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Formation Continue du Supérieur
4 juin 2017

The art of teaching citizenship

European Commission logoSome projects have been targeting pupils’ involvement in their local communities, such as the PICARO project, which aims to increase pupils’ awareness of poverty and social exclusion in Europe, and encourage their involvement and commitment to combat them. The School factory of initiatives – equal citizenship partnership raises awareness on issues related to discrimination and gender equality in schools and beyond, while the EVE project discusses European values and how these values differ from country to country among young people in Europe. It focused on how to approach themes such as work, religion, family and society by using the Atlas of European Values and expanding it to include new languages. More...
4 juin 2017

Social services education gets upgrade

European Commission logoA recently completed project has shown how universities working across borders not only develop better programmes but they also give the graduates and social services practitioners a better understanding of the needs of the people they will support.
Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education (CBHE) projects support the modernisation of higher education institutions and policies, with a clear focus on the EU's partner countries throughout the world. CBHE is the successor to a range of regional programmes including the Tempus programme, which selected its last projects in 2013. More...
4 juin 2017

Consultation on shared values launched

European Commission logoThe European Commission has launched a consultation on promoting shared values through education.
The consultation, which runs until 11/08/2017, is open to the general public, and will inform policies that promote social inclusion and the ownership of shared values through education, while also helping to prevent violent extremism.
The consultation is part of the follow-up of the Paris Declaration on promoting citizenship and the values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education. More...
4 juin 2017

Students join together across the Atlantic

European Commission logoThe "European Horizons" project is one of the most innovative and successful projects supported under the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet activities in the last few years. By sharing knowledge about the EU abroad, the project looks to build solidarity and democratic participation.
European Horizons is a US-based, non-partisan think-tank devoted to exploring the meaning of European identity, modernising and reforming the concept of the social market economy, promoting the cause for European integration, and deepening transatlantic relations. More...

4 juin 2017

Free digital learning opportunities for migrants and refugees

European Commission logoThe European Commission's Joint Research Centre has released a report on Free Digital Learning Opportunities for Migrants and Refugees: An Analysis of Current Initiatives and Recommendations for their Further Use. This report, drawing on case studies and expert interviews, can be of interest to educators, providers of learning initiatives, individuals or organisations supporting refugees, and policymakers. More...

4 juin 2017

New study released on preparing teachers for diversity

European Commission logoThe study was drawn up to shed light on the challenges and opportunities of the increasing diversity of European classrooms, as well as to identify practical measures to support teachers in dealing with the challenges they are faced with.
The study starts by identifying the challenges and opportunities current facing teachers as a result of the increased diversity of classrooms, as well as identifying the skills that teachers need to be able to deal with diversity in the classroom. It then elaborates the current policy landscape for preparing teachers for dealing with the increasing diversity, including a mapping, skills frameworks, quality assurance mechanisms and funding incentives. More...

4 juin 2017

Le dispositif de l’emploi accompagné : maintenir dans l'emploi les personnes en situation de handicap

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Le 1er janvier 2017, a été officialisé le dispositif d’emploi accompagné. Son objectif est de permettre aux travailleurs handicapés d’accéder et de se maintenir dans l’emploi rémunéré sur le marché du travail. Ce dispositif comporte : un accompagnement médico-social et un soutien à l’insertion professionnelle. L’employeur est lui aussi impliqué dans le dispositif. Voir l'article...

4 juin 2017

Accordons-nous !

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Dans le cadre du mois de la citoyenneté active, focus sur une initiative originale venue du Québec : l’accorderie. C’est un réseau d’échange de services, qui permet in fine d’apprendre à vivre ensemble et de participer activement à la vie de la cité. En France le réseau se développe également. Voir l'article...

4 juin 2017

L'accorderie : un système d'échanges à vocation européenne?

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Cet article fait suite à l'article de blog "Accordons-nous", publié sur EPALE et présentant les grands principes des accorderies. Voir l'article...

4 juin 2017

Formation professionnelle, introduction sur le décret qualité

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Aux fondements de nos questionnements sur nos pratiques de formation se posent désormais la loi du 5/03/2014 et son décret d’application du 30/06/2015.
Etonnamment, les premiers visés sont les financeurs classés en 5 catégories : OPCA, Etat, Région, Pôle Emploi, Agefiph. Ils sont désormais chargés de s’assurer « lorsqu’ils financent une action de formation professionnelle continue (…), de la capacité du prestataire de formation (…) à dispenser une formation de qualité ». Voir l'article...

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