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21 novembre 2017

A new chapter for Glass

A new chapter for Glass
Jay Kothari, X Company Blog, 2017/07/19
They're back! Google has relaunched Google Glass with Glass Enterprise Edition. As a fashion statement Glass was a failure, but the technology proved useful in the workplace. "Workers in many fields, like manufacturing, logistics, field services, and healthcare find it useful to consult a wearable device for information and other resources while their hands are busy." This is a use case that really makes sense, and would make even more sense with voice commands. More...

21 novembre 2017

Armenian Higher Education in the European Higher Education Area

Armenian Higher Education in the European Higher Education Area
Tatevik Gharibyan, Inside Higher  Ed, 2017/07/19
This is an update of Armenia's education strategy in the years after it joined "the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the Bologna Process by signing the Bergen Communiqué in 2005." Armenia - which I visited in 2014 - is a small country with few natural resources (though you can get pomogranates everywhere). More...

21 novembre 2017

'Personalized Learning' and the Power of the Gates Foundation to Shape Education Policy

'Personalized Learning' and the Power of the Gates Foundation to Shape Education Policy
Audrey  Wayters, Hack Education, 2017/07/19
What struck me in this post was this: "The amount of money that the Gates Foundation has awarded in education grants is simply staggering: some $15 billion across some 3000+ grants since the organization was founded in 1998." And so Audrey Watters comments. More...

21 novembre 2017

Stunning market data predicts the future of online learning

Stunning market data predicts the future of online learning
Meris Stansbury, eCampus News, 2017/07/19

I'm not sure how "stunning" the data are, nor do I thing the prediction is particularly specific. Still. More...

21 novembre 2017

America’s hidden philosophy

America’s hidden philosophy
John McCumber, Aeon, 2017/07/19
This article offers what could be an interesting explanation for the state of educational policy and while I can't say I necessarily agree with it I can't entirely dismiss it either. It tells the story of UCLA chancellor Raymond B Allen, who needed a reason to fire some Marxist professors during the McCarthy years.” More...

21 novembre 2017

Why I’m Optimistic About the Next Wave of Education Technology

Why I’m Optimistic About the Next Wave of Education Technology
Jason Palmer, EdSurge, 2017/07/18
It's interesting to see the writers at edSurge motivated to respond to the criticisms leveled by Audrey Watters. In this case we have Jason Palmer responding to "worries that “education technology [merely] serves as a ’Trojan Horse’ of sorts, carrying... the ideology of Silicon Valley [into public schools].” More...

21 novembre 2017

Partnerships with non-state providers need to be approached with caution

Partnerships with non-state providers need to be approached with caution
Alina Lipcan, Ian MacAuslan, World Education Blog, 2017/07/18
This post contains some good advice. While "policy makers in developing countries look for strategies to improve learning by engaging with private providers," the authors argue that education should continue to be publicly funded "and sensibly provided through a mix of providers, including local NGOs and “mom and pop” schools." There's no single model that works well everywhere. More...

21 novembre 2017

Ph.D.-Level Position, $28K Salary

Ph.D.-Level Position, $28K Salary
Nick Roll, Inside Higher Ed, 2017/07/18
At a entertain point, if current trends hold, salaries offered to temporary 'adjunct' or 'sessional' academic staff will fall below the willingness of PhD graduates to accept them. This may be such a case. More...

21 novembre 2017

Behind the Velvet Ropes of Facebook’s Private Groups

Behind the Velvet Ropes of Facebook’s Private Groups
Kevin Roose, New York Times, 2017/07/18
Facebook's response to the eruption of trolls and worse in social media is to give them some privacy. "Facebook recently changed its mission to emphasize the role of private groups." Joining the group shifts the algorithm to favour posts from the group. More...

21 novembre 2017

Managing the Complexity of Branching Scenarios

Managing the Complexity of Branching Scenarios
Christy Tucker, Experiencing E-Learning, 2017/07/18
Although this post touts a solution to the complexity of branching scenarios (specifically: Twine) the post illustrates the core problem with them, and with rule-based systems in general. More...

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