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25 mars 2017

European shared strategies to put in place a coherent involvement of migrants, youth migrants, asylum seekers and refugees

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European shared strategies to put in place a coherent involvement of migrants, youth migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Erasmus + », du 15 au 17 mai 2017, Rome (Italie)
Les agences Erasmus + italiennes organisent une conférence transsectorielle sur le thème de l'inclusion des migrants, des jeunes migrants, des demandeurs d'asile et des refugiés au travers du programme Erasmus +. Les représentants d'autorités nationales et locales, d'ONG, d'écoles, établissements d'enseignement professionnel ainsi que d'organismes d'éducation pour adultes travaillant avec ces publics cibles sont invités à s'inscrire. Voir l'article...

25 mars 2017

1ères en Europe pour la mobilité sortante, les agences Erasmus+ France sortent leur site commun !

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Le site INFO.ERASMUSPLUS.FR, conçu conjointement par l'agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation et l'agence Erasmus + France / Jeunesse et Sport, propose un premier niveau d'informations sur l'ensemble du programme Erasmus + (publics concernés, types de projet éligibles, points de contact, etc.). Voir l'article...

25 mars 2017

Rapport d'activités 2016

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Le rapport d'activités 2016 de l'agence Erasmus + France / Education Formation vient d'être publié. Vous pouvez le consulter en ligne. Voir l'article...

25 mars 2017

Action Research for Language Teachers : project developments

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""The ECML project entitled “Action Research Communities for language teachers” aims to make techniques for action research widely available to language teachers across Europe by establishing a community of practice which brings together newly qualified and experienced teachers with teacher educators and university researchers. The project will strengthen professional language teaching networks by forging links between academic expertise on action research and good practice in language classrooms. Language teachers will be able to benefit from improved access to action research and to a diverse range of perspectives on teaching methodologies. Voir l'article...

25 mars 2017

Partenariat de coopération avec l’Université linguistique d’Etat de Moscou

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Le Centre européen pour les langues modernes (CELV) a signé un mémorandum de coopération avec l'Université Linguistique d'État de Moscou (MSLU). Celui-ci se concentre, en particulier, sur la coopération dans le cadre du projet du CELV « Promouvoir l'excellence dans l’instruction en langue des signes » (PRO-Sign 2), qui représente un domaine d'intérêt prioritaire pour l’Université. Avec cet accord, la coopération est reconduite pour la durée du programme du CELV « Les langues au cœur des apprentissages » (2016-2019) et permet d’intensifier les contacts d'experts établis entre les deux institutions. Voir l'article...

25 mars 2017

Increased attention for minority languages and linguistic minorities in the European Parliament

The report on minority languages and education delivers an in-depth comparative analysis of thirteen language case studies in order to gain insight into the situation of minority languages in education in Europe. Indications for best practices are described and challenges that minority languages face in education are highlighted. Specific attention is directed to vocational education and career perspectives. The report gives recommendations how the EU can support minority languages in education. More...

25 mars 2017

FUEN submitted statements to the 34th Human Rights Council

FUEN has submitted two statements. Under the agenda item 3 - Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development – it asks attention for the advisability of re-opening of Turkish schools on the islands of Rhodes and Kos and calls on Greece to respect the education rights of its citizens who belong to the Turkish minority on these islands. More...

25 mars 2017

FUEN critical towards the new administrative regulation in Brandenburg

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Today, the Parent-Child-Initiative is planning to hand over a preliminary version of their petition at the Landtag in Potsdam. The initiative is supported by the Domovina, the Union of Lusatian Sorbs, and the Council for Sorbian Affairs at the Potsdam Landtag. More...

25 mars 2017

FUEN Congress 2017 - Registration

Spring is already on our doorstep, bringing with it sun and warmer days. Our thirst for discovering new places and new people is probably at its highest peak. Good news, a great occasion to test your spirit of adventure is just around the corner. The date of the FUEN Congress 2017 in Kolozsvár • Cluj-Napoca • Klausenburg, 17-21 May 2017 is approaching. The local organising team of the RMDSZ and FUEN, the Presidium and the General Secretariat, are working together to prepare a wonderful event, with interesting debates, cultural programs with a lot of surprises and the best conditions for participants. More...

25 mars 2017

The hosts of the FUEN Congress 2017 are ready to welcome their guests in Transsylvania

"FUEN will be at home in Transsylvania. The delegates and our guests will have the chance to present an up-to-date situation of the minorities and their proposals for Europe and the member states. We would also like our guests to get to know better our region, the Hungarian community and other nationalities in Romania and eventually become ambassadors of our cause wherever they go" - stated the President of FUEN at the group meeting of the Hungarian (RMDSZ) members in the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament. The leader of the parliamentary group Mr Attila Korodi stressed the importance and the role of the FUEN in shaping the future of the minority policy in Europe and praised the chance offered to the RMDSZ to organise the FUEN Congress 2017 in the capital city of Transsylvania. More...

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