written a few times over the years about the spread of Targeted Free Tuition (TFT) programs.  Starting in Chile and Ontario in 2016 (after a false start in the UK in the late 1990s), they have started to spread around the world.  There are three new spots where the program is either now in place or under consideration, so I thought I would keep you all up to date on its spread. More...

3 mars 2018

Funding Polytechnics v. Funding Universities

By Alex Usher. Recently, a colleague asked me how big I thought the gap in funding was between polytechnics and universities.  My hunch was that universities were certainly better funded if you include all sources of income, but that if you just looked at core provincial government funding, the gap might not be so large.  So, for giggles, I decided to try to compare the two. More...

3 mars 2018

Some Quick Naylor-related Federal Budget Advice

By Alex Usher. I see from this CTV story that Federal Budget Trial Balloon Leaking Season has begun.  This is the time of year when Liberals decide they would like to get applause for a decision more than once, and so they pre-announce various bits of the budget so they can have good news spread over more than just budget day. More...

3 mars 2018

The Case Against Education

By Alex Usher. There is a longstanding argument in economics about how to measure gains from education.  Basically, there is the “human capital” view, which says that wages reflect actual skill levels and hence the length and content of education are important, and the “signalling” view, which says skills don’t matter because all employers look at is the credential obtained, which is viewed as a proxy for skills. More...

3 mars 2018

The Advance of Online Education in Canada

By Alex Usher. There was a time – six years or so ago now – when people were talking about the death of universities and the rise of MOOCs. (A collection of my previous posts on MOOCs can be found here).  Among the many, many things this debate obscured was the fact that education delivered online was almost as old as the internet itself. Online education was mature, not some newfangled idea (in the Silicon Valley version of history, everything not invented in Silicon Valley either doesn’t exist or is in need of reinvention). More...

3 mars 2018

Ideal Academic Workloads

By Alex Usher. So, I got a bit of mail last week in response to my analysis of the COU data (as I usually do whenever I’m presenting data on academic loads) to the effect that I am being overly reductionist about the teaching loads and perhaps implying that profs aren’t working hard.  Generally speaking, these comments come in two varieties and I will take the time to answer each of them. More...

3 mars 2018

19 000 créations de places dans l'enseignement supérieur déjà financées

Frédérique Vidal, annonce que 19 000 places supplémentaires dans l'enseignement supérieur – sur les 22 000 créations prévues pour la rentrée 2018 – sont déjà identifiées et financées : plus de 17 000 places en licence dans les filières en tension et 2 000 en B.T.S.. Point sur les créations de places dans l’enseignement supérieur. Plus...

3 mars 2018

Rapport annuel 2016 des inspections générales (IGEN-I.G.A.E.N.R.)

Le rapport annuel des inspections générales 2016 s’intéresse aux territoires éducatifs, systèmes complexes qui renvoient à des périmètres multiples et instables, que ce soit du point de vue de l’organisation administrative, de l’articulation entre niveaux national et local, des relations entre l’École et ses partenaires, de la maternelle à l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche. Sous la forme d’une monographie thématique nourrie des nombreux écrits produits par les inspections générales, il propose un état des lieux et une réflexion sur les espaces géographiques d’éducation, qu’ils soient politiques, symboliques et vécus. Il porte un regard rétrospectif sur les transformations des trente dernières années et ouvre des perspectives pour éclairer les choix politiques de demain. Plus...

3 mars 2018

La mise en oeuvre de la recertification recertification des médecins est un concept en application dans de nombreux pays. Il s’agit d’un processus qui devra tenir compte de la grande diversité des modes d’exercice médical, de la multiplicité des acteurs et d’une évolution accélérée des connaissances et compétences médicales. Il doit également intégrer la volonté de maitrise de leurs perspectives de carrière par les nouvelles générations, d’une transformation de notre système de santé, et de nouvelles attentes des usagers. Malgré la complexité de ce processus, le comité de pilotage entend proposer aux ministres en charge de la santé et de l’enseignement supérieur, des propositions allant dans le sens d’une procédure simple et compréhensible. Plus...
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