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21 novembre 2017

AltSpaceVR Closes – What does it Mean for Social VR?

AltSpaceVR Closes – What does it Mean for Social VR?
Emory Craig, Digital Bodies, 2017/07/28
I think the main takeaway here is that multi-user social virtual reality (Social VR) is hard, and it can be expensive. I don't think this is the end for the genre, as the possibilities are too tantalizing. "AltSpaceVR was a sandbox that showed the potential of social VR. More...

21 novembre 2017

Virtual Reality and education: some thoughts

Virtual Reality and education: some thoughts
Tony Bates, online learning & distance education resources, 2017/07/28
Tony Bates weighs in with some thoughts on virtual reality (VR) after a Vancouver VR Community event at Mobify‘s headquarters in downtown Vancouver. "VR is not just a fad that will disappear," he says. "There are already a large number of commercial applications, mainly in entertainment and public relations, but also increasingly for specific areas of training." True, but VR doesn't apply everywhere. More...

21 novembre 2017

Feed your need to know

Feed your need to know
The Keyword, Google, 2017/07/24
I search a lot, and I search in fairly precisely defined areas, and I need to keep up on news in these areas, so the new Google service - a feed based on my search interests that updates with news daily - would seem to be perfect. More...

21 novembre 2017

Instructional Quality, Student Outcomes and Institutional Finances

Instructional Quality, Student Outcomes and Institutional Finances
Jessie Brown, Martin Kurzweil, American Council on Education, 2017/07/24
This newly released report from the American Council on Education (25 page PDF) begins up front with a definition of instructional quality - sort of: "we maintain that the most sensible approach is to consider both inputs and outcomes, or to look at how actionable instructional inputs impact student outcomes." Reading through the report, though, we ssee the usual: persistance, completion rates, and GPA. More...

21 novembre 2017

The Complex Universe of Alternative Postsecondary Credentials and Pathways

The Complex Universe of Alternative Postsecondary Credentials and Pathways
Jessie Brown, Martin Kurzweil, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2017/07/24
This is a survey document (56 page PDF) tracking research and commentary on the rise of alternative credentials (such as microcredentials, badges and certificates) and alternative learning pathways (such as word-based learning, MOOCs and short courses. More...

21 novembre 2017

Are MOOCs, Bootcamps and Other Alternative Education Options Effective?

Are MOOCs, Bootcamps and Other Alternative Education Options Effective?
Kara Voght, U.S. News & World Report, 2017/07/24
According to this article, "A new study questions the quality of these programs, as well as the evidence that demonstrates their efficacy." When an article questions whether any form of online learning is "effective", the first question to ask is, "what do they mean by effective?" This is what I wondered on reading this article. I was disappointed, on multiple accounts. More...

21 novembre 2017

Get Started With Serverless Computing On Kubernetes With Minikube And Kubeless

Get Started With Serverless Computing On Kubernetes With Minikube And Kubeless
Bitnami, 2017/07/24
This is the sort of thing that could eat the rest of my vacation (or a lot longer, if you don't have a developer background). Kubeless allows you to manage a "serverless" architecture (it's not really 'serverless', it's just that all of your applications and functions run on other people's servers), and you use software like Kubernetes to set up and coordinate them. More...

21 novembre 2017

A hacker stole $31M of Ether — how it happened, and what it means for Ethereum

21 novembre 2017

What if MOOCs Revolutionize Education After All?

What if MOOCs Revolutionize Education After All?
Jeffrey R. Young , Barbara Oakley, EdSurge, 2017/07/26
Some pragmatic thinking with a pinch of a push for content knowledge. The premise is that MOOCs are actually going to challenge the classroom model, and ultimately, universities and the teaching professors. More...

21 novembre 2017

The Algorithm That Makes Preschoolers Obsessed With YouTube

The Algorithm That Makes Preschoolers Obsessed With YouTube
Adrienne LaFrance, The Atlantic, 2017/07/26
You might read this article on the level it's presented: an expanation of the popularity of YouTube Kids in the fact that it allows kids to make choices. More...

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